Zed has been a player all his life , changing women , every now and then without any care in the world but the interesti...
Hi beautiful, Sarah heard someone calling from behind, she was in deep thoughts and could tell whoever it was has been calling her for sometime now, she turned around only to see a very handsome man approaching her, she was confused. Zed knew he was charming so his confidence was on another level, he approached the lady with a small smile on his face, Sarah was lost again, what would such a handsome man be wanting from me, everyone can see that am pregnant and many are avoiding me , what is it with him?, she was thinking , the man looked rich his clothes were of famous brands and from the way he looked one could tell that his background is really good, so how come he's smiling at me, a lowly, pregnant woman, she shook her head in confusion , the man tapped her shoulder , this had her think that maybe the man had evil motives , she had heard of those rich people who sell others for slavery, it dawned to her that maybe he wants to kidnap her and steal her baby when he/she was born, with that in mind she turned around and started walking in hurried steps away from the man , she didn't bother talking to him. Zed was left wondering what was wrong with the girl, he walked forward again with his long strides which couldn't be compared to her and caught up with her she started speeding up as if she wants to run , when he noticed she wants to run away, he told her that he meant no harm, she got tired easily and slowed down, after all she was pregnant, she looked at him with doubt and asked what he wanted from her.
Hello , my name is Zed , have seen you walking alone from afar, i first didn't mind but you turned at some point and i happened to see your beautiful face 'of course the fact that she was pregnant too' that he can't say out loud. And so i thought i can't let my lack slip off my hands , you look very beautiful and charming, can i at least know your name? , he asked .
Sarah was lost of words , he thought there was something wrong with his head , so you saw my beautiful face but couldn't see my big berry , she asked, Zed chuckled and answered , of cos i have seen it but that makes no difference , the fact is that i like you already, and you don't mind that am carrying another man's child? she asked again , not at all, zed answered.
She didn't know what to say , she stared at him for a while before clearing her throat, excuse me Mr man today is not a fools day and don't think i will fall for your joke or trick whatever it is , kindly excuse me i need to go home and rest.
Zed knew it would not be easy to convince her , it has never been anyway, but he knew how to play round with his words, you haven't even told me your name , Sarah was not willing to but there was a look on his eyes that told her that he wasn't a bad man, she told him her name and turned to leave again, wait , Zed said , what? she asked , can i drop you off at your place ? i can see you already look tired , no, am okay i'll be there soon , it ain't that far and besides am doing exercise while walking, Zed didn't want to be so nagging otherwise he would be dismissed so he just nodded and left. Sarah continued her slow walk to her rented apartment, unknown to her , Zed had followed her from a far distance and when she opened her door and got in , he smiled and left , wait for me darling i will surprise you soon , he left after saying this in a small tone to no one in particular since he was alone.
Sarah got to her house and was pretty tired so she laid on the couch to catch some sleep before getting up and continuing her duties. She slept for almost three hours until she was later woken up by her phone, it was ringing non-stop and she was wondering who it was calling her that much , apart from her mother and her friend Anita, she's not used to receiving calls so it was either of them .she got up and picked her call , as she had predicted it was her mother asking how she was doing, her mother is checking on her too much lately since she knew that Sarah was pregnant. She was mad at her at first but then what is done is done, she didn't want her daughter to end up like her, she was in her position years ago and was left alone to take care of Sarah at a tender age , her father had married another woman, and left them out the reason was because his family didn't want him to marry a lady from a poor background and he had to listen to them since he preferred to inherit his family business over their love and that was how she ended up a single mother , it took her so much tome to accept that fact , she had cried day and night , her family didn't want her anymore since they thought she was a disgrace to them so they sent her away, . Her mother suffered with her for so long until she was able to secure a job in a bakery not far from where she was staying , the job was not paying well but she had to do it to sustain herself and her baby. Sometimes she worked overtime with no extra pay but she didn't mind since she needed the job, the journey wasn't easy she swore to bring her up with all the love she could get , do that she couldn't lack anything and she really tried her best and Sarah was obedient and disciplined until she went to college, whatever happened there was unknown to her till she called her telling her that she was pregnant, she was very mad at her asked of the person responsible for her pregnancy but was told that he had disappeared after learning that she was pregnant, how unfortunate, she told her to go back home but Sarah couldn't do that she found herself a freelancer job and was working from her house, it wasn't easy but she has to endure to the end.
Whenever her mother called her like she did now, tears would threaten to come out at the reminder that she failed her mother after all her struggle to send her to school, she vowed to work hard and get her mother a better living , she didn't want to be deceived again thus she will avoid men like a plague, the call ended after some minutes and she went to the kitchen to get herself a bottle of chilled water. She was glad that her mother was checking out on her. She did her chores , cooked some light meal before retiring to bed. The next morning, Sarah woke up and made her breakfast, washed the used dishes and went to her bedroom, to get her laptop, she had some work to do, it wasn't paying much but at least it was paying her rent and took care of her daily needs. She liked working while listening to soft music, from hen she was done , she was planning on going out for some fresh air, she went back inside and changed into something comfortable for a walk , picked her earphones together with her phone, she was and music are inseparable, particularly now that she's alone she listens mostly to keep herself from thinking too much. She got to her door and was startled to see a bunch of roses at her door step, a card was placed on top of the flowers.it had some writings but she didn't bother to look at it , she took the flowers and tossed them on the trash bin outside on her way out. She turned on her music and walked on her usual route that was less busy, she didn't like working out or running so she'd just walk some rounds to and from her house, sometimes being at the park before going back to the house.
Sarah has been finding Flowers at her door step for Three consecutive days, and tossing them on the dustbin without checking what was in , on the fourth day the card was bigger and more beautiful , she was tempted to check and when she opened it , she realized it had the name Zed on it , she remembered the guy named Zed and before she could throw it away too , he came from nowhere and stood in front of her,she wondered if he had been watching her all this while. She asked why he was there, how he knew her house and why he was sending her flowers everyday all in one breath, he wondered which question to answer first ,he said he was here because he wanted to see her and again told her that he has been watching her throw away the flowers everyday and decided to show up the day she opens them, of course he is not going to tell her that he had followed her home that day without her knowledge.Okay I got it, I have opened your card so if you don't mind kindly get out if my house and don't ever show your face here again, Zed was wondering what he had done wrong, as if reading his mind she told him that he did nothing wrong but he was not welcomed anywhere near her, he was reluctant to leave , he left at last when she threatened to start screaming. He gave her his card but she tossed it in the dustbin together with the flowers, she wasn't interested in any relationship.