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Chapter 4

Jay sat at his desk in his room, his heart racing with excitement as he logged onto the university’s website. He had been preparing for this moment for months, and finally, the day had arrived. He was about to register for the entrance exam, the first step towards his dream of studying at UCLA.

He clicked on the registration link, and a form popped up, asking for his personal details and academic history. Jay filled it out carefully, double-checking every entry because he doesn’t want to make any mistake which will make him wait for another couple of months. He had to do this with seriousness as it’s his first time registering himself for and exam. His dad has been doing others for him so now he knew it was time to face reality.

He then uploaded his academic transcripts and identification documents.

Next, he proceeded to pay the registration fee, his fingers trembling slightly as he entered his credit card details. It was a significant amount, but his dad was equal to the task and had promised to support him every step of the way.

After submitting the form, Jay received a confirmation email with a receipt and a unique registration number. He printed out the receipt and the admission ticket, feeling a sense of accomplishment, he knew he was getting there already. He had taken the first step towards his dream.

“Hey, Dad! I’ve registered for the entrance exam!” Jay called out, waving the printed documents in the air.

He kept on looking at the printed paper almost every minute of the day. He knew the pictures he always creates in his mind of becoming a pharmacist, seeing himself on a white lab coat as he has always watched series like that on his MacBook and he always dreamt of being like that, analyzing drug samples in the lab, testing out new drugs on human and animals, design and development of new drug molecules and watching them have an effective impact on the people for which ever purpose each one is produced for.

Mr. Hubert looked up from his book, a proud smile spreading across his face. “That’s great, son! You’re one step closer to UCLA!”

The day for the exam finally came and the dad encouraged and assured him that he will do well and his career as a pharmacy will kick off.

The moment he heard his dad say “ Your career as a pharmacist will kick off” he couldn’t hold his smile and his joy knew no bounds. He automatically felt like a hero as he step into the exam hall.

After the exam, Jay walked out of the exam hall, a mix of relief and excitement washing over him. He had given it his all, pouring his heart and soul into the exam. The questions had been tough, but he was confident he had aced them. As he waited for the results, Jay's anxiety grew. What if he didn't make the cut? What if he disappointed his dad? Finally, the day arrived. Jay logged into the portal, his heart racing. And then he saw it - "Congratulations, Jay! You have passed the exam with flying colors! “Jay let out a whoop of joy, pumping his fist in the air. He had done it! He had actually done it! Tears of happiness pricked at the corners of his eyes as he thought about sharing the news with his dad. He rushed home, bursting through the door. "Dad, Dad! I did it! I passed the exam! “Mr. Hubert's face lit up with pride, a wide smile spreading across his face. "That's my boy! I knew you could do it, Jay!” Father and son shared a warm embrace, basking in the joy of Jay’s achievement.

Mr Hubert who has always promised his son luxury beamed with pride as he announced, "Son, I'm throwing a party to celebrate your success! You've worked hard, and it's time to celebrate. Jay’s face lit up, but then he hesitated. "Dad, there's someone I want to invite. Mr. Hawkins, your business associates and my tutor. He's been a huge help, and I wouldn't have made it without him. Mr. Hubert nodded, "Of course, invite him! He's more than welcome he really played a big role in you pursuing your career. “Jay’s eyes sparkled. "Thanks, Dad! And can I also invite my friends from Texas? They've been supporting and checking up on me even before my exams and when my asthma symptoms started. I love them so much that I won’t have enough fun if they are not at my party tonight.

Jay sent out invitation to his friends at Texas, inviting them for party which was scheduled to hold at night. His dad also sent out invitation to his business associates so they will come and celebrate with his son on his first step to achieving his goal.

Night has come and it was time to light up every where. Jay has gone to pick up his cloth and shoe which the dad has paid for already from a vendor in one of the most luxurious boutique at Texas. He moved from there to a spa and unisex saloon to get a haircut. He needed to look very good that night for himself, his dad, his friends, Mr Hawkins and every other person that will grace the occasion.

The night was electric, the party in full swing. The luxurious mansion was transformed into a vibrant celebration hub. Jay’s friends from Texas mingled with Mr. Hubert’s business associates, all enjoying the music, food, and drinks.

Outside, the pool area was buzzing with activity. Their luxurious car park provided a sense of opulence and refinement in the air. A live DJ spun tracks that got everyone dancing. Colorful lights and laser beams crisscrossed the sky, creating a mesmerizing display. Guests laughed and chatted, enjoying the festive atmosphere.

Inside, the mansion was just as lively. A photo booth was set up, Jay’s admission letter into the university was also laminated and kept in the parlor even from a distance you can picture it with fun props and accessories. Jay’s friends took silly photos, giggling and joking around. Meanwhile, Mr. Hawkins engaged in a heated game of pool with some of Mr. Hubert’s associates, trash-talking and laughing.

In the grand ballroom, a sumptuous buffet was spread out, with cuisine from around the world. Guests indulged in delicious food and drinks, toasting to Jay’s success. Mr. Hubert beamed with pride, watching his son bask in the joy and admiration of his friends and mentors.

As the night wore on, the celebration only grew more vibrant, a testament to Jay’s achievement and the joy he brought to those around him.

Jay emerged from his room, looking like a million bucks. He wore a tailored black tuxedo, perfectly fitted to his lean physique. The suit was adorned with subtle silver threads, giving it a luxurious sheen. A crisp white shirt complemented the outfit, complete with a slim black bow tie. His hair was freshly cut, styled with a hint of messiness to add a touch of charm.

On his feet, he wore polished black loafers, gleaming like mirrors. A sleek silver watch adorned his wrist, a gift from his father. Jay’s eyes sparkled with confidence, his smile radiant as he made his way to the party.

As he entered the ballroom, heads turned, and eyes widened in admiration. Jay’s friends whistled and cheered, while Mr. Hubert’s associates nodded in approval. Mr. Hawkins beamed with pride, knowing Jay’s transformation was not just physical but also a reflection of his growth and maturity.

A business associate from behind shouted” he is the real billionaire’s son “. Which made Jay’s head spin the more and he felt on top of the world. He likes hearing that word”real billionaire’s son”.

As the party wound down, Jay stepped onto the stage, a microphone in hand. The room fell silent, they wanted to hear what he has to say with all eyes fixed on him.

“Wow, what an incredible night!” Jay began, his voice filled with gratitude. “I’m overwhelmed by the love and support in this room he said. Thank you all for celebrating with me!” You will all be celebrated too.

Applause erupted, and Jay smiled, his eyes shining with appreciation and gratitude.

“Dad, Mr. Hawkins, friends… everyone… I promise to make you proud in college. I won’t let your belief in me go to waste. I’ll work hard, pursue my dreams, and make a difference!” that will help life’s in the society. I will give life to those whose health have failed them and they are living on a wrong medication.

Mr. Hubert’s eyes welled up with tears, his chest swelling with pride. Mr. Hawkins beamed with a warm smile, nodding in encouragement.

“To my friends… we’ve shared so many memories, times we spent together, and I’m honored to have you all in my life. I promise to stay true to myself and to our friendship. I won’t disappoint you!” As our lives changes from whatever it is now, we will still be friends for ever.

The room erupted in cheers and applause once more, with whistles and shouts of encouragement.

As Jay finished speaking, the crowd surged forward, congratulating him with hugs, handshakes, and pats on the back. Jay’s face glowed with happiness, knowing he had made a promise to himself and to those he cared about.

After the party, when the wonderful and distinguished guests that came has gone home, jay was left with his friends at the car park.

Jay stood in the car park, his friends gathered around him. “Guys, I need to tell you something,” he said, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and sadness.

“What is it?” his friends asked in unison.

“I’m leaving for Los Angeles, California in a few weeks,” Jay announced, his eyes scanning their faces. “As you all know I got accepted into a college out there, and I’ll be studying for the next few years.”

His friends looked at each other, shock and sadness written on their faces. “Dude, that’s so far away,” one of them said, his voice laced with disappointment.

“I know, I know,” Jay said, nodding. “But this is an amazing opportunity for me, and I can’t pass it up.”

His friends nodded in understanding, but their eyes betrayed their sadness. “We’re going to miss you so much, Jay,” one of them said, his voice cracking.

Jay’s eyes welled up with tears. “I’m going to miss you guys too,” he said, his voice choked with emotion. “But we’ll stay in touch, okay? We’ll Facetime, Skype, text… everything. It’ll be like I’m still here.”

His friends nodded, smiling through their tears. “We’ll hold you to that,” one of them said, punching Jay’s arm playfully.

“We’re so proud of you, Jay,” another friend added. “You’re going to do great things out there. Don’t forget about us when you’re hanging out.

Jay assured that they are always in his heart and he will never leave them.

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