Chapter 3
Alexes POV
What Daddy .... no I don't do that. I don't want to marry someone I don't know and I don't love ..... I said angrily to Daddy I am here today in our mansion and Daddy told me that they have an agreement with his business partner based abroad that I will marry his partner’s son.
Daughter, listen, it's for you. I'm sure you'll be happy with your fiancé. He was a kind son to his parents and I'm sure you will like him.
I have no other dream to marry but the person in my heart .... I am saddened by the thought that it will never happen.
When you marry him, our business will grow and we will not have any difficulty in exporting our products to other countries. You can help the Company a lot if you agree. Because you will marry the son of the owner of a large and famous Construction Firm and there are many of its sub companies in different countries ... Daddy's long explanation.
Why am I Daddy? I asked tearfully. I will be the instrument to expand our company, we will find another way..I really don't want to marry anyone .... I refuse
It's all for you Iha and the Company I'm just making sure of your future and the company I hope you understand me ... Daddy added.But Daddy ......
I couldn't finish what I was going to say when Daddy coughed one after another. I quickly handed him the water. He took it and drank it.
Daddy, are you sick? I notice that you're crying and you seem to be crying ...? I worriedly asked him.
Ignore me Iha it's just stress at work ... answer it.
I looked closely at Daddy no longer the former pink of his mouth and it was blackish and it seemed like he was no longer breathing properly.
I felt sorry for my Father. I approached him and hugged and kissed his forehead. I really can't be angry with my parents. They gave me a good life and all my luxuries I would not have reached what I am today if not for their moral and financial support for me ..
Daddy thank you for all your sacrifices for our family you have done nothing but work hard. You always put my welfare first. You have neglected yourself. Let Daddy from now on I will help you in running our Company .... I will cover it here.
Isn't that mad at me Son? its a serious question to me.
Not anymore Daddy ... I answered with a smile.
Thank you sister and you understood me.and hugged me back .. I love you so much son and I will do everything to make you happy .. tears tears he said.
I love my parents dearly and I don’t want to lose them to me. So I became a good and obedient child to them if in that way I could at least give back to them their sacrifices and efforts for me. If I used to be afraid of losing them because I can't stand on my own two feet now I can, I'm afraid of losing them to me.
will Alexes agree to arrange merraige or not. when she agrees, is she ready to forget and just keep remembering everything for the man until now, she still hopes to come back and at least apologize for it.?
Alexes POV
I'm here now at our Construction Firm, I'm going to enter my office for a few days as I haven't been able to enter because I'm busy taking care of the building I'm going to build. Because I want to take care of our Dream House myself .... I'm stunned ... ayyy ..... it's just me now. I just felt tears well up in my eyes as I remembered the past. The pain is still remain. The guilt is still in my heart, I still can't forget the person I love so much. I just raised my head and took a deep breath and calmed myself. I wiped the tears from my eyes with my fingers and got out of the car.
I was walking into the building when the man turned his back into his Ford Everest.
Suddenly my heartbeat quickened as it looked at my habit. Not only is he rich, he's also very handsome, he's wearing his sunglasses. But I was suddenly startled by its smile and that smile was like ..... K ... E..N..N..Y .. I said it.
Kenny is right..I said.
I went back to go to it but it was already in his car and it was functional then left.
I just chased the car away.
I was stunned to think it was Kenny.
Calm Self calm you just miss him. He's not the one you're just's unlikely that he's already in America and won't come back ... I remind myself.
That's right, I miss you so much Kenny and I cried again.
How long will Alexes love Kenny ... why can't he still forget it for a long time?
Kenny POV
Hmmmm .... The size of their construction firm is also unfair, the design of the building is world class. Not bad, it will help our Construction Firm and the Company a lot. Viera Construction Firm Company I read their billboard. It would be better if Mendoza-Viera Construction Firm Inc. I smiled at my thoughts but it was immediately erased when I remembered why I was here today.
I am going to the office of the CEO and owner of this Construction Firm.
Good morning Sir Engineer Mendoza ... a woman greeted me. I think this is Mr. Secretary. Viera. Good morning Mr. Viera is here ... I replied here.
Yes Sir pls. come with me Sir ... he said politely. I followed him.
Tok..tok ... tok .. it knocked on the door and opened it.Sir Albert, Mr. Mendoza ... he said and let me in.
When I entered, the Secretary immediately closed the door.
Its office is spacious, cozy, looks very beautiful inside, you can't feel that you are in the office. I feel like I'm in the house, it's not stressful when your office is like this, even if you work all day. I was really amazed at how nice this office was. Who could be its architect and designer. whoever he is, he is very good ... I said to myself.
He made the Blue print of my office .... grabbed Mr. Viera to me.
Who is he? I wonder here.
Alexes is the Architect and Designer of my office as well as this entire building.
This is our new building about 2 years ago. This is his first building designed .... it says long.
I approached it and waved.
You are a very kind child Kenny, I hope you take care and love Alexes .... he said seriously and showed me the chair signaling me to sit down.
Yes I am here today to discuss the announcement to be made in celebration of their Founding Anniversary of the Company.
By the way I wonder why your parents aren't there. it asked me.
They are still in America Sir ..... I didn't finish what I was going to say when he cut off what I was going to say.
Kenny just called me Uncle or Daddy you are the one my son will marry and I entrust him to you..saad
I smiled at what I heard..I have taken the first step to carry out my plans.
By the way you can continue what you say..tell me
They are still in America, Uncle has a mother who is still taking care of the Company but I assured you Uncle that they will be able to go to your Company's celebration..I answered.
It was just a nod in agreement.
It's our Company Kenny ... it's both of you Alexes..saad nito.I trust you a lot Iho I hope you don't destroy my trust ... he added.
Thank you for your trust, Uncle ... I said. By the way, Uncle, does your son know who I am? I mean, does he already know who he can marry? I ask here.
It's better for the teacher if he doesn't know first ... he said
Hmmm, it's better to favor me like this. And I nodded in agreement.
After an intensive conversation with Tito Albert, I said goodbye.
I'm already here in my car. I was about to open the car door when I saw a very beautiful woman in the side mirror but I could see the sadness on her face and when I looked at it it was ..... Alexes ?? Is he the one I see and I focused my eyes on him I smiled with great joy when I confirmed he was the one I wanted to run to him and hug him very tightly but I remembered what it did to me the pain I was feeling came back and this is why I immediately consented to our parents ’Arrange Marriage.
I saw him walk back towards me so I got in my car and executed and left.
Not now Bhaby .... I smiled and cried.
Will Kenny be able to carry out his revenge .... what if he finds out that he was hurt too much when they separated ??