Aidrian was just entering the building when he heard someone call out for Xar. Finally! Hurrying toward the front desk, where he saw a figure in a black trench coat leaning over the counter, he stopped just shy of running into the person he sought.
“Excuse me. I need to talk to you. I’ve been looking for you,” he said in his accented voice.
Within seconds, Aidrian found himself looking into a pair of eyes that made his breath catch. One of his country’s most elite warriors, there wasn’t much Aidrian faced that made him pause, but this woman’s eyes did. They showed and enticed him with their intelligence and independent spirit. Large and green, they looked up at him from under thick, golden lashes. Her skin was smooth, and she had high, exotic cheekbones that framed the small nose of her delicate face. Although pale, he could see the slight tint of a golden tan on her exposed skin.
Her mouth curved temptingly. Aidrian furrowed his brows as his eyes raked over her coated figure one more time, almost as if he could see what treasures lay hidden beneath the thick black material.
“What can I do for you?” she asked as her eyes, too, took in the picture he presented. Aidrian knew she noticed the sturdy build of his body, the way his black jeans hugged his legs so tightly, showing off how muscled they were. Although the coat hid his upper body, it wasn’t hard to ascertain it would be as nice as his lower body.
His eyes narrowed in disbelief. “You? You’re Xar?”
One half of her mouth curved up in a smile, unaware of the havoc that simple action created in the man across from her. “Yes, I am. Although most call me Jötunn.” She held out her hand. “Xaria ‘Xar’ Hummel, also known as Jötunn.”
Aidrian took her hand, noticing how his swallowed up hers. He wished she weren’t wearing gloves so he could find out if her skin was as soft as he thought it would be.
“Aidrian O’Shea,” he managed to mutter. She was stunning, despite being so covered.
“And again, I ask, what can I do for you?” she questioned as she took her hand back, using it to grab the stack of messages the front desk man had slid toward her.
A woman? It’s a woman I’m supposed to learn from? Wait a minute, she looks familiar.… Aidrian ran his onyx eyes over her and tried to imagine her against the elements. She seemed almost frail next to his powerful body.
When she raised a golden brow in silent inquiry he spoke. “I heard you taught people how to be out on the ice.”
Xaria ran her tongue over her lower lip as she glanced down to the papers in her hand. She flipped through them before she answered. “I have been known to do so.” Eyes like green ice looked up at him.
Aidrian looked down at her. She stood about five-six to his six-three. “Can we sit down?”
Xaria sighed. “I can meet you in the restaurant here in about twenty minutes, but I really want to get into some clean clothes.” Without waiting for a response, she turned and walked away.
Aidrian remained immobile until she disappeared from sight. Then he turned to the man at the counter. “I need a room.”
Twenty minutes later, Aidrian sat in the restaurant facing the doorway so he could keep an eye out for his would-be companion. He’d secured a room in the hotel and had changed into something a bit nicer. He swirled his drink before taking a sip. He just about choked when she walked through the door. He couldn’t stop his groan of approval from slipping out.
Her hair was loose around her shoulders and it bounced seductively with each step she took. A sweatshirt the same green as her eyes covered her torso, although it couldn’t hide her full breasts from his gaze. She wore a pair of jeans that lovingly molded to her form, showing off the assets, and a pair of hiking boots was on her feet.
It was with sure steps that she approached him. Her hand pulled out a chair as she sat. “Sorry I’m late.”
Aidrian took his seat when she made it obvious she didn’t need him to pull out a chair for her. He picked up on an unusual smell that settled around her. It wasn’t anything he’d smelled before, but he found it very soothing. “No problem,” he said, tamping down his body’s reaction to her.
A waiter stopped by and asked what they would like. Xaria only ordered a drink. While they waited for Aidrian’s food to arrive, she put those damnable green eyes of hers back on him.
“What can I do for you, Mr. O’Shea?” She took a drink of her iced tea.
“I want to hire you. I need to be taught the secrets of the ice. Basic survival skills are a must, but I need more than that.” He paused as his food arrived. “I need to know how to discern if the ice is safe or not, and the quickest and most efficient way to build shelter in it.”
She placed both her elbows on the table and gripped a wrist as her chin settled upon her hand. “Why come to me?”
“When I looked into the best person, everyone said Xar Hummel.” He took a bite of his shrimp.
“And yet, at the bar, you assumed Xar Hummel was a man and excused me like a whore who’d used up her usefulness.” There was undisguised bitterness in her tone.
Aidrian was glad she couldn’t see the flush of embarrassment that crossed his face. “I apologize for that. No one told me you were a woman.”
She finished her tea and nodded. “And you just assumed a woman couldn’t possibly help you.” At his shrug, she continued. “Well, in this case, you were right. I can’t help you. You’re going to have to find someone else.” Xaria stood, tossed down the money that he’d given her earlier, and walked away without a backward glance.