Lou POV.
Mommy said she's busy, she can't even reply to her phone busy. How can she be so busy, maybe she's just avoiding me. Did she have enough with me already, I did try to be a good girl, I promise I did but it's hard sometimes and she's so far away.
Last night I had my onesie back on, if she left me this is the only thing left for me with her scent on it, I still got the whole perfume bottle but the onesie means the world to me.
I didn't sleep much either, just turning around in the bed, kicking my covers, I'm too hot and too cold in the same time. When finally the morning came I was as grumpy as ever, I got up and threw and an oversized hoodie on me with my leggings, I didn't bother with my hair putting it into a messy bun. I didn't put any make up either, my black circles were showing. In simple words I looked like the walking dead, I felt like them too, walking toward the school with zero to minus energy.
The first classes passed in a haze, I didn't even lift my head during any of those, what was next on the schedule. Our damn school shuffles our schedules daily, so we won't get bored and lose focus, or so said a random study they're applying around here.
Next was Fashion, careful dead little walking, keeping my head low I walked into the class, it used to be my favorite now I don't even bother with looking up. Mrs. Stone had some extra students in with us, including Laura, just my luck really.
"The represents of one of the biggest fashion companies in Milan is now here. They offered two summer internship for one designer and one model. Everyone be on your best behavior and good luck" with that she finished her speech.
The whole class broke into murmurs, who's here? Would they pick us? Is it a sexy guy? Italian accent?
I ignored everything and stayed where I was lost in my own thoughts and ideas, I won't win this, I'll never be picked and we all know it.
"Buongiorno" I heard a woman voice says, it sound familiar, with the italian accent. It's probably just my imagination playing game on me, I kept my head low.
"I'm the CEO and owner of Ré fashion company, we are based in Milan as you all know. We've been around since the nineteen seventy, creative minds is what we are searching for. Maybe a little one of you got a chance to worm with us" the familiar voice says and I burry my face into my arms, I don't wanna hear about an opportunity that I'll never have.
She kept talking about her company, about the chance to leave with her in the end of the school year. Her voice was filled with dominance she got a class filled with teenagers to sit and listen she must have some super powers.
In the end my curiosity won and I lift my head, she was done with the speech and our teacher was thanking her for coming. My head lift and I'm met with familiar green eyes, I know those eyes, I've seen them through the screen for the last few months.
Is she really?? The brown hair match too, the face shape, the voice, I think I'm hyperventilating, she saw me. She knew what's happening with me now and she smiled back, her I got you smile.
She had to leave now, why didn't I lift my had sooner!! Ahhh...plus she saw me looking like death, I felt like crying suddenly, I didn't imagine our first encounter to be likr that.
She gave me a final smile and left the room, her heels clicking, her head lifted high and her hips swinging. She was beautiful, now she'll break up with me, I look nothing like her.
I was back to my sad self for the rest of the hour, I was sad again, did I have to ruin my chance with her, online she didn't see how bad I look but now it's all over.
By the end of the class I stayed back, just shuffling with my books before leaving the class next we have lunch break, I'm not gonna eat, I'm too fat to deserve food.
"I saw how you looked at her freak" I hear my bully say.
"Fuck off Laura" I say having enough for today.
"What are you gay or something?" she says again in a taunting voice and I ignore her.
"Oh my god you are gay!!Hah, she'll never look at someone like you" she says again.
When she still didn't get a reply from my already broken heart she went to physical abuse and pushed me. I stumbled and fell back my head banging on one kf the desks I did not see that one coming. Before I could get up and beat her until there's no tomorrow someone walks in, someone with high heels, tailored suit and a frown on their face.
"Is there a problem here girls?" Rebbeca asks in her mommy voice.
"No ma'am, but the freak here is a bit clumsy" Laura says in a voice filled with venom.
Rebbeca turns to her with a frown on her face, she looks at me and I felt a lone tear going down my face.
"Don't you have somewhere to go" she says still looking at me but addressing Laura, she shuffles on her feet before leaving. Once out Rebbeca get down on her knees and pick me up into her lap kissing my head.
"Hello Principessa" she says in my ear.