I got situated and walked around town trying to decide how to stay away from bikers. Finally decided I needed a new tattoo. I walked next door to a small little building and sent a tiny smile at the clean cut man tattooing a buff scary dude on the chair.
"How can I help you ma'am?" Clean cut man
"I'm in need of new ink."
"You trying to piss off daddy?" scary dude asks rudely.
"Naw just needed some new ink."
"New? you already got some Ink on that body?" he asks looking me up and down.
"Okay, calm thumper.I go by Ink, But a cutie like you can call me Eric." Ink states with a smile.
"I'll stick with Ink. Do you have some free time today?"
"For you, of course. I got 10 minutes left with this guy. Then I'll have all the time in the world." Ink
"Okay I'll just change."
I go in the bathroom to change. I have my pitch black string bikini bottoms and my long sleeve camo sweater crop top. I have an awesome hip tattoo I want.
The tattoo I wanted starts at the top with a detailed design of lines and shapes connecting to 2 beautiful intricate roses. Then coming off the roses on the bottom, it has dotted ropes looping down with strings slinking down with gems at the end.
I walk out and both men's jaws drop.
"Damn. Where you getting that tat?" Thumper ( I believe is what Ink called him.)
"You don't get to see. Just imagine." Ink
"Damn. I needed to become a tattoo artist. Tattooing girls like that." Thumper says eyeing me.
"That's enough, Thumper. Get outta here." Ink
I just sit quietly in the corner.
"Okay sweetheart. What would you like done?" Ink asks.
I show him my design. He does some drawing and tell me he's ready, so we head back to the little room for privacy. I lay on the table and he puts the stencil down where he thinks it looks good. I decide it's perfect and he starts tattooing.
"So who else has done your other tats?" ink
"depends on where I'm at."
"you travel alot.?" Ink
"No. Just taken a lot of time to get my tats done."
"Okay. what you down here for?" Ink
"Just passing through I think. Looking for some where to start new."
"Its nice to settle here." Ink
"Not really perfect for me but I'm sure it is."
It takes Ink a while to start talking again but unfortunately for him I had already fallen asleep. Loving the pain from the gun reminding me I'm alive and the joy of being able to Express my life on my body.
I start waking up. Yep I have been asleep while getting a tattoo, but My tat is almost done. When We hear the doorbell go off.
"Yo Ink. Just checking on ya!" Dude yells.
"I'm fine. What's up?" Ink yells back.
"Your suppose to be closed 2 hours ago." Dude
"Pretty lady here needed a tattoo." Ink
"Pretty lady? You sure it's not a doll?" Dude.
"Shut up. Pretty ladies still come around. Though none have fallen asleep in my chair like this one." Ink says as I smirk.
"What?" Dude
"Just get the fuck out." Ink
"Make me!" Dude yells
"Just get out. I'll talk to ya in few minutes!" Ink
"What?!?" Dude yells back through the door
"Nothing. I'll see ya at the bar!" Ink
"Okay. I'm turn sign off and locking door!" Dude
"Sorry about him." Ink
"Nah. Your good. I grew up around a lot of guys. Use to your words."
"Than you'll fit right in with this town." Ink
"Not here for life. Just staying for few weeks maybe couple months than back on road."
"You a traveler?" Ink states as someone who travels for the bikers getting intel.
"No. No. Just like to be free." I state half true. What should I have said?
[No no but this egotistical mean mafia guy is after me because in his fucked up mind I'm his, so I have to keep moving so I'm not locked away in a dungeon until he gets outta jail.]
He seems concerned on if I'm trusting now and tells me the tattoo is done, and now I may look at it.
I'm in love. He did great work!
"Thank you so much!" I exclaim.
"No problem ma'am. That will be 300 and we will be even." Ink
"300?? You charge everyone like this and you'll be outta business."
"Why do you say that?" Ink states kinda mad
"Because you way under charge. That's the cheapest I could ever get tattooed even at the most run down places ever."
"Well some pay more. I'm just being nice." Ink
"flirting will get you no where hunny." I laugh.
"Who says that its flirting? I'm just being nice." Ink laughs with me.
"Well thank you Ink." I change into some loose high waisted sweat pants and just left the crop top on.
I walk out the door and head back over to the hotel. I watch some television seeing as F.R.I.E.N.D.S. was on. My favorite show of all times. This was the best episodes of them all. It's where Monic and Chandler hooked up at Ross's wedding. I got hooked. Watched 3 hours of it. Groaning I got off the couch open the door for Chinese food I ordered. Acutally Enjoying dinner. Who knew I was hungry. You normally have to fight me to eat and sleep unless it's at Patty and Doms dinner which is rare to be there. Sleep I can go 52 hours without before exhaustion takes over and I pass out, but today, I'm beat.
I climb into bed and open my bag next to my head. My gun goes under my pillow and I take 4 melatonin 6mg to knock my ass into a night of bliss sleeping.