Baba: who?
Me: Bill
Baba: THEN NO, he's an Arab
Moussa: bah jibril too and then you want the bride already she accepts she tells you she has someone and you act the nationalist
Baba: your mouth, Fatou, are you sure?
I do
Mah: ok give me his number and we'll see
I give them his number I was worse than relieved not to get married to this crazy person and then Bilel's family knew them, our respective parents are friends and his mother appreciates me a lot so that sister I was happy but a the sad time i feel guilty for having ruined bilel's life with his wedding i go to my room full of remorse i start crying hot tears when my phone rings i don't answer but it persists so i give in and answer without looking who is this ? I still cried so much I almost suffocated
Me: A… Hello?
…..: your what again?
Me: howdy?
Him: yeah anyway I'm talking to your daron
Me: okay
He hangs up I stay in my bed when Inna joins me she takes me in her arms
Her: I'm really sorry for you baba he's not even serious tchiip?
Me: it doesn't matter, it's fate, we can't do anything about it
Her: Besides Jibril, he doesn't inspire me too much confidence
Me: the same he is sick
Her: hum and more Bilel he is very beautiful eh fafa
Me: He's beautiful even but he's my friend wsh
Her: We'll see that in 3 months
Me: but yes fool go
Went on talking she managed to cheer me up this little witch kept on talking in her ring I knew it was Bilel
Inna: who is it?
Me: my future “husband”
Inna: ah ok well I'm going to be my gossip
Me: vazy are you telling me
Her: okay
I stay in my bed revised after ten minutes someone knocks
Me: Entrance?
…… : it's me
Me: ah bilel is coming?
He sits on my bed, there was a white man
Me why ?
Bilel: I don't want you to marry Jibril, he's not a good person and everything
Me: but I'm going to ruin your life Bibi I'm so angry with myself I don't want you to blame me you know your my best friend you, assa and Sofia you're all for me I don't want you to feel bad
Tears run down my cheeks, I couldn't stop, I was in too much pain, Biel takes me in his arms
Him: stop crying it was me who had the idea so you don't tend to want to have both of you
Me: but will have to make the lovers in front of the parents and everything?
Him: it's nothing that I'm already your lover
Me: well yes your my hob
Him: cross out my lover, she speaks Arabic
Me: tkt what did my father say to you?
Him: he told me since when we had been together, if I work, an apartment, and that he agreed to get married that he was going to call my father right away
Me: My parents, do they agree?
Him: well yes when when I said them to my mother and my sister they typed the Youyou my mother she was happy she even said to me finally dirty hmar okay I knew it and she said that you are coming to my house right away
Me: MDR your mother I love her too well, are you going?
Him: okay
I get up I had my black and silver djellaba with ballerinas have moved to the living room
Bilel: Have to see my mother quickly uncle
Mah: ok called your father
Bill: ok
Went down, there were the wall keepers, walked 5/10min, arrived in front of his block which was behind the city, went up toque, it was Inès who opened the door for us.
•• • • •
Little parenthesis Bilel family
There are
Younes 26 years old married to Yasmine he looks a lot like bilel but taller and older MDR
Farid 23 married with Seta a Senegalese Soninkhé he is very strict, he does not want his brother to take the road and I understand it
Bilel my husband 20 years old he had his baccalaureate works with Farid and his wife in their event box wedding, baptism, birthday and everything
Then there's my darling Inès 17 years old like me, the last one, have known each other since but we weren't too close, I love her very much
Then there's Aunt Sarah and Uncle Yacine, Bilel's parents
End of parenthesis
• • • • • •
Me: Salem?
Her: okay?
Me: yeah and everything?
Her: yes
We come in, I take off my ballerina shoes, we arrive at the living room
Us: Salem Aleykum?
Them: Aleykum Salem
I give them a kiss and shake Uncle's hand, there was only Inès and she's a relative, I sit with Bill
Auntie: …….