I was, for some unknown reason, unexpectedly invited was to Jessica Aurelius’ 18th birthday party exactly one month ago. As you don’t know Jessica and her click, I’ll make a short introduction to let you know the context. Jessica’s the daughter of the nearby Northern Vargher werewolf pack´s Alpha, named John. The Northern Vargher operates the adjacent twin town of Espborg. The only secondary school in the area is located in between Espborg and my hometown, Solhall. Since the towns are so close and both have grown so large over the last 15 years, we’re practically the same city now. Except that Espborg is run by the Northern Vargher pack and Solhall is under the rule of Erik Lantz, the alpha of the pack Great Freke. Great Freke is winning in size, power, influence, and money over Nothern Varger easily, especially since the current Alpha John took as Alpha in the pack. The previous Alpha was his late brother, who died protecting both cities and all creatures in it from rogues invading the lands. Although Northern Varger is the smaller pack, they have quite the reputation and authority since the golden days. Due to her family´s substantial influence in the area, Jessica’s the typical popular brat. It’s so cliché, yet so true. If you’ve ever watched the movie “Mean Girls”, Jessica´s equivalent in the film is Regina. Yes, she’s that terrible. I suppose it inevitable when you’re gorgeous, rich, powerful, and spoiled beyond reasoning. It kind of annoys me that she doesn’t have any flaws, except having an awful personality. I mean, couldn’t she at least be stupid, or something? She certainly won the genetic lottery, that’s for sure. Jessica’s surrounded by her minions, who, of course, all are popular and successful too (the cliché continues). I know, I know, right now you’re thinking “Wow, but Sam seems so awesome, so charismatic and cool. Of course she’s invited to all sorts of social gatherings and events. Her charming ways and sophisticated manner are envied by all and her presence is the pinnacle of every happening. She’s very modest, too.” I know that all of what you’re thinking is, naturally, true, but no-one else seems to agree with that statement. In fact, I’m quite anonymous. Not that I actually mind, life is easier when you’re just along for the ride. Needless to say, the supercilious Jessica does not interact with plebeians like me. Quite the opposite, she makes very sure to down talk everyone she does not deem worthy. But it so happened that the entire school was invited to her party, and so I found myself in a very crowded summer house out in the archipelago on this unusual humid and warm Friday night. My foster parents even let me stay out this night, without me having to bargain for it by taking on extra chores around the house. Attending this party was not really what I would have wished to do, but Jonas kept nagging on me to go, so I thought I’d indulge him. Apparently, he had a crush on someone who would be at this party. He refused to tell me more about it, “not to jinx it”, but I actually think he’s already seeing this girl. He’d been more busy than usual lately when I had asked him to hang out with me.
“Come on. Who is the lucky girl? You could at least give me a hint! Is she a witch? A werewolf? Human? Is it a boy? Oh…Is it a vampire?”, I kept harassing him while checking out the crowd for potential suspects in the middle of the huge living room.
“Sam, just stop asking. I’m not going to tell you.”, he says with slightly pink ears showing.
‘Oh, so he seems to really like whoever this person is’, I think to myself and look out in the crowd of people in the extravagant living room we were hanging out in. Or should I even call it a living room? I guess this is what rich people would call a “social area”, a place for entertaining. I bet Godmother Marie would call it something as fancy as that, her house is equally posh as this one. The black concrete house is built very modern, and the “living room” is packed with designer furniture in white and chrome. The walls are white, and the entire space with its high ceiling is lit up by the dim light coming from the giant chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. The room is facing the sea with massive panoramic windows, giving us a spectacle view of the water and the sky. I smile when I notice you can still see dark orange slivers of rays of sun on the horizon far away across the water, even though it’s late in the evening. I really do love summertime in this country, it’s light outside almost 24/7.
I wonder how Jessica’s parents could allow their daughter to use this house for her party? I can see at least four beer stains on the white fur-like carpet, and someone has knocked over a huge vase that looked very expensive before being shattered to the floor. And I think I can see someone sleeping on top of the piano in the corner, next to the guy that just chugged down his beer and smashed his beer glass on his head, yelling “another!” What’s wrong with teenaged werewolf boys!? I shake my head.
“Anyway, I haven’t told you how good you look tonight, Sam.” Jonas says and racks his eyes up and down my body.
Okay, maybe his not that into this person, I’m thinking as Jonas´ eyes linger a bit too long on my cleavage. I don’t get a chance to reply as we are, thankfully, interrupted by a loud voice directed at us.
“Hey! You two! We need a couple of extra people in here!”
I look over my shoulder and notice Sarah, one of Jessica´s minions, pointing a black stiletto shaped nail at me and Jonas. I narrow my eyes in suspicion, this does not bode well. Jonas quickly says:
“Sure! Come on, Sam!” and trots over to Sarah’s side like an obedient dog. I’m no fan of Jessica, or her posse (due to the obvious reason of them treating everybody outside their circle like crap), so I’m a little annoyed at Jonas´ enthusiasm. Two witches – Ella and Hanna - peek their heads out the doorway:
“Please, Sam! We´re so few. We need extra people!” Both girls look practically ecstatic, Ella with her platinum hair tied in cute little space buns and dark, shining eyes (most likely a result of equal parts excitedness and one or two bottles of beer to much) practically begs me to join. Okay, fine, I’m evidently outnumbered, and I also don’t want to be a killjoy and bring down the mood. I follow Jonas to the adjacent room and groan immediately upon seeing the scenery.
“Is it too late to back out now?” I ask unhappily. I’d rather go to the dentist than this!
“Yes”, chirps Sarah and sits down in the circle of people, flipping her chocolate brown hair over her shoulder and looking eagerly at us.
You know where I’m going with this, right? Young people, it’s a party, it’s a circle of people sitting down on the floor. There a frickin’ bottle in the middle of the room. Yes, the correct answer is, it’s “spin the bottle”! An activity that all persons with a little dignity should avoid like the witch hunts. It seems I’m apparently the only one in the room with some dignity left, but reluctantly sit down next to Ella, after looking at all of their expectant faces. They look like puppies begging for a treat. God damn it, why am I so lenient!?
Sarah gives the bottle to the girl on her left and says,
“Okay, so whoever the bottle spins to, you need to give that person a hickey!”
After a few rounds, where the bottle successfully seems to be able to understand my dying wish of not being spun to, it’s Ella’s turn to give me a dare. I feel calm, Ella’s a very sweet girl and wouldn’t give me a dare that was out of my comfort zone. I can just sit through a few more rounds and then make my excuse. I chug down my drink hastily. That’ll give me a legit reason to leave, right? Can’t go without a drink on a party! Ella deliberates internally a few seconds and then her almond-shaped eyes light up and she claps her hands together, creating a jingling sound from the large number of dangling bracelets she wears on both arms.
“Oooh! I have a great dare for you!” She pauses dramatically and I give her a nervous look, not feeling entirely sure I’m safe from any embarrassing dares anymore.
“You’ll have to give a compliment to whoever the bottle spins to.”
Such a sweetheart. A totally safe dare. I smile and reach out my hand to receive the bottle from Ella’s hands. The bottle is however suddenly intercepted inches from my hands by someone else.
“Om my Goddess, what is this? Human Bible camp? No Sam, I’ll get you a proper dare.” I hear someone say. Sigh. It’s the birthday girl herself, Jessica. I usually stay out of her way, but she’s been taking every chance lately to pestering me when the opportunity presents itself, like “inadvertently” smacking me in the face at a volleyball game in gym class, or talking loudly about “poor unloved, orphaned children” when I walk by.
She scoots herself in between me and Ella, sitting on my right-hand side. She looks as dazzling as ever with her sequin sprinkled, short, strappy dress and high heels. I feel very under-dressed in my yellow sun dress and sneakers. Her long caramel hair flows over her shoulders. I wonder how long it takes to straighten that amount of hair? It must take hours, I think to myself.
Sam, focus! You have evil personified in front of you, and she’s going to have you do something embarrassing!
She gives me a stunning, yet wicked smile and says slyly;
“I dare you to 60 minutes of kissing whoever the bottle spins to.”
She looks very content with herself.
“60 minutes?” I said hesitantly. “You don’t think that is a little…long?”
“Oh, no worries, you can use the guestroom.” She winks at me and adds; “It’s empty... Who knows, you might want to do more than just kissing. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Finally, be able to have some physical closeness with a special someone.” She looks at me with a pitiful face, like I’m the most pathetic creature she’s ever seen and then glance over at Jonas with smug smile on her face. Jonas looks back at Jessica, beaming, apparently not noticing the rude insinuation of hers. Or is he not noticing it because he hopes I want the bottle to spin to him!? No, no, no, no, not again. This time I will definitely knee him in the groin if he tries something fishy.
“Fine.” I growl. Since when did I growl? It actually sounded a little threatening, and I could see Jessica narrow her eyes at me and look me up and down, like I’m something the cat dragged in. Probably the Alpha-blood in her telling her not to put up with insubordinates´ antics. I don’t care as I’m not a werewolf, and even if I was, I wouldn’t back down or show submission to her. It’s just not in me to roll over and lick somebody´s paws, not when they are as un-deserving of it as her. I look her insolently straight in the eyes and spin the bottle as hard as I can. It spins and spins rapidly. It’s spins more turns than normal. Am I that strong? Hmm, impressive.
“Hey guys, scoot over, I’m down for a game or two of spin the bottle!” Jonas is unceremoniously showed away in a millisecond, and he stares angrily at his assailant. It’s Him. I gulp while the bottle spins away. It’s Alex. My crush since middle school. I was so smitten by him after he rescued a little bee from drowning in a puddle of water at school after a rainy night. Okay, that might not sound so impressive and cool right now, but it was back then. I also kind of think it says something about a person caring for those smaller and more vulnerable than yourself. The fact that Alex is hotter an ignis incantation doesn’t hurt either. He sits down next to my left with a grin on his face. Not more than one second later, the bottle stops to a halt, directly aimed at Alex. His bright blue eyes light up,
“Hey, it landed on me! What’s my price?”, he says confidently, like he already knows.
Jessica slams her fists into the floor and yells;
“NO! You just arrived, Alex, so it’s not fair you just took Jonas’ place like that! It should be Jonas!”
“Hey, babe, chill. What’s the big deal? So, I’ll like, what, get a quick kiss from some lucky person, and that’s it.”, he says smirking at me, very well knowing I’m that “lucky person”.
I clear my throat; “Uhm, well, actually, it’s 60 minutes kiss-athon in the guest room.”
“Even better”, he winks at me with a crooked smile, showing of a brilliant set of teeth that seemed to be illuminating the entire room.
Holy hell. I could get used to that smile. I mean, yes, Alex Lantz is a big-time player, very known for his flirting with anything with boobs (however, now that I come to think of it, he’s never even seemed remotely interested in me, even though I evidently possess boobs as well. Should I feel personally attacked!?). But, he is also in a newly established relationship with the fuming, very angry she-wolf sitting on my right side, that looks like she’s about to transform into her wolf and rip me apart any second. Getting in the middle of that would be asking for problems. I do hope the Hagalaz protective charms covers angry fangs and four-inch claws to the throat.
“NO! This wasn’t what was supposed to happen! I demand a re-spin!”, Jessica yells.
“Well, babe, you don’t always get what you want. Anyway, I just saw you getting a kiss from some guy in this game, so that’s the problem?”, he says and get up. Ah, so this is what this is, jealousy. Alex just saw Jessica kiss another boy and wants to get payback for that. Great. And I who almost thought he was actually, possibly, a bit interested in me (and my boobs!) for real. Or at least found me attractive, maybe?
He grabs my hand and drags me after him, out of the room and into the crowd in the living room before Jessica can get to her feet in her five-inch heels. My hand tingles and I can hear her angry roars somewhere behind me, but Alex cruises through the group of people in no time.
Where is he taking me? Not to the guest room, I hope? I don’t want to have some freaky make out session based on a lover´s quarrel. Or do I? I think to myself. The thought of his lips on mine, my hand running through his locks of thick hair, him biting my lower lip and his hand caressing my skin for the next hour do seem like an increasingly great idea, indeed.