Who knew all which that word bore, was the wrap of some stranger's body around mine, alongside that gaze of his which threatened to have me melt on this ground I stood.
We had taken leave out of Club Venus, and although, something said to return to Valerie, I just was stubborn on missing my chance at this fellow.
And here we were, bodies opposing each other's in a hotel room at the heart of London.
Those eyes of his remained rested in mine, and only coming up close to this form was I spared a chance to peer proper into that gaze of his.
Those eyes of his were the calmest blue I ever had seen, prying to uncover all that made me.
I watched him push aside the strand of hair which had fallen over my face, and with a stroke of his thumb on my lips, I felt the burn in my chest.
"Heather" His voice was mellow, soft.
"Would you like to have this dance with me?" His whispers brushed into my ears.
"There are no tunes playing" I followed.
"Not yet" Came his voice.
And at once, I watched him move to the stereo sat on a table at the end of the room, and with a click on it, soft violin tunes playing had taken the space.
Hands outstretched to me, I watched those eyes take mine.
"Would you have this dance with me, milady?"
I stared at this being. Such delight of a fellow, that threatened to have my ethics bent. And at the slip of my hands in his, he took me in his hold.
On we went, figures swaying side by side, moving from one end of the room to the other.
I mirrored the smile which had now taken his lips, and with grins, sat on both our faces, the violin tunes playing in the room, not to forget the breeze which sailed in from the windows, dancing around our forms, this felt like heaven on earth.
Being in the arms of a stranger was such sensation I never knew I sought.
Those eyes of his still sought abode in mine, and with our figures jiving, our gazes remained in each other's.
I watched him, and he watched me.
I had my arms around his neck, and he had his, around my waist.
The sound of his breaths filled my ears, and my hands went caressing his face.
And then it happened.
He crashed his lips to mine, pulling my body nearer to his. The hold of his lips was just as light as the wind which carried itself around our forms, but in a minute, they pried further into mine, searching for abode.
His hands wandered around my form, exploring all that was underneath my dress. I heard the rip of the fabric, and next followed the red 'Amber Taylor' Piece which Valerie had been kind to fetch for me, dropping right at my feet.
I watched his eyes gleam at the sight of my naked body, and with a pull at me, he brought his lips to my neck.
I helped undo the zipper of his pants, snatching his jacket off him. At each passing second, my body turned eager, soul hungered.
He only watched me, a grin sat on that perfect face as I undid the buttons of his shirt, and soon having his chest bare, I traced my hands all over him.
Slowly, I took off his pants, giving all teases, at each movement I made.
I could see the erection of his member, the sight only foretelling that the night wasn't getting any younger.
And at that, I made away with his briefs, having him in his bare state.
Here we stood, naked bodies opposing each other's.
I could hear the sound of our breaths turn heavier, the beats of our hearts moving in sync, and at each passing second, those blues dared me, gazing upon my profile, beckoning onto me.
It didn't take much long, for in a second, he had scooped me in his arms, taking me to the bed centered in the room.
I watched him crawl atop of me, and with his figure position right between my legs, I bore myself to him.
His lips roamed every part of me; from the bed of my tongue, to the skin of my neck. And from the perk of my breasts, finally settling on the throb of my vulva.
I jolted at the rest of his tongue between my legs, and at each kiss he laid down there, the gasps were sure to be emitted from me.
Dammit! The thrills of such stranger, a delight as he unraveled every sensation concealed in me.
His hands groped at my curves, lips exploring the delicacy of my 'lady', and while the sound of my moans, mixed with the tunes of the violin was all which filled the space, I found myself succumbing to the clutches of the night.
This stranger bore the hands of a potter, the thrills of an adventurer, and certainly, the workings of a lover.
He was every comfort.
"You're beautiful, Heather" Those words bounced into my ears, hands still groping at my curves, but I tell you all seemed lost to me, as I was to be found lingering in such allure of the moment.
He traced his fingers around my legs, that gaze of his never leaving mine, and with a tug at them, coming to settle my legs in each side of his shoulders, I felt him push in.
Body juddered, figure arched, in the time he made his way inside of me.
The call of my name, the shadow of his touches, alongside the tease of kisses, all of that had me withered, while he pushed all of him proper into me.
I felt the ting inside of me. The ting in my heart, which was left filled at the thrusts of this stranger turned faster and faster.
His eyes commanded mine, our bodies moving in sync. And in the time his figure sought to bring all calm to my being, I wondered if this was all which made up paradise.
The sound of his skin slapping against mine, his fingers interlocked in my frail ones, and the lock of that blue gaze on my profile, there was no denying how much he had claimed me.
For that was all what he did.
Tell me how some stranger could claim much possession of me, having it known that I was his in this moment-His to love, his to know.
"I wanna show you what love is, Heather" Came that voice.
"Love is certainly far from having perspired bodies dancing with each other's" Followed my voice coming out in wavers. "It takes time to finally unravel love" I pitched
But he only shut me up with a kiss, trailing his lips to my bosoms.
"Believe me, soonest, I'll have you realize that it takes merely a second to fall in love"
And with that he had taken me in the sweetness of the hold, pulling me into the joy of his embrace.
The sound of our breaths turned heavy, bodies wrangled in each other's, and while the night, sought to make its escape, I found myself engraving this hour in my heart, in which I amassed such joy inner had gotten while copulating with this stranger.
It was every delight.
A delight I never knew bore its repercussions.