Rebbeca POV.
The whole day I was waiting for Lou to be back from school, I saw the bruise but I need to know where it came from and how to protect her from having another one. Was it by mistake? An accident? Or did she self harm? My princess won’t harm herself in any way or form, I’ll do the impossible to keep her safe. Even if I had to put mittens on her hands and carry her around, she’s mine now.
I couldn’t concentrate the whole day at work none of my designs felt good or okay, I had so many papers in the bin that it started to overflow. I stopped using my tablet for the day when I almost broke it after drawing a false line.
My assistant and friend Alice walked in and saw yet another rage between me and the damn papers. I won’t be able to do a thing for the life of me today, I need to check on my little, I need to make sure she’s okay.
“What’s up Bitch?” she asks walking in my office uninvited.
“I’m in a bad mood Alice, leave” I say through gritted teeth I don’t want to yell at my friend yet again.
“I see who got momma bear so mad?” she asks in a faked hurt voice.
“No one, out” I say again but it was no use, I knew Alice since we were children, if she wants something she won’t leave till she have it.
“Now tell me really what is it?” she says and I growl in respond.
“You need a little, You’re getting so out of control you are growling like a dog” she says
“Thanks a lot Alice, just what I needed to hear that I sound like a dog” I reply.
“Well you are a Bitch” she says with a smrik.
“There is this girl” I say and that’s enough to get Alice full attention.
“I met her online, she’s a little and adorable. Last night I saw a bruise on her and now I can’t take it out of my mind” I say telling her everything.
“Ohhh…Ohhh…I’ll get to be an aunt again” she says, from all I said that’s all she heard.
“Not until she agrees to be my little and it’s the whole different country thing” I say with a sigh.
“Where is she? Afghanistan?” she asks seriously. Probably thinking about ways to kidnap and smuggle her to Italy.
“No she’s in London, but still the whole relation will have to be online” I say with a sigh.
“How old is she? Make her move in, God, knows you can afford to spoil her”
“She’s eighteen still in school” I say feeling really bad now, the girl is still in school for heaven’s sake.
“Then maybe it’s a good thing you two would be in an online relation you’ll keep her safe until she can move in” my friend says calmly, like she just solved it all.
Well she did have a point, I spend the rest of my day in a calmer way, now that I’m thinking about what Alice said she’s right, there’s lot of predators online that would take advantage of little Lou.’
An online relation will need some special rules, it will also take some working on, the good thing is we don’t have much of time difference and I’m one hour ahead of her.
I waited until the evening before I messaged her, I requested another video call, so I can see her face while we talk about it. But first we need to establish some ground rules.
“Hey baby” I say smiling once her face shows on the screen.
“Hi” she says blushing a pretty red as usual.
“Baby I need to talk to you but I need you to honest with me” I say and she nod her head yes.
“How did you get that bruise on your arm?” I ask and her eyes goes wide with fear.
“I’m not mad, not really but I need to know what happened.”
“I…I fell” she replies and I’m not sure if I believe her or not.
“Baby what do you think about me being your Mommy” I say and she blushes, she nod her head a little bit then hide behind her palms blushing again.
“Honey I need to hear you say it” I encourage her.
“Yes…I want you to be my mommy” she says before hiding her face again, red like a tomato now.
“Now Louis we need to give you some rules, can you get a pen and paper for mommy?” I ask and she nod, she let the tablet on the bed so I’m facing the ceiling while I heard her running around getting what I asked for.
“Got it” she says positioning the tablet back up.
“Kitten I want you to write down your rules” I say before she start writing.
Louis Rules:
1-Always call Rebbeca Mommy.
2-Eat three meals a day.
3-No lying, tell Mommy everything.
4-Bedtime is ten pm.
5- No candy or sweets without permission.
6-No cursing.
7- Message me through the day and a video call is a must before bed.
8-Accept all gifts Mommy send you, no fuss.
9- No self harm, if you get hurt or someone hurt you, tell Mommy directly.
10-No fighting with others, tell an adult or Mommy.
11-If you break any of these rules tell Mommy immediately.
“You understand your rules little one” I ask and she nods yes, she’ll need to be more verbal with me. “Words kitten”
“Yes mommy, I understand” she says.
“You can decorate your rules tomorrow now it’s time for bed.
“But mommmyyyy…I Not tiwed” she whines in the most adorable voice.
“Come on Lou I’ll tuck you in again” I tell her and she perk up at the idea.
“Go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, put your jamies on and come back” I order her and she obeys right away, maybe having a baby online won’t be that difficult, maybe we’ll both enjoy it.
I was kind of lost in my own brain when a very happy and active Lou jumped on the bed few times, making her tablet fly around with every jump.
“Louis stop this instant” I say in my best firm voice but she doesn’t listen
“Louis stop or there won’t be a bedtime story for you” I threaten and she stops right away, I might not be there to punish her but I can always find a way to discipline my little.
“Sorry momma, a story?” she asks in her cute little voice making my heart melt, she won this round and story it is.