Chapter 2
Kenny POV
I woke up in a room with attached devices. I saw a woman who I think was in her 50s.
Who am I?? I immediately asked.
The old woman hugged me quickly.
Son, thank you and you woke up after one month you woke slept for a long time..thank you said crying.
One month I slept ?? I ask here.
Yes ijo ... it's good that you woke up, I thought it would take a long time for you to wake up..I'm still crying, he said.
Wait, I'm confused. who are you and who am I ... I don't remember anything ... I asked in surprise, I don't know myself.
I am your Mommy and you are Kenny Mendoza my son. I am a Doctor and I am the one who takes care and watches over you with me. Your sister .. Your Amnesia is only temporary, it will also return. your worries little by little ... this is a long explanation.
After 5 months Sister, Mom and Dad agreed to take me to America to continue brain therapy there.
The day before we left I don't know the reason why I'm here now in the place where my heart beat faster especially when I see a woman I think is 13-14 years old. It is busy cleaning and getting tall grass to wild flowers. She looked so beautiful that it looked like her face was so innocent. But why did my heart feel like it was pinched and crushed when I saw it stop and sit on a big rock and I could see in its face the sadness it felt. I wanted to hug him and ecomfort but my feet couldn’t move. I just felt my tears dripping when I saw her crying. I saw it wipe away the tears with a pink handkerchief.
I hope I am the one who will wipe away your tears. I don't know why I said that.
Who are you and that's how you came to me and why am I here? I asked myself a confused question.
I saw it stand up so I hid in a tree. It's gone. When he was gone I couldn't stop myself from approaching the rock where he had been sitting before.
I don’t like how I feel because no matter what I do I can’t hold back my tears. I was about to sit on the rock when I saw the handkerchief used earlier by that beautiful woman and with the name Alexes written on it.
This name is why it seems like it has been etched in my heart for so long ..
Kenny POV
I'll come back to you Alexes and you won't forget my revenge for the rest of my life ... I shout when I remember everything.
My memory is back ... I don't know, I just woke up one morning crying as if everything happened yesterday.
(that's fast forward)
Because of my desire for revenge, I studied hard and dreamed of becoming a famous Engineer so that I could build and carry out my plans
I am here in a condo unit in the Philippines. I just arrived so here I am still lying in my bed.
While staring at the absence I thought of a plan to make my first move for my revenge.
I smiled remembering what Alexes and I had talked about.
I dialed a number on my phone.
Hello Bro ... can I asked a favor ... I'll start here by answering the other line.
Bro, have you been back here in the Philippines ... Drieck asked. (Drek please read)
Yes Bro and I will ask you to do something ... I promise
Welcome back Bro..okay as long as you have no problem. What is a Bro? he asked.
Just meet Alexes Sandra Viera and pretend as me using the name Mr. Hurtman. I said and I explained everything here.
Okey pretending as like you no problem its so easy ... HAHAHA. it even laughed
what kind of revenge that Kenny do it is heartless or sweet revenge? follow in the following chapters.
Alexes POV
I am here today at the place where we agreed to meet Mr. Hurtman. Soon it came. He is not handsome but he also has a very professional appearance and posture.It approached my seat.
Architect Miss Alexes Sandria Viera I'm Engineer Mr. Hurtman ... introduced himself and held out his hand.
I accepted it.
Nice meeting you Mr. Hurtman .. I said..and we started talking about the building
Thank you miss Alexes you can count on the construction of the building you want to build ... it says
Welcome and thank you also. Hopefully all the details of every corner of the building will be followed and the beauty of the place will be maintained. Because that place is memorable to me .. I said with mixed sadness
By the way Miss Alexes can I asked something to whom will the building be built? its question.
I smiled at him and said its mine. my building will be built. Its my Dream house.
My dream house ... and I stopped what I was going to say and smiled bitterly.
Its okay Architect ... I understand. Its personal right., ?? hanging it
I just nodded in agreement.
Alexes POV
Kring .... kring .... kring.
I was stunned by the sound of my phone. Someone's calling. I took it and none of my own answered it. Hello ... I said
Good morning Bhaby enjoy your day ... says the other line.
I wondered who it was I looked at the number on the screen I do not remember such a number.
Who are you? I think you made a mistake with the dialed number, then what bhaby, I'm not a child anymore so you can call me bhaby .. I said angrily ..
who is this fool..I asked myself.
Okay if you just don't want bhaby honey .... it will tease me
Just answer my question, who are you? I'm too busy to talk to you ... I said angrily.
Who am I ... Huh..I'm the only one who will shake your world and your future husband .. I promise I'll do it that honey..he said.
Out of annoyance I hung up the phone.
When I got down, it immediately rang..I immediately picked it up and answered.
If you plan to ruin my whole day, please just ruin my whole life, you are thrilled .... I shout.
I was surprised when the one on the other line answered.
Daughter Alexes what's the problem? Mommy asked Mommy, by the way.
Ahh ... ehhh ... no Mommy..I'm lying.
Really, Iha, maybe you have a problem, just tell me so I can help ... Mommy's insistence
Mommy really isn't here ... did you get called? when I change the subject.
Go home to the mansion first, your Daddy will talk to you ... he said.
Yes Mommy, tomorrow I will go home ... I said Okay son bye be careful..I love you's goodbye.
You too, Mommy, be careful, Daddy, I love you so much ... I answered
When I hung up the phone I wondered what Daddy and I were going to talk about, I had no idea what it was. Because since I graduated from college and became an Architect, they have let me make my decisions and I want to do them ... they have given me the freedom to choose and make decisions as a child and they have always supported me.