"Well if it isn't Ty." He said smiling as I looked up.
I came face to face with a guy about 50. He looked good for just turning 48. Still built like he's on steroids. Got a great long beard and his clean shaven head would make you laugh. If he didn't look intimidating enough and you start to look at the rest of him closer and you see the Navy tat on his arm and under that The Army tat with 4 marks under it. He did his Navy time and then reenrolled for the Army. Did 4 tours of duty for that. Then to top it off rattlesnake tat on his chest that says Prez under it tells you he is now the Prez of the Snakes MC club. But I know this man as a giant softy. Also as family but we all call him Rich short for Richard.
"I wondered why Tyler was at a dinner he doesn't like. But then I remember there was this crazy girl who is in love with this dinner."
"Hey Rich." I say Nodding.
"You here for awhile? Amy would love to catch up." Rich.
Amy is the only crazy enough lady to marry this annoyance named Rich. How she decided to marry this man is still a mystery to me. She sits 5' 2" compared to his 6' 6" with Long blonde hair and tiny. She maybe weighs 110 pounds wet. Nonetheless, they have so much love for each other.
"Sorry just passing through. Ty didn't want anyone to mess with me while I was here."
"Well doesnt look like anyone will attempt to even talk to you now." Rich says laughing as I look up. Everyone whispering about the new girl in town knows the prez.
"Rumors start fast here." I say as I throw off my hood. I guess who cares who looks at me now.
"What the hell is the hair?" Rich says as he grabs some my hair. I laugh.
"Needed a change."
"I liked you Blonde. But it looks good. Come on little girl. Give me a great big hug before I head out." Rich states.
I get outta my booth and he grips me in a hug lifting me of the ground and spins like he did when I was little. I giggle and wiggle out.
"Call you ever need anything, Peaches. Oh and be careful on that bike. It's a bit bigger than yours." Rich laughs as I duck into the booth. I didn't want noticed.
I gave Patty a tip and hug her noticing the guys at the other table were gone.
Good I didn't want a problem.
I walk out the door and there they are. Just sitting on their bikes with helmets off and just shooting the breeze. Studying the odd girl. Which sadly is me. I groan and walk to the bike seeing the VP words on Tys bike and the guy next to the sex god nods at me. I nod making sure I didn't ignore him but I wanted outta there.
I sped out as they followed. I was a little freaked. They couldnt wanna start anything with me right?? When I pulled in to the trailer park, they went past to the highway. Thank the damn lord.
"Okay Kitty Kat, Here you go hunny." Tyler
"Whose had your bike, Ty?" A guy says as he walks in the house.
"Oh hey Cyber, my niece, Rose, had it." Tyler
"Oh. Sorry didn't know you had company. Hello miss." Cyber?
"You ride?" Cyber
"Yes she rides. No she doesn't like bikers even if they are the nerdy ones and don't think about it. I will kill you." Tyler.
"I didn't say anything Ty." Cyber
"Wow you guys. Nice to met you Cyber. Thanks uncle for the paperwork but I need to be headed out."
"Your leaving so soon?" Cyber
"Just stopped through. Gotta get on my way."
"Wait you can't leave with out seeing Prez." Tyler
"You know Prez?" Cyber.
"Yes. He stopped by the dinner when he saw your bike there. Talked to me for few. Already saw Penny and you. So now I need to get the hell out."
"If you just-." Tyler
"Stop. I'm going and that's final. Again nice to met you Cyber. Good to see you Uncle. I love ya and the guys."
"Bye." Cyber
"Call if you need anything. I mean it Kitten." Tyler.
"Bye bye." I gave my uncle hugs and walked out. Got in my truck turning country on as loud as I could without my head hurting and drive drove for hours.
After a long drive, I pull up to a Storage unit in the middle of the Pass Christian, Mississippi. I walked in and stare at a the old fat guy in a black shirt and leather cut. I notice when he turns around to get me a key that the back says Rebels.
Shit I'm in another biker town. God Damnit.
I'll just stay low and hide out for awhile. Stay away from the bikers and I should be good.
I grab the keys from the old man and put on my fake smile. He thanks me and I head out to my storage room. I slide my bike outta my trunk and into the room. Grabbing a few hundreds outta my bag and putting it in the back corner. I grab some clothes I packed and threw them on top so it looks like it's a pile of clothes. I lock the garage door and decide I need a new lock.
I go to the hardware store down the road. It's a small little town here. I bought another lock and went across the street to the Motel. They will rent the room out to me weekly. No point in renting a house if imma be moving. Which with this being a small biker town, imma have to move.