Louis POV.
I just got so angry, so angry, my mother came from work while mommy was driving home. She just started yelling at me for no reason, simple yelling and screaming.
I had enough from her and went upstairs to my room, Mommy Rebbeca had to call just then. She saw me yelling and crying, I don't know how to let my anger out, this is the only way.
When she asked what's wrong, my emotion crashed, they all did and I started to cry, sobbed my heart out. I just wanted hugs and cuddles, but mommy was too far away to cuddle and hug me. I just felt like shit and I had to take my onesie off, this is the one she got me, it had her smell on it.
After my bath, I came to bed in my own PJ, I got under the covers with a big pout, I wanted my onesie back. She raised a brow at my pouty face, she was now in only a loose T-shirt and no make up, her hair in a messy messy bun, not the fashionably messy, this one was really messy.
"I wanna onesie" I pout making her coo at me.
"I'll get you some extra onesies principessa but that one was dirty" she explain and I nod wiping few lone tears.
"Come on baby time to sleep" she says.
I get under the covers and she read me a story, she got some books for me, my favorite being Cinderella.
Sunday passed in a blur, I don't know how the day just went, we just video chatted and had fun together.
Now we came to Monday, the worst day of the whole week, god, kill me now. I got dressed for school, didn't put any make up on because why bother, its just another Monday.
Even the teachers were frowning, no body likes a monday. Laura on the other hand, she had full make up on and heels who wear heels for school...
My first few classes went by quietly, next I have my Fashion class, the only one I like. Mr. Stone was happy and excited, something that's not common on a monday, she waited until we were all seated and tell us the secret to her smile.
"I got a special news to all you designer, one of Milan fashion companies is offering one of you a summer internship, they want a designer and a model" she says and the whole class broke into small whispers, a chance to go to Milan.
I don't think I'll ever get chosen but this is a chance everyone dreams off, me going there for a full summer away from my mother, maybe I can stay there and never come home.
My dream was broken when the bell ramg, the period is over, time for lunch. I got my phone out and started texting mama, telling her all about the Milan opportunity, she said maybe I can win it and...
I hit shoulders with Laura, just my luck. She saw its me who she bumped with and sneers at me.
"Watch were you going freak" she says and I just nod and pick my self up.
I turned to leave but she had to do more damage, she turned to me with her minions and says.
"Don't bother with the Milan opportunity they don't need chubby people with no fashion sense, I'm so getting picked" she finish, flips her hair and just move away.
She's trying to get the model opportunity, of course they'll take her, not me, I'm just fat. I change my mind and skip eating, I'm not hungry any more.
Rebbeca POV.
I walked in my office with one large coffee, my heels clicking on the floor a large sunglasses covering my eyes. I said my good morning and walked into my office, my best friend and assistant Alice.
"Ciao, I have news for you" she says like a teenager with the newest gossip.
"Not in the office Alice" I say scolding her, she just called me bitch.
"Sorry Sorry boss but you're gonna want to hear what I have for you" she teases and I nod for her to just go ahead and say it.
"So a certain school in England, got a certain Fashion class with some decent talents" she start and I nod, yeah yeah we take interns that are gifted all the time.
"This certain school was searching for someone to do a seminar for them" she says still dancing around the topic.
"Alice just get in to it" I say losing my patience.
"Fine fine Fun Killer" she pouts reminding me of my princess pout.
"I found Louis school and offered them an internship for a designer and a model" she says with a pout.
"You what!" I ask in disbelief.
"Louis, your little, I hacked into the school records, she's taking a fashion class ans she's good. So I offered them a chance to bring a student in" she says more slowly trying to get me to understand it.
I set my coffee on the desk and look at her, first in disbelief, but she's been my bestie since forever, I don't expect anything less from her. A chance to get Lou here, spend a summer with her.
"How do we tell them we want Loulou?" I ask not caring that we are scamming the school for Lou.
"We need to send some representative and they'll pick Louis...and..." she says but I interrupt her.
"I'm going, get me a flight" I say picking my coffee and leaving my office got a suitcase to pack.