It's been a week sense the incident. I have been back at my house almost the whole time. I did get a dog per Ink. Told me I needed protection incase. His name is rosco. He's my favorite thing in the world. The perfect big German Shepherd mixed with pitbull.
Rosco is sitting happily in his new doggie bed that Ink got his spoiled ass for at Ink's house as I am running around the kitchen. He just had to go out and ended up buying 2 of those damn beds. One for his house and other for the tattoo parlor. This dog has been spoiled. Ever sense Ink told me it was a animal free house and he liked it that way, I wasn't coming around much. I had to train Rosco quite a bit anyways but it's hard to hang out with leaving him at home, so After a few days of that Ink broke. Said that he guesses that I can bring the mutt around. Now it's like the damn dog is his nephew. That dog is more spoiled than a child could ever be. He put a dog door in every door outside at his house and the shop plus he made one his spare rooms into a dog room and filled it with toys as well as putting a doggie door in there too! I feel bad of Ink has any family that ends up having kids. Ink would spoil them so bad they would never wanna leave.
I'm relaxing with Rosco on the couch for my house like I do every day on my days off at 1pm. Groaning at my phone hoping no one called in as Inks calling me. Picking up, I'm met with a frantic Ink.
"Oh thank god!" Ink
"What's wrong?"
"Your my best friend in the world!" ink starts.
"Stop sucking up. what's wrong?"
"My mom is coming to my house and it looks like a frat house and theres girls unmentionables that she cant see! Please. Please! Help a man out!" Ink says groveling on the phone.
"Calm down. When's she suppose to be there?"
"6 but I have a 2, 3, and 4 o'clock appointments not expecting her here." Ink groans.
"Calm Ink, I will have it done. I'll see you at 5:30 that way I'll be out before she gets there." I state hanging up to get ready and head over.
I'm running around the house. Ink had to work late. Called me frantic. I guess
his mom was coming into town and expected a home cooked meal with a clean elegant house.
The door burst open and Rosco raised and came close to me. I stare at this elder lady in her 60s barging into the kitchen and look at the time. Shes early. I had the house cleaned and now I was just cooking away at the dinner thankfully. Ink was not kidding on the unmentionables. No mother should have to see them around her son's house in every room.
" Who are you?" She snarles. Rosco growls
"Hello Ma'am. My name is Rose."
"Why are you in my sons kitchen?" She growls as the dog does the same.
"Rosco calm. She's uncles mom." I laugh as if the dog understands.
"Excuse me! I'm Mrs. Safeho. Why are you here?!"
"Sorry ma'am. Ink called asking if I could come over to cook y'all dinner that's all."
"Oh where is my son?" Mrs. safeho
"Right here momma." Ink says taking off his jacket.
"Dinner is done Ink, ma'am. Your all set. Ink imma take Rosco and head out. See you at work."
"No stay. You cooked unlike my son. You should get to eat." Mrs. safeho.
"Please" Ink
"If you insist."
"So how do you know my son?" Mrs. Safeho
"She works for me momma." Ink
"Oh at the tattoo parlor?" Mrs. Safeho
"Yes ma'am."
"Oh you dont look the type to tattoo." Mrs. Safeho answers.
"momma watch your words." Ink
"Its okay Ink. I dont look like a lot of things that I have done in my life ma'am. Cant judge a book by its cover. But I dont tattoo. I have tattoos and I'm good at book keeping. That's all I do there ma'am."
"I like you." Mrs. Safeho smiles at me standing up for myself.
Before I could answer the door was slammed open.
We were just finishing up eating when someone else barged in the room. He rushed into the room. I kept my head down like normal when it came to biker business.
"We have a problem." Mystery
"What is it?" Ink
"Yeah what's more important than me?" Mrs. safeho.
"Oh momma. I didn't know you were in town!" Mystery says. Ink has a brother???
"What's so important??" Ink
"Richard and his VP are coming.!" Mystery.
Richard? It can't be my Richard. Can it?
"Why?" Ink
"Something about finding someone. I guess it's important." Mystery.
"Why it just the two? He's bringing his VP. Why? What's his name Tyler?" Ink
"Yep." Mystery. My head shot up like a bullet.
"Richard and Tyler from the Vipers are coming here to this town to find someone??" I almost screamed at Ink. Right now I didn't care about mystery guy. Only one reason those to would be looking for someone. That someone's me.
"Yes they are in 12 hours. Wait how do you know them?" Mystery. Still looking at ink I scream and start pacing.
"They can't just leave me to hide. No always finding. Always protecting everyone. Even if they don't want protection.! Uhhh they gonna ruin this all. Granite it's in a biker town but I'm finally happy! At least until I have the money to move!" I growl frustrated.
"What are you talking-"Ink
"Miss calm down. Breath." Mrs. safeho.
"Thank you Mrs. Safeho for dinner and hospitality. I have to go prepare."
"No you don't." Mystery guy says and I look at him first time. Bloody hell
"Bloody hell its you. Move!" I scream as I push past him. The Greek guy from the diner. Just great.
"Ink was that your way of letting us know your settling down?" Mom
"No no. She's just a good friend." Ink
"Someone he doesn't think is traveler. But that's just another sign that she is."
"Don't judge a book by whose names it knows. If everyone did that I would have been head lawyer for years." Mom
"She's not a traveler. And she didn't sound happy that they were coming. And what did you do that poor woman?? Are you the reason she don't like bikers!??" Ink
"Blade so help me if you hurt that angel." Mom
" I really don't know her!!" I scream. Thou I still have yet to even see her face as shes always rushing away from where I am or shes turned her back to me.