Sean pulls over and stops as someone waves him , crossing the road and jumping into the car
“Dude, nice to have you here men” Sean smiles at his friend Zackary who he invited over for the weekend
“Glad to be here bro, damn, it’s been too damn long, three months. Wow. By the way, sweet ride Sean “
“Thanks, perks of the job and yes miss, I you too” he laughs shaking his friend before speeding off
While they caught up for the three months they had been apart during long weekend, they decided to enjoy the night life before Zackary went back to the city , so they went out, to a club and hanged out with friends.
It was when a girl approached Sean with a drink in her hand for him and a offer for the night did it occur to him that he was bothered, he shakes his head, Zackary raises his brow, as he watches Sean politely turn the girl down and watched her go on her away.
“What’s wrong Sean, known you forever and I haven’t ever seen you turn down some free loving and not even booze, you okay?’’ Zackary nudges him, but Sean was frowning
“Yeah I am, I just remembered something that happened to me before I left, the day of my flight, some cheek appears infront of my door and claimed that she was pregnant for me” he says shaking his head, Zackary laughs, but when Sean wasn’t laughing he stares at him
‘’For real?’
“Yes Zackary, for real. I mean its ridiculous right? Plus I have never met the girl in my entire life before and I never banged a stranger without knowing who she was but here she was, eyes puffed and she says I got her pregnant and she was dead serious’’
‘’who the hell was she?”
“I don’t know, some Megan chick or something”
‘hmmm, So what did you do, what did you say?’’
“What else, I told her she was lying, because she was, she had to right? And I left her standing there, headed to the airport and came here”
“Well good thing, some chicks this days sleep around and looking for scape-goats to pin it on and what is worth, you are rich, well your family is so why not pin it on Sean O’Conner, get him married to her or better still have his family take care of child support and she is made for life living off the kid, and you know we are talking millions if they girl gets a good ass lawyer to take her case, good thing you dodged that bullet. All lying bitches looking for freebies, hope you told her to go stick it in her ass somewhere?”
‘Well technically I did, but she showed me the test result”
“So? Could be forged and even If it’s real and she is pregnant,dude did you screw her?”
Sean frowns “ I don’t think so. No. I have never met her in my entire life let alone kissed her”
‘Good, that is all”
“But she said something else that we did it and she was certain it’s graduation night, and she is almost a month gone, but do you know the funny thing, I frigging don’t remember half of what went down that night, so what if?”
“ What if you smashed her? Dude don’t be stupid. Well…how could you remember, we had shisha, we had drugs, we had strong spirit and we did shit.. but I know you wasn’t with no girl, and even if you were with one you would have been too stoned to know where the right hole was so trust me, that girl be lying to you son, don’t get easily swayed. If it were truly your kid, how come for three months now no chick had come to find you or your parents? Has your parents been contacted? Look, I know girls like that, forget it. Wait! is that while you turned down that pretty brunet? she had the hots for you”
“No, it was just the fact that she was giving me a drink I didn’t know where from and I just wanted to be careful, if I sleep with a girl I want to be sober doing so. And I ain't taking any liquid or cigar from you ever again. You were the one that got my brains fried”
‘Well you could easily had said no, but you didn’t, you took it , you loved it and you flew, literally, I remember you screaming and shouting cockroach and aliens in the building” Zackary laughs, Seam joins him
“No that was you actually”
“Oh shit!! Zackary laughs .
They forget about the girl pregnant girl.
The girl comes back again, this time Sean doesn’t refuse her , but he doesn’t drink “Why don’t we go back to your place and finish the party?” she whispers into his ears
“Why the hell not!!’ Sean smiles whispering back and they make their way out.
“That’s it son, “ Zachary claps his back and he goes out with a girl hanging on his arm too
Back at his apartment, Sean opens his drawer as she laid on his bed waiting and takes out a condom, he was going to be extra careful and sober while was at it.
Whoever that girl was, he didn’t want someone like her to turn up again to force a pregnancy on him and even if one did show up, he wanted to be able to say…Yes, he was the one.. or No he wasn’t with certainty.
But for that girl..that Megan whatever-her-surname-was, she was just as Zachary said, some gold-digger apparently trying to pin a pregnancy which wasn’t his on him.
He was glad he didn’t listen to her and he prays to never have to see her ever again.