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Chapter 6

As Jay wanted to leave for his trip to LA, his phone buzzed with a text composed by his friends on a group chat where they had created for communication:

“Hey Jay! Just wanted to remind you to take care of yourself in LA. Don’t forget your inhaler and meds, especially with winter coming. Keep warm and covered up! Also, be careful who you hang out with, okay? We don’t want you getting into any trouble. We love you so much, man! You’re going to crush it out there, but never forget your roots. We’ll be praying for you every step of the way and we want you to know that you are always in our hearts. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay in touch! – Your boys”

Jay’s eyes welled up with tears as he read the message. He felt grateful for his friends’ concern and love. He knew they had his back, even from afar. He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of determination and responsibility. He was ready to face LA, his asthma, and whatever challenges came his way.

The next minute, Jay set off for L”, feeling a mix of emotions but also a sense of peace, knowing his friends were watching over him from afar.

His dad drove him to the airport and stayed with him till their plane found it’s speed down the run way and took off that was when it dawned on Mr. Hubert that his son is really a big boy now and has gone to pursue his dream.

As Jay stepped off the plane at LAX, he felt a rush of excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness. He had made it to LA, and now it was time to start his new chapter. He grabbed his luggage and made his way to the campus, his heart racing with anticipation.

After navigating the bustling streets, Jay finally arrived at his apartment complex which is one of the biggest and most expensive in the campus. His dad wants him to keep experiencing billionaire life style. Nestled in the heart of the campus. He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

He quickly pulled out his phone an” shot a text to his dad:

“Hey Dad, just wanted to let you know I made it to LA safe and sound! Found my way to my apartment on campus, and it’s awesome! Thanks for everything, I’ll keep you posted. Love you!”

Mr. Hubert’s face lit up with a smile as he read the text. He had been worried sick about Jay’s journey, but his son’s message brought him a sense of relief. He texted back:

“Aww, kiddo! So proud of you! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures. Stay safe, stay focused, and remember I’m always here for you. Love you too, son!”

Jay smiled, feeling a sense of connection to his dad even from afar. He knew he was going to be okay, and that his dad would always have his back. With a sense of excitement, he began to unpack and settle into his new life in LA.

He sent the same message to his friends too and they were so happy hearing he has arrived safely and was ready to start life in the big city of Los Angeles California.

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