I wandered into the bustling space, eyes set on the over-frantic swaying forms.
It was a passion-filled crowd, one with wasted forms, all for the clutches of sensation to have them retreat with the night.
Bastards! The lot of them!
But who really was I to judge? I was here for the same cause as they were-To drench my pains, and wallow in an hour I only hoped would drown my worries.
"Come on, the party's this way"
The break of that voice, alongside the tug of my arms, had me beholding the figure who was now pushing her way through the crowd, leading me to a reserved area.
At each person Valerie by-passed, she was sure to wave at, having them throw such remarks, even my alcohol-knackered state had me cringing at.
I was no saint amongst such gathering filled with sinners. In fact, I had my sins I fought with, but I certainly wasn't as rowdy-going as the faces I found around.
How could I be? When in fact the only place I lingered myself in, was no farther from my space of work, onto my family's dealings.
That was all I surrounded myself with, all I made sure to concern myself with-Take care of that which father left behind.
Perhaps, that was the sole reason Valerie had dragged me out of my home, deciding working hours were just too much for me.
Who could blame the girl though? Ever since father was murdered, I had spared no time to myself.
And yes, he was in fact Murdered, for I so happened to have been there the minute he breathed his last, stood out in the cold streets, on a stormy night, I watched my father gunned to the ground.
Even now, in my memories, was the vision of that body laid at my feet.
The body of my father.
I could still see the gunshot wound right on the chest.
He had been targeted, followed and killed.
I was with him that very night, arms linked in his, while he went on about the family's business, his favourite topic of discussion every now and then.
The conversation ended with him talking about how he would one day leave it all to us.
"It must be up-held with great concern, for it is our Heritage, Heather" Those were his final words before the gunshot rang, and his body slumped right before me, his blood, streaming away with the rainwater washing down the street.
Shot in the open streets, on a stormy night.
My face was the last he saw.
The man who pulled the trigger, a work dog of the man I swore to hunt-Asher Rikkard.
"Hello, beautiful"
That voice had snapped my gaze to a beady-eyed face, bearing a crooked grin which was set on me.
"Valerie, love. Who have you got with you?" The fellow inquired, eyes still skimming the most of me.
Perhaps, my alcohol-induced state had taken most of my consciousness, for I happened to wobble on my feet, sight all in a daze.
However much I had craved for something to quench the burn in my heart, it shouldn't have been this much liquor which barely had me keeping to my stance.
Valerie's order, it had been.
Let's savour the thrills of the night, so she said, yet here I was, praying I wouldn't find myself kissing the feet of a hundred people who so happened to have walked into this room.
"Would you like a seat?" Beady-eyed fellow, offered, and at once, I reached, taking his hands as he led me to the couch at the far end of the room.
I dropped into the plush seat, heart thrumming, head turning light.
Of course, I was better tolerant to alcohol, but knowing the pain which lingered in me, I just so happened to be a wreck on such alluring night.
The chatters still broke out around me, bodies jiving to the tune playing in the room, and in the haze of my sight, I barely could make out the figures swaying around me.
And at that, I fell back into the seat, only watching a daze. I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me, those steps heavy, something told me to fetch Lily at once. But then I remembered, Valerie had made sure I left my glock, back at my residence; something about being free for once.
Those footsteps drew even closer, and at each second it came, my body struggled fighting the liquor, but all of me was left beaten, I only lingered where I was-A blank state, that is.
"Hello. May I be of company to you?"
Something about that voice.
Dammit! Something about that voice brought all the ease to my soul.
It was as smooth as the day's breeze on England's countryside, calming as Grams voice while she took me to sleep, and certainly as pleasing as that moment I walked down the street with Father, discussing what I thought life to be.
That voice, sparked the vigor back to me, and soon turning my gaze to the figure which stood over me, I was met with the most delectable being I ever had come across.
Blame the liquor for not having my sight proper on this form, but even at that, I knew when someone stood alluring.
But there was something familiar about this one. Maybe, just maybe, it was the state of me, but I tell you, the air which surrounded him was one which had me lost.
His eyes pierced into mine, boring into my soul, gnawing to have a peek at it.
Sat on his face, were the most prominent features, I believed God had his time on; Dark hair, falling graciously over his face, nose held straight, and those lips...Dang it! I was just a second from falling into the arms of some stranger, and pulling those lips in mine.
And only at a nod from me, had he taken a seat right next to my form. Those eyes of his watched me, perhaps, seeking to uncover all there was to the lady before him.
"You are stunning" He dropped.
Yet again, that voice of his.
I couldn't tell if the was liquor inside of me, but I ached to be swept up by this Mister.
All of me ached to end the night with him. Perhaps, it was the alcohol in me, perhaps, it wasn't, either way, I yearned for him.
"I find it you don't partake in the amusement going on around you" He spoke.
When no response followed from me, he only let out a chuckle, and I tell you even the sound of his chuckle was music to my ears.
"Heather" He pronounced, and at that, I froze.
"How do you know my name?" My voice was better produced, and while it broke out, I watched those eyes remain on me.
"I couldn't miss out on the name of such vision" He followed. "Also, I might have heard your friend call you that" He revealed.
Our gazes only remained locked in each other's, each one seeking to pry into the other, and with this fellow only gazing at me, I found myself lost.
"You happen to follow people around, eavesdropping on their conversations just to catch their names?"
At my words, he scoffed, gaze resting in mine.
"Only those I find fetching" He poured.
And at that, I flushed, pulling my eyes off his.
"Also, you may have crashed into me, whilst making your way to this corner" He laughed.
"No, I did not" I followed after his chuckle, defending.
"Believe me, Heather. You did"
"I tried steadying you, but you barely acknowledged me, and found the next figure to ram into"
And then poured the laughters from me.
Such glee which had claimed the most of me, was all I waddled in. And in the time the sound of my laughs broke out into the space, those peering eyes only watched me, a haze of something I could tell not, filled in that prying gaze of the fellow.
"How would you like to make an escape with me?" There came those words.
I watched him lean closer to me, and for a fleet second, his eyes fell on my lips, but at once, they returned to the pause of my eyes.
"There's somewhere better I could take you to Heather" He poured.
"Somewhere peaceful"
I tell you, the events which were to occur were far from being what I had imagined the day to toss my way.
And that dear reader, was how I found myself taking the hands of this striking stranger, and having him lead me to what would only be a delight of the night.