They say the clutches of fear are likened to leeches.
It sucks the life out of you, leaving you grasping onto little to nothing.
Perhaps, it was that feeling which brewed inside of me, while I tried evading that trailing vehicle behind me.
All the while I cut through lane, following those adjoining roads leading out of this highway, that same black ford was still to be found lingering behind.
Of course, I sought to evade the motorway, taking a route I only deemed safe, yet at every corner I turned to, the car was sure to follow, keeping to its pursuit.
I had pushed hard on my accelerator, already defying the speed limit, but spare obedience of traffic rules for some other time, for it didn't take long for the chase to begin.
That vehicle came hightailing me.
Juddered, I was, such fear already shaken to my core.
I would have a glance back every now and then, still unsure of whatever the people in that car sought with me.
I went maneuvering the car onto the roads ahead, missing vehicles by only an inch, all the while, heart had gone on a race of its own.
What luck befell a lady on such day?
I had just gone reaching for my purse on the passenger's seat, fishing for my gun secured in its hold, but bypassing a roadblock, the car had been sent jolting, and the items in my purse, falling out, all scattered around.
Perhaps, luck played with me. Laughed at me even, yet, I not for once did I come to a halt.
Body gasped for breath, screamed for comfort, but I tell you that unknown vehicle trailing behind, aimed not to spare me some rest.
And on I went, diverting the highway, advancing a lone path.
The calm. In that moment, it arrived.
That vehicle was no longer to be found tagging behind me, instead, I was now parked along a distressed looking path, sat in my car, hoping the event I had just witnessed, was far from my fears, but I knew the answer to that.
I was given a second to catch some air, and I tell you, the peace which followed was everything, but short-lived it was, for in that same minute, I thought I had thought my save, I caught sight yet again of that ford incoming.
I was still found warring whatever thoughts I had engaged in minutes ago, when a car from nowhere rammed into mine, sending my vehicle into the bushes.
For a moment, I had a glance at death, coming to behold it smile at me, but with a voice bellowing somewhere in my head, my figure rammed into the headboard, my car soon colliding onto a tree.
I heard the sound of doors shutting, and next followed footsteps alongside voices falling faint.
Those footsteps drew even nearer, and only when I had pried my eyes open, did I see those figures advancing.
It didn't take a snap for me to have the ignition turned, reversing the vehicle out the bushes, in which it had crashed into.
Off I went, brushing past those incoming figures, and all I could catch onto were the sound of their yells as they hurried back into their car.
And yet again, the chase resumed.
Head light, body numb, I fought to keep my eyes open, struggling with the hold of my steering.
Down the bumpy path, I was hurrying along, when another vehicle out of nowhere, came launching at mine.
With so much speed it came at me, advancing from the road ahead.
Then did it hit me-I was cornered.
In that moment, I felt the life slapped out of me. A haze, all I was filled with.
Perhaps, this was it.
But surely, if it was the end, then I had better go down, with whatever dignity I had left.
At that, I pushed on the accelerator, switching gears.
And off, I took, advancing the incoming vehicle, with the speedometer reading at a rise before me. M
It came so fast, and for a second, I felt my heart skip a beat, but just a feet away, a second from the impact, I swerved my vehicle off the road, and then followed the crash.
Bonnet to bonnet, both vehicles had rammed into each other.
And then came the silence.
For I tell you, that was all I could make out for a fleet second, and the next thing I beheld was that vehicle, sent flying off the road, tumbling in the air upon its impact with the other.
I watched it crash to the ground, the vehicle upturned, with a fog of smoke having formed around its tires.
And at that, I snatched my seatbelt off, grabbing my pistol, and alighting from the car.
I was met with a figure staggering towards me, and with the state of the fellow, it was only a surprise he managed to still stand on his feet.
"Asher sends his regards to you" He uttered, pulling his gun into the air, but the bullets which followed only dented my car, missing me by a few.
Bullets already fired from my own gun, I advanced the man, bringing him down in a second.
I watched him drop to the ground, and with an open wound right on his chest, I beheld the life get sucked out of him.
Pushing off my feet, I hurried to that vehicle laid upside down at the other side of the road, only to meet blood flowing out the driver's side, with the sound of someone sputtering to be heard upon my approach.
I pushed on, moving closer, and soon stopping right before the vehicle, I saw the man, struggling to break out of the car.
"Please" His words wavered, face already battered.
"Help m-
A bang breaking into the air, with a bullet fired from my pistol, in that second, I put an end to whatever words he had to say.
And then followed the cruel air of quietus making its arrival.
Bodies sprawled on the ground, the lot of those lives altered by my bullets, the sight appeared a gore for my burdened heart.
Figure slumped to the ground, my gaze came set on the stars at taking the night sky, and with the wind, soon encircling my form, I shut my eyes to the silence, basking in the still.
I'll kill Asher Rikkard. Even if it's the last thing I do, I will.