"Have you packed your bags? ", Casey asks Logan as I lean against the door frame and watch him grab some papers.
"For the hundredth time, yes. Will you stop annoying me now? ", he turns to her and she scowls. I laugh at the two of them and shake my head.
"This is so amazing! You guys are going to spend Christmas together, how romantic. It's like an early honeymoon. ", my friend squeals and I giggle.
"Yeah. Well, it's a preparation for it. ", I wink.
Logan' eyes are on me the entire time and I can't help but feel anxious about his lack of words to this subject.
"Jasmine. Are you ready to go? ", my boyfriend asks me.
I nod my head:"I have everything packed. I just need to fix my makeup real quick. "
Logan grabs my arm and pulls me through the front door into the hallway.
"You don't need any makeup. You're beautiful without it and learn how to appreciate that. Plus, we are going to be late and you know how my mom is about her turkey. We have to come exactly five minutes after it's finished because that's when it's the best. ", he rolls his eyes.
I smile at him:"Thanks and let's go then. "
"Casey! What are you doing? We need to leave. ", I call for her and she rushes out of our bedroom.
"Sorry. Just had to make your bed since you guys are clearly incapable of doing that. That bed is always unmade, it really smells like sex in there. You guys must be really active. ", she winks and I flush. Logan rolls his eyes and drags me out. I grab Casey's hand and drag her out behind me.
Logan turns back to lock the door and puts the key into the pocket of his jeans. I breathe in and out and shiver from the coldness as we leave the building. He notices and wraps his arm around me, pulling me to his body as close as possible.
"That thing looks hideous on you. ", he pulls my cap over my eyes and lets out a chuckle as I fix it. I glare at him.
"Better wearing it than completely freezing out here. ", I point out.
"True, true.", he now turns to Casey. "We're gonna drop you off at your place now before we leave so you don't freeze out here. "
"Aw. What a gentleman! See Jas? I wasn't wrong about him when I tried to convince you he wasn't an obnoxious snob. ", Casey hits my and Logan' shoulder and I roll my eyes.
black only raises his eyebrows at me and smiles. We enter the car and have a five minutes drive to Casey's apartment in complete silence, maybe word or two were spoken about a cold weather and Christmas at Lagner's house.
My friend kisses my and Logan' cheek and gets out of the van, jumping into her building excitedly.
"Well... She's annoying. ", Logan says amused.
I smack his shoulder:"No, she's not. "
"So... An obnoxious snob. Anything to say about that? ", he asks me while smiling like an idiot.
"I do I was completely right. It was the first time we've met. "
"Aw. You thought I was obnoxious, how cute. ", he leans over and kisses my cheek. Lips can never fight a smile when you're truly in love.
"Let's go. We have three or four hours long drive to Philadelphia. Oh, now I remember, I got you something. ", he turns to the backseat and grabs something."Here. I got you a blanket so you don't freeze in the car. I remember you complaining about how cold it can he so we'll keep this in a car so you can wrap into it and feel warm even when my body isn't the one to warm you up. ", Logan winks and I take the blanket from his hands.
He's so lovely.
"Thank you, Logan. I love you. ", I give him a smile and cover myself with the thing.
"I love you, too. Now let's go get that annoying sisters and brother of yours. ", he guns the engine.