"Ashton, you're going to pay for this shit. I'm serious. Reason why I love Christmas is a possibility of getting a bag of candy or a gift card and you bought me a damn bra as a joke. ", Lucas growls at Ash in the hallway and Jasmine and I can't help but laugh in our room.
"What time is it? ", I ask.
"23:59. ", Jas answers and I nod and rub my hands together.
"Three, two, one... Merry Christmas! ", she squeals and jumps on top of me.
"Whoa. Merry Christmas baby, but don't you think Santa will be all weirded out if he came and saw you pinning me against the mattress? ", I send her a goofy smile and she grins at me from above. She looks like a damn angel.
"He told me to give you your gift. ", she winks and brings her lips to mines. I smile into the kiss and bite her bottom lip.
"Merry Christmas guys!! ", the others rush into our room seconds later and freeze when they see us.
"Woops, awkward.. ", Damian backs away.
Jasmine quickly gets off of me and sits on the edge of the bed as I groan. Fucking bastards, they have to ruin Christmas for me. Can't I just get laid by my girl? What's wrong with that thought? Gah.
"Merry Christmas you annoying people. ", I say and sit up, rubbing my eyes. Jasmine nudges at my shoulder and whispers to me to be nice. I roll my eyes.
She walks over to them and hugs each of them as I just sit and stare at them blankly.
"Awh. Come on, Logan. Lighten up. ", Damian pinches my cheek. "You're so cute when you're annoyed. We have to annoy you more often. "
"Fuck off. ", I hiss and smile at him.
"No cursing, Santa won't get you a gift if you're naughty. ", Damian smirks.
"I don't need Santa to give me a present. ", my eyes drift away to Jasmine's dreamy ass. I smile to myself.
"We all need Jesus. ", Damian remarks.
I laugh. "Merry Christmas, bro. "
"Merry Christmas, Jasmine. ", he jumps on top of me and I groan when his knee makes a rough contact with my crotch.
"It's fun only when Jasmine does it. "
"Sex is on fire! ", Damian sings as he presses me to the mattress and starts fighting me.
"You're a maniac! ", I laugh and push him off of me. I grab myself through my pants. Fuck, did that hit hurt.
"Sing it with meee. ", he pleas.
"My cock is on firee! ", I sing and glare at him.
"Okay.. You guys obviously have never heard of inner peace, love between the family members and quality time with your siblings, without a fight or any bickering session on Christmas. ", Kimmy lectures. Damian and I stare at her, blinking rapidly.
"That's what I thought. Marry Christmas bros. ", she jumps on top of us and Mason runs to the bed as we scream and jumps too, hitting me right there with his elbow. Ashton is next, he presses Mason's elbow harder against me and I scream and breathe in and out multiple times.
"Get the fuck off! ", I push each of my siblings off of me and get up, stumbling to the closet. Lucas and Lillie are laughing at me and I glare at them.
"I'm afraid I won't be able to receive the gift. At least not tonight. ", I whisper in Jasmine's ear and she laughs and pushes my shoulder.
"Okay, we are going to go now. Leave these two finish what they started. ", Lela winks at me and I growl at her. I growl a lot. I might be a fucking dog on the inside.
They all leave and me and my numb crotch fall back to the bed. Jasmine giggles as she pulls her sweater off of her body. She's now only in her top and jeans. I smile at her, still hurting. When she climbs back on top of me again and grips me through my pants, I groan.
"Hey, look at that, I'm cured. ", I tease and raise my head up to kiss her. She smiles and plays with the hem of my shirt, pulling it off seconds later.
I grab her by her gorgeous ass that I was staring at minutes ago and switch our places so I'm pressing her body against the mattress now. Her wrists are in my grip above her head and she's smiling at me with pure love and want glossing in her beautiful eyes. I come closer, my lips going to her neck and gently kissing and sucking on it. Moan she lets out seconds later is enough to make me hard. So hard. My hand goes down to her breast and cups it, increasing her breath. I love the way she's on fire when I touch her. She immediately turns the switch on, starts shaking with need for me. I love that.
"Fuck, I need you. ", I groan and part her thighs with my knee, pressing myself against her more. I purposely rub my crotch against her.
"Logan. ", she breathes out my name and rubs up and down my chest.
"Baby. ", I pull the top off of her and admire her curvy chest. She's wearing a red laced bra. She's all about the Christmas spirit.
My mouth is on her chest and I lick everywhere my tongue leads me to.
"Merry Christmas. "
"Merry.. me. ", I whisper, so low that I'm sure she didn't even catch the words.
My thoughts are confirmed when she reaches out to take off my pants.
It's not the right time anyways.