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Chapter 5

“As Jay entered their grand parlour, which is a masterpiece of luxury, with marble floors that gleamed like polished ice, crystal chandeliers that refracted rainbows of light, and walls adorned with priceless artwork that seemed to whisper secrets of the past. Plush velvet sofas and chairs were arranged in intimate clusters, inviting conversation and relaxation, while a grand piano stood sentinel in one corner, its polished surface reflecting the vibrant hues of the room. The walls were lined with towering bookshelves, their leather-bound volumes exuding a sense of wisdom and knowledge. And through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the city skyline stretched out like a canvas of twinkling lights, a breathtaking view that seemed to pulse with the rhythm of the city itself.” Mr. Hubert was seated on favorite armchair, his eyes fixed on the letter in his hand. Jay's acceptance to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) stared back at him, a bitter reminder of his own failures as a father. He had promised Jay the best education, but Texas schools couldn't match UCLA's prestige. His mind raced with the implications - Jay would have to leave Texas, move to California, and live with his mom and sisters.A pang of sadness and worry struck Mr. Hubert's heart. He knew his wife and daughters wouldn't provide the same level of care and support he had given Jay. They were too caught up in their own lives, too selfish to prioritize Jay's needs. The thought of his son, his bright and ambitious boy, being neglected or ignored by his own family members was unbearable.Mr. Hubert's eyes welled up with tears as he envisioned Jay struggling in a new city, alone and vulnerable. He felt like he was failing his son all over again, just like he had after he lost his mom. The weight of his responsibilities as a father crushed him, and for a moment, he couldn't speak, couldn't move, couldn't do anything but feel the pain of his son's impending departure. Jay who already knew what was going on in his mind said to his dad with a pale face and his excitement deflated. “Dad, I’ll be fine! I promise to take care of myself. And Mom will come around, she just needs time.”

“Jay, my boy, I understand your dreams, but LA is too far, and your mom… she’s not reliable,” Mr. Hubert said, his voice laced with worry. “Your asthma needs proper care, and I can’t trust her to keep you safe.”

At this point he could only Keep assuring his dad that he will be fine and he will take very good care of himself. Mr. Hubert saw the boldness and readiness on his face and he felt relieved. He asked that he gets dressed so they could go and have lunch.

Just few minutes after lunch is served to them in one of his hotels at Texas as their were enjoying the view of the environment, people moving in and out and satisfying their cravings, lovers having fun at the pools, parents spending time with their kids at the game section and lots more of activities taking place. Jay and his dad were so happy until a message from his mom interrupted their enjoyment. The message read

“Hey, I saw the party pics on social media. Quite the lavish sendoff for little Jay, huh? You haven’t done something like that for your daughters before but anyways that rubbish doesn’t have any right to bother me because I do not even care. Congrats to him, I guess. Listen, if you’re thinking of coming to LA to ‘supervise’ him, don’t bother. I don’t have time for your helicopter parenting. Jay’s an adult now, let him figure things out on his own. You’ve done enough damage, let him be.”

Jay noticed the look on his face and asked him what was wrong and he showed him the message. He looked at the message and smiled and then he replied his dad by telling him to get him an apartment in campus where he can stay with his fellow students and adapt rather than staying where he won’t be loved and he will always feel lonely. The day heaved a sign of relief and said to him “ son this is a very nice idea and am going to do it immediately. That’s why I will always love you because you are too intelligent and smart”. After lunch, they heeded home to get some rest for it was really a long day.

At night Mr. Hubert called his son to talk to him as he will be leaving for school very soon. Firstly he asked him to write down the list of things he will be needing for school so they can get them tomorrow at the mall. Secondly, he told him how much he has invested in him to make sure he gets whatever he dreams about and lastly he reminded him of how he needs to be very serious with his studies and make him proud at the end of the day so his mom and sisters will know he hasn’t wasted time and effort.

Mr. Hubert sat at his computer, his heart heavy with worry. He had been trying to convince himself that his son will be fine at LA but he couldn’t. With a sigh, he opened a new tab and booked a flight from Texas to LA, California.

“Jay, come here for a minute,” he called out to his son, who was packing his bags in his room.

Jay appeared in the doorway, a curious look on his face. “What’s up, Dad?”

Mr. Hubert hesitated, his eyes welling up with tears. “I booked you a flight to LA. I know you want to chase your dreams, but I can’t help feeling like I’m losing you.”

Jay’s expression softened, and he walked over to his dad. “Aww, Dad, I’ll be okay. I promise to stay in touch and take care of myself. You’ve taught me well.”

Mr. Hubert nodded, trying to hold back tears. “I know, son. It’s just hard to let go. But I want you to have your chance at happiness. Just promise me one thing: stay true to yourself and never forget where you come from, Granny will be very proud of you.”

Jay smiled, his eyes shining with excitement. “I promise, Dad. And thank you for understanding. This means everything to me.”

With a heavy heart, Mr. Hubert handed Jay his boarding pass. “Your flight is tomorrow morning. I’ll drive you to the airport.”

Jay nodded, his face set with determination. “I’ll make you proud, Dad. Watch me.”

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