Aidrian said goodbye to his sister and watched her climb onto the bus that was taking her to Melbourne. He hated she was traveling with that man at her side. In his opinion, Miles Horne was nothing but a letch and a danger to his sister, a reporter who often went with Affrica when she went out shooting. She always seemed to find great stories, and not intentionally, either. It just seemed to happen that way for her. And Mr. Horne, in Aidrian’s opinion, used her for that, concerned about getting the front-page story and not about his baby sister’s safety.
Plus there was the fact the man was constantly hitting on her.
He stopped waving as the bus turned the corner. Most of him wanted to take the next bus and meet her in Melbourne to stay with her. And protect her.
That was what big brother’s did. He knew it annoyed her at times, but he didn’t care. He only had one sister and there was no way in hell he would face his parents and tell them they’d lost their only daughter.
Despite his apprehension about her latest trip, Hondo still felt excited about meeting Ms. Hummel for lunch. He liked her. A lot. Even despite her initial refusal to help him.
Walking into the hotel, he glanced at his watch and then turned for the dining room. Xaria was in the lobby just before the dining area, waiting for him. She sat in a chair, skimming through a magazine. He knew she wasn’t really reading it because her eyes continually looked up and around before flicking back to the page.
Hondo didn’t understand his attraction to her. He wanted to needle her to get those gorgeous eyes of hers sparkling up at him. He wanted her to be the one out on the ice with him. For more than one reason.
As if she read his thoughts, her luminous bottle-green eyes flashed up to his. One of her blonde eye-brows rose in silent question. A slight tremble flowed through him at her stare.
She wore jeans and a black sweatshirt. Her golden hair fell in waves around her shoulders, giving her a seductive appearance. He swallowed and bit back a groan. She was beautiful.
She rose in a fluid motion and walked toward him. “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming, Mr. O’Shea.”
“Dinna know I had a curfew, Miz Hummel; I apologize. I was seeing mah sister off on her bus.”
One eyebrow rose. “That really was your sister?”
He nodded. “Aye. I said so, didn’t I?” The air around them seemed charged. He inhaled sharply, again inundated by the striking scent she wore.
“So you did. I apologize as well. I shouldn’t have assumed you would lie.”
He flashed a grin. “Well, now that we’ve both apologized, let’s start fresh. Shall we get some lunch?”
Her smile melted his insides. Brilliant white teeth stood out against her honey-hued skin. That sparkle was back in her eyes as she stared up at him.
“Let’s,” she agreed.
Xaria kept her eyes on the handsome man across from her. She couldn’t help it. He was such a work of art. His skin, a deep, smooth brown, reminded her of sinful dark chocolate. Her gaze traveled over the firm chin, high cheekbones, and damnably handsome features. She shifted on her chair as the thought of being in his arms filled her mind.
“Okay, Mr. O’Shea. Now that you have me, why don’t you tell me what you think I can do for you?”
There was a small flicker on his face. His eyes shifted and looked her over before he smiled. Xaria realized what she’d said and it took all her willpower not to retract any of it. She knew how it must have sounded.
The arrogant smirk that flashed across his face told her exactly how he’d taken it, anyway. “Do I?” he asked, his rich brogue flowing over her.
She held his gaze. “For the moment. I have a plane to catch in one day.”
He sighed. “What will it take for you to not get on that plane and teach me what I need to know?”
“I honestly don’t think there’s anything you can say, Mr. O’Shea. While I’m happy my earlier assessment of you was wrong, I have no intention of missing out on this trip.”
A smile quirked his lips. “You are? What’s your assessment o’ me now?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t push your luck. Tell me why you need my help.”
Xaria’s breath hitched as he leaned in closer. The table between them suddenly seemed much, much smaller.