Logan's POV
"Okay. Kimberly, you're next. ", I say as I put my arm around Jasmine's shoulders and pull her closer to my body on the comfortable leather couch.
"Yay! ", she squeals like a five years old even though she's thirty-two.
Kimmy's fingers work fast on the tape and she unwraps it from her present, revealing a book and a picture of our family. Cute.
"Aw. This is so adorable. I'm gonna put it in my collection. "
You see, in our family Kimmy is the one who keeps all the photographs nicely ordered and has a whole complicated process of finding a place for a new photography. Mom calls it responsible and cute but it's sick if you ask me.
"I got a teddybear. ", Damian laughs and hugs it.
Correction, this is sick.
"Alright, Mason? ", mom sends an impatient questioning look towards my dark haired boy brother and he nods, smiling and picking the present from under the tree. He unwraps it and Lela watches him the whole time.
Have you ever had a friend that had a crush on someone and tried to hide it but it was so obvious that practically everyone that talked to her could notice they're liking that someone? Well, that's Lela.
"Wow. A new.. diapers? ", Mason cringes and pulls the tape down completely.
"They're not diapers, they're a new, white, clean pair of boxers for you and Kimberly thought of buying them. ", mom explains to him.
"I got.. underwear.. for Christmas? No. I got the joke present. Gah. ", Mason bends his head and furrows his eyebrows.
Joke present is the game that we pull every Christmas. One of us puts the stupidest present under a tree and who opens it, it's their time to put the next one next year. Last year's joke present was Ashton's. He got condoms from Damian who opened the joke gift a year before and it's reasonable to say that my mom was grossed out. It was Ash's time to do this year's gift.
"Mm. And chocolate. ", Damian says as he finishes the last piece of Mason's chocolate bear. Mason groans and hits Damian's shoulder.
"At least take the underwear too, please. ", he complains. Damian shakes his head.
"Sorry, dude. I'm not wearing those. "
Jasmine laughs in my arms and I can't help but feel the tingly feeling that occupies my stomach every time I hear that sound. She's just so gorgeous with this red Santa's cap on her head, red sweater and those rosy cheeks that glow with happiness, making me pinch them every time I get the chance. Like now.
"Hey. This is like the tenth time you did that tonight. ", Jas complains and I chuckle, kissing her temple.
"I can't help it. You're just so cute. "
She smiles at me and nuzzles up her cheek to my chest. I close my eyes and breathe in the smell of her hair. It smells like the perfect Christmas.
"Ashton, you got a hoodie! That's not fair! ", Mason complains. "Let's change our gifts. Mines is better than yours. "
"Oh, no. You always forget that I'm not five anymore. ", Ash's voice fills my ears and I hear the others laugh.
I chuckle and feel my girl do the same.
"You little brat, it had to be an underwear... ", Mason says.
"At least it's not a condom... with a fruit flavor. ", mom glares at Damian who winks at her. She shakes her head.
"Okay! Let's see what I got. ", Jasmine's brother excitedly says and grabs a gift from under the tree.
He removes the tape and opens the box.
"I got.. a bra. ", Luke's face falls.
Mason wraps his arms around his stomach in laughter. So does Ashton and everybody else very soon.