Aidrian was shocked. He wasn’t used to being dismissed like a small child; and yet, that was exact-ly what she’d done. It was almost as if her mind had been made up even before he told her what he needed.
With a quiet dignity, Aidrian finished his meal, paid, and went to his room. Fuming, he strode back and forth. This was definitely not the outcome he’d been wanted. Or anticipated.
Aidrian unbuttoned his beige shirt, tugged it out of his pants, and let it hang around lean hips. “What the hell am I going to do?” He walked over to a chair and flopped down into it. His feet thrust out in front of him as he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate.
Unbidden, the image of Xaria Hummel popped into his head, of her sitting there across from him at the table in the restaurant and standing there watching him in the hotel lobby. Her eyes were something else; they sparkled with something he wanted to learn a bit more about.
Standing in an abrupt motion, Aidrian grabbed his ice bucket and keycard before stepping out into the hallway. He moved down the red carpet confidently. As he turned the corner, he saw a couple in a heated embrace. Shaking his head, Aidrian walked around them and continued for the ice machine. As he was on his way back to the room, the couple was still there. Only this time, they weren’t as loving.
Immediately, he sensed a problem. The woman was emitting little gasps and the man was shielding her body from view. But the vibe in the air was just wrong. Those weren’t pleasant moans coming from her.
“Is everything okay?” Aidrian asked, slowing down.
The man visibly tensed, turned his head, and snapped, “We’re fine. She’s just a bit tired that’s all. Mind your own business.”
Biting back his initial response, Aidrian hesitated a moment and said, “Ma’am? Are you okay?”
A pair of brown eyes glared at him. “I told you,” the man growled. “She’s fine. We’re just catching our breath before we go back to our room.”
“If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to hear it from her,” Aidrian stated easily, rolling his shoulders as he adopted a more ready stance.
“Tell him, babe. Tell him that you’re fine and he can leave,” the man ordered, shifting his body a bit.
“Help,” she whimpered. “Help me, please.”
The man jerked. “I warned you—”
Still holding the ice bucket in one hand, Aidrian plucked the man up off the floor and away from the woman like he weighed nothing. The woman sank to the floor, fighting to find her breath, her beaten condition obvious.
Aidrian shoved the man against the wall, his hand clasped around his windpipe. “That is not how you treat a woman,” he growled low in the back of his throat.
The man’s eyes began to bulge as Aidrian kept applying pressure. “Not so tough, are you, now that you’re dealing with a man who can defend himself.” His eyes flashed dangerously. “Don’t come near her again.” He abruptly released the man and knelt beside the woman still slumped on the floor.
Aidrian reached out for her. “It’s okay, ma’am. I won’t hurt you.” His words were coaxing as he witnessed her shrinking back from him. Although he didn’t turn, he was aware the man stumbled down the hall leaving them alone.
Her wide, hazel eyes lost some of their terror before she succumbed to tears. “I thought he was going to kill me,” she sobbed.
“Let me look at your throat, ma’am.” Aidrian set down the ice bucket and gently moved her hands, exposing the dark bruises that were already visible. I know I would have killed him if I had seen these beforehand. “Can you breathe okay?”
The slim brunette nodded. “I’ll be okay, thanks to you.” Another wave of tears began to fall. “Can you see me to my room? I don’t mean to be a bother, but I’m scared he might be waiting for me.”
“Of course.” He stood in a single flawless motion and reached out for her hand.
She shook as she placed her hand in his, but she allowed him to pull her up. Taking two steps, her knees buckled and she would have collapsed if Aidrian hadn’t been there to support her.
As he gathered her close, he could feel her tears on his chest. “It’ll be okay. Can you walk?” All she did was cry harder. “Give me your key,” he ordered. She did as he commanded, taking it out of her pants and holding it out to him with a trembling hand.
“It’s Room 628,” she mumbled, not taking her face away from the security of his chest.
Readjusting his ice bucket, Aidrian swept her off her feet and walked down the hall, holding her tightly to his muscled body. His strides were sure and swift as he took this woman to her room.
Soon, he was in her room and walking through it allowing it to close behind him. He moved to the bed and gently laid her upon it. “Here you go, ma’am. I’d get yourself looked at if you have any trouble breathing. But you should report him. You’ll be okay?” he asked as he went to the bathroom and got a wet cloth for her to put on her neck.
Tearstained and puffy-eyed, the woman looked up at her savior. “I…I…I don’t know if I can. But, I thank you for stopping him. Thank you, so much.” She placed her hand on his arm.
“Glad I was there to offer my assistance. Goodnight,” Aidrian said softly as he handed her the keycard. Then he silently left for his own room.
Once there, Aidrian fixed himself a drink. Sitting back down in the chair by the window, he sipped his water. The chiming of his cell phone snapped him out of his mental wanderings.
“O’Shea,” he said after flipping it open. A grin crossed his dark face as he moved to the bed and stretched out to take this call.