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“Fxxk!!’’ Meg exclaims

“What is it, what did the test says?”

“It’s positive Tonia, it’s positive” she slips to the ground

”Shit! how come Meg?’’

‘‘I have not the faintest of ideas”

“Who was the last person you slept with without protection?’’ Tonia asks in disbelief

“I haven’t been with anyone since Fred, we broke up a year ago. I don’t know Tonia, I don’t know who the father is”

They sit in silence

“Well you not virgin Mary, someone knocked you up. But who?”

“My parents will kill me”Megan cried

“Yep, you are officially fxxked” Tonia says

“What am I going to do Tonia?’’ they are standing infront of her house

“I don’t have any idea. But how can you not know who the father is, I mean I may have been with a couple of guys and I remember them, not that I keep count though but I do, so how come you don’t remember who you went skinny dipping with, this is huge Meg, like bomb huge“

“look unlike you I don’t sleep around with guys , much less random, the only dude that I was you know..was Fred, and I haven’t seen him since last Christmas and we broke up way before then and the last time we shagged was months ago except I got pregnant then and the baby suddenly developed which is impossible, over a year ago? No.. the test rightly said four weeks.. that’s month ago, I wasn’t seeing any one a month ago..heck for a year now so how the hell did I get pregnant? It didn’t make sense” she sinks down to the pavement

Tonia slids down beside her “Okay calm down Meg let’s figure it out. Let’s think. So a month ago…no guys at all like at all?”

“Dude I would remember, I haven’t been with anyone and I would be stupid to be with someone without using protection. I would never do that, if I was so horny and I needed a good loving, I would have the good sense to have him put on a condom or better still I would have worn my contraceptive patch, I always have does. But it doesn’t make sense…I wouldn’t have slept with a dude in my right senses without protection, I know the consequences of that, I would have been really really careful. I wouldn’t “

“Okay, what if you weren’t in your right senses Meg?”

“What do you mean?’

“I mean, if you don’t remember sleeping with someone and getting pregnant , what if it happened while you weren’t exactly in your right senses?’’

”I am still not getting what you are saying Tonia”

“I am saying dummy is that what if it happened, sex that is and you don’t remember because maybe you were drugged, you know. I hear of those kind of stories all the time, it’s used for raped victims too, they go out with friends, get drugged and get raped and have no recollection of it, and the bastards goes scot free”

Megan looks at her friend, then she bursts out crying “I was raped..i was raped and got knocked up” she wailed

‘Shhh girl. Well we don’t know that bit” she hugs her friend

“Well is there another explanation? I ain’t a sister to Mary Mother and I am sure as hell ain’t giving birth to another Jesus, no angel appeared to me to tell me I was going to birth a Messiah so which other explanations are there?’’ she sniffs

“well, are you sure you didn’t sex some random stranger?”

“I didn’t. I didn’t, I would have been careful’’ she cries

“Okay. So, if we are going by the fact that you may be drugged, where have you gone to of recent say in the past one month that there is a likely possibility of that happening?’"

‘Erm..er” she screws up her face..”Church, Aunt’s Christie’s Baby showers, Danny’s birthday party, karaoke, erm you and I went pool partying, and erm..library sessions with the Stevens, that’s all I think.We haven’t had much parties attendance and in these ones, there were hardly alcohol used, and I didn’t drink because I was sick for almost two weeks and doctor says no drugs with alcohol and ..well that’s it. Graduation party was the only major party we both went for that was totally trunt and off the hook ..and we know there was so much alcohol, drugs and the whole shebang,I was stoned, but since then not so much and-“ a sudden realization hits her “ Oh my God Meg..that’s it!”

“That’s what?’’

“Graduation party”

“What about it”

“You test says you are one month pregnant right?”


“when was graduation party?’’


They counted the days backwards..

“When did you notice you hadn’t seen Lady Red?”

“I noticed two weeks later that I was already over a week late”

“Dang!!! We just found the lopehole dude, you got knocked up on graduation night”

Megan frowns, trying to remember that day “But, I wasn’t with a guy that day, we went together and we had fun and I knew I drank a lot and I only remember waking up the next morning in my house, you dropped me off didn’t you?”


‘’You dropped me off at home after the party right because I knew I woke up with a nasty hangover, then you came around and mom was asking and I said you dropped me home and you said yes, right?’’

‘Well about that, honestly babes I didn’t drop you home”

“Jesus Tonia!!!!”’


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