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Zed went back to his office and did some work he had left halfway before going out. He didn't go home, instead he went to a club, he needed a drink so he asked Mark ,his friend out, Mark was a busy man but he couldn't lack time for his friend, he also liked messing around with women but not pregnant women, he had tried to understand what was the problem with Zed but he didn't. They went out and after a few glasses of wine , Zed started telling him about the new lady he met, that's Sarah, Mark always felt pity for these ladies because he knew none of them would be married by his shameless friend. They fought sometimes back when he had warned a woman against him but the woman didn't listen to Mark ,she thought maybe he was interested in her too that's why he didn't want her to be with Zed poor her , he let her be and at the end of it all, she was heartbroken, she once called him regretting why she didn't listen to him but what was done was done, there was nothing she could do about it Zed told him that Sarah had accepted his gifts and he's almost there, making her gall for him , against her will, he laughed out loud. Do you usually enjoy what you do to them, ? Mark was asking Zed, shut up there, do you think I could be doing it if I don't enjoy it, and I can actually see where you are ended , don't lecture me, you are not qualified, besides, I don't force them to love me, they are pregnant and lonely, if they haven't learnt from their previous relationship then it is not my fault, am just having fun, so don't spoil my mood . As you say, Mark lifted his hand in surrender and gulped down the remaining content of his wine. I guess I have to go, there's a lot I need to take care of in the company so I guess tonight an burning the midnight candle.

What will I be left doing here all alone, let me also leave,I guess I will have to visit my new woman , and try getting closer to her,Zed also picked his car keys and they both left the place, they drove in opposite directions with Zed driving to Sarah's place while Mark drove back to his company.

Sarah was already asleep when she heard a knock on the door, she thought maybe she was dreaming so she ignored the knock but it persisted,she got up and went to check who was there at this hour of the night, normally, no guest would come to her house at this time so it was somehow strange, she first checked through the window. She was surprised to see Zed standing there with no hurry in the world, she was contemplating whether to open the door or go back to sleep when she heard him say, I know you are there,have heard you coming down , so please open the door for me, there cold is extreme, am afraid I might freeze out here, Sarah knew how bad the cold was so she opened the door and once he was inside , she asked why he was there at night, Zed looked very innocent saying that he could not sleep because his mind is filled with her images.


Look Sarah, have tried sleeping for three hours but the sleep ain't coming,the moment I close my eyes, I just see your pretty face , trust me I think you've gotten into my mind heart and soul at the same time, so that's why you are here? Sarah asked with a straight face, yeah ,I thought since I can't sleep without you, why not come and see you personally maybe I might be able to sleep with you around ,he said, sleep where? Asked Sarah, here of course, you must be joking,so since you have seen me kindly just leave my house, I want to catch my sleep. Where else do you want me to go Sarah, your house of course, and if you can't sleep there you can go to a hotel or a friend's house,I don't care I just don't want you in my house period,. It's very cold outside and I might not be able to sleep even in a hotel do please let me stay for the night ,I promise to leave first thing in the morning. He pleaded, Sarah was short of words, she can't be too cruel to let him sleep outside, he had bought her lot's of baby stuff in the morning so she can't be rude to him, something caught her mind at the thought of that, oooh so you are here because of the things you brought earlier today, Z d didn't expect her to think in that direction do he immediately denied that, , I can also sleep on the floor,I don't mind as long as you are in the same house, Sarah was wasting her time here so she brought him a blanket to sleep on the couch,with the expectation that he would leave in the morning,but that wasn't the case what she saw when she woke up was starting.

Sarah,was not expecting to see Zed when she woke up in the morning,in fact it almost nine am she had slept in ,so she thought he might have left for work but that was not the case. He had made her a very enticing breakfast, she was almost salivating forgetting to ask why he was still there, Zed was somehow stupid,he would go to any lengths just to have her in bed, he smiled at her and with morning greetings, she ignored them and asked why he had not left yet he said he would leave first thing in the morning, Zed said that he thought it would be rude for him just to leave like that after spending the night at her house and so he thought of doing something in return of the favor and breakfast was the best idea he could come up with at that time, if she said she wasn't touched,she would be lying. She tried hiding the smile that was threatening to form on her face and said thank as if uninterested, Zed could see through her but he played dump , at least have a sit and enjoy the breakfast before it gets cold,he pulled a chair for her and she sat down, why are you doing all this for me? Sarah asked, it's because have fallen for you, he said, she just shook her head and chuckled a little, besides I noticed you stay here alone and carrying a baby sometimes you get tired so since I couldn't be there those times ,let me just do the little I can , Sarah still could not understand his motive, how on earth could a man be this Happy taking care of a woman carrying another man's child, that was unheard of, she kept thinking of other possibilities, she didn't realize she was smiling at his gentleness until he asked what was so amusing that she was smiling so brightly, when she got that she quickly regained her serious face and ate the food, it was so delicious, her cooking could not compare to what she was eating,it was as if he was a qualified chef, it's as if you cook a lot, she commented, oh yeah, you see have been used to cooking for myself since I mostly stay alone so I had to learn the skills ,besides it's something I like doing , if you don't know then I must say you are very good at it, sometimes it's good to appreciate other people's abilities,she thought. If you don't mind I can be cooking for you, you know, he winked at her, there's no need I can take care of myself and thank you, said Sarah dismissively. Alright then,Zed didn't argue further, he also sat there and shared the table for breakfast with her , he left afterwards and promised to come check on her later, Sarah didn't know what to answer, should I tell him not to come back or just let him , she was debating within herself, Zed saw she wasn't answering and said a goodbye once again before he left with a smile plastered on his face, yeees, she was falling, he's was celebrating silently, Sarah stood at the door for a while, when she came back to herself, she slapped her face lightly warning herself not to fall in love again,she could hear her heart was reacting in a funny way towards this guy, especially when he made her breakfast,she felt warm , she had not met a man with so much concern and now she feared for her poor heart. She had to be strong not to fall for him ,she had promised herself and her mother not to make the same mistake again, all she wanted is to take care of her child when he/she was born ,so she should not be distracted by this man who just showed up in her life at the wrong time, in fact she was grateful that someone was showing interest and concern to her even in her condition, the big reason she can't hate the guy, he seems caring but she can't understand why he can't find a fresh lady ,he has the money it's evident so it shouldn't be hard for him to have a woman, so she thought, anyway it's not in my ability to choose who he wants to be with but I should be more careful,she warned herself again.

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