Me: How long are you here?
Linda: we are there for 1 month
Me: you would be there for the wedding huh
Safia: yeah
Sofia: are you going to do the bedroom?
Me: yeah, do you have to?
Assa: did you go do parenting stuff?
Me: never sick
Safia: well if because for your parent it's a consenting marriage like you are in love for your parents
Me: we will see wsh
Assa: yeah your mother and your halaba (lady who takes care of me) they will tell you that you should not say no to your husband otherwise you will be cursed by the angels
Me: it's safe because Bilel is my friend we can't sleep together wsh it's disgusting
Safia: he is a man above all
Me: we will see that on the day of the magno compé
Kept talking when Bilel texts me saying he's there
Me: good girls I'm going Bilel he's there
Safia: we also moved
We came out of the store, we said hello to him, then I got into his car, it was a magnificent black BMW x6, I rode the tcheck
Me: where are you going?
Him: Golden Story
Me: oh ok
We talked about everything and nothing happened, got out of the car, walked towards the jewelry store
Bilel: fafa you never wear that dress again
Me why ?
Bilel: look how you see your terma wsh don't abuse
Me: already you will stay in your place ok? Your no reflection to make me your person for me ok!?
Bilel: oh yeah, no one for you? Fuck you ok?!
Me: no, I wanted to...
Damn I screwed up I spoke without thinking I'm sorry my tears started to flow I'm still crying
Me: Bibi please
Me: stop yelling please Bibi everyone is watching us I'm going to sit down and you're going to hear my explanations ok?
I sit on a band 5 minutes later he sits down
Me: I'm sorry Bibi I spoke without thinking
Him: ok, are you finished?
Me: stop reacting like that fucking ru soule
Him: did you see what you said? I'm going to marry you fafa I'm no longer your friend our friendship is broken the day you accept to marry me ok? Now I'm your so you respect me as your husband ok??
Me: I know it your my husband I'm sorry I didn't mean that you mean a lot to me but give me time to get used to it I just found out that I'm going to get married to my friend I can't love you in 2 days
Him: I'm not asking you to love me, just that we create a husband-wife bond
Me: I agree you forgive me Bibi please please please please?
Him: yeah don't worry
I jumped on him, I was so happy, I gave him kisses everywhere LOL
Him: you're a real kid
Me: yeah well let's choose a ring what's the budget?
Him: no Princess budget
Me: your beautiful today
Him: I'm out of work
Me: um gone there we go
I take her hand, we go back to the story of gold, I find a ring, my heart's neck, we pay for our rings, Bilel, the guards.
Me: thank you thank you thank you
Him: it's nothing, I'll take you home and tomorrow we'll go and visit an apartment
Me: you're quick wsh
Him: Aren't you happy?
Me: yes and no
Him: get in the car
have gone up
Him: why?
Me: I don't want to leave my family but if I'm happy to know how you live my new life as a married woman
Him: yeah I understand you
We continued to talk laughed then arrived at the city he gives me a kiss I go downstairs go home I go to my room there was no one I pray take off my weave then I go snack in peace
I jump you to the khtoba
Today is the khtoba I took the bac exam I'm stressed I'm afraid of not having my baccalaureate I worked too much not to have it around 10 a.m. Mama wakes me up
Me: hmm i'm getting up
Mah: guirri standing up Assa, Sofia and her cousin are in the living room
Me: hmm I'm going to wash up
I shower quick then I go downstairs and I jump on the girls
Me: I'm so happy
Sofia: Cava are you going to be engaged tonight?
Me: and yeah against my will
Linda: wsh have to be happy today is your day
Me: yeah so one to smooth my hair
Assa: have moved in your room
Me: Inna she sleep wsh
Safia: wake up
Went to my room, I woke up Inna, she went to sleep in the salon, Safia started straightening my hair, talked about everything and nothing, then Linda curled my hair, she put hairspray to hold the curls, it was already 12:30 p.m., 2 a.m. for my hair. kinky MDR have eaten part mama had made tieb with pastels and brick what will do any time soon
Me: mama I'm hungry
Mah: I serve you
She serves us have eaten I drink my Mojito have put down the dishes Inna does it
Mah: he comes at 1:30 p.m.
Me: in 30min well, we'll get dressed
Went upstairs dressed I dress like in the photos I put on a yellow veil my yellow heel earrings and golden bracelet took pictures of myself ass had a wax
Sofia, Linda, Safia a caftan were too beautiful I put on a touch of red lipstick, then I work on my eyes naturally then stayed to discuss when it hits
Inna: mama she said we all come to the living room except Fatou
Me: you're so beautiful my sister
Inna: you too fafa
She had a wax dress on the knee girls so I go to the boys' room I see them dressed fresh
Me: you are so beautiful
Moussa: don't worry, you inherited my discomfort