On getting home, I switched the lights on and walked straight into our bedroom, of course the bedroom I share with my baby's father Andrew.
Vee followed me instantly questioning me, "Mother, what are you doing? Where will you get the money? Can you get some money in this room?"
"Save your breath Vee, one question at a time." I said to her searching under the mattress rigorously.
"Mother, are you looking for something here? What does this have to do with my lunch and ice cream?" She asked curiously.
I looked up giving her a big smile and said, "You will get to know soon."
I kept searching the mattress in order to find my black purse I had hidden deep underneath the mattrass but it's beginning to seem like my purse isn't there anymore.
What the hell could be going on here? I was still of the hope that I had only not gotten to where I kept the purse until I have searched everywhere piece of the mattress.
"My money!" I blurted out in confusion.
"What is going on mother?" Vee asked curiously.
"It's gone!" I said close to tears.
Moving closer to me, Vee looked up at me and asked again, "What is happening mother?"
I immediately sank into the bed as tears began to flow from my eyes. It must be Andrew again, he must have known I kept it here.
"It's Andrew, he stole it." I said to Vee.
"Let me get this straight mother, you mean you kept some money here and Father stole it?" asked Vee.
"Yes, that's right. As a matter of fact, this is not the first time he does that. I purposely hided my purse in the mattress thinking he won't see it." I answered her in tears.
"But, mother, I thought you didn't have any money at all." asked Vee.
I dried my tear taking her hand and said, "Your tuition will expire soon so I had been secretly saving the money for your tuition and the new shoes you so much wanted, it's twenty-five dollars."
Vee sank into the bed and asked with a sad face, "Now, you mean Father stole the money? Your hard earned money?"
"I'm sure of it, he must have gambled the money away." I said.
"Definitely, there's no lunch and ice cream for me today again?" I heard Vee asked in tears.
"I'm sorry Vee, I know I have failed as a mother." I said trying to take her into my arms but she instantly ran out of the room in tears.
I stood up immediately and ran after her, on getting to the living room, I met Vee sitting on the couch sobbing aloud.
"Vee, please look at me, I am so...." I didn't conclude the statement when I heard the sound of the door opening, that must be Andrew.
I saw Andrew lost balance as he walked in, he sat on the floor ignoring the couch without paying any attention to Vee and I, he must be drunk again.
I was about walking up to him when I saw Vee stood up facing her father directly. Giving her a confused look, I asked, "What are you doing Vee?"
Ignoring my question, she gave her father a tap on his shoulder and asked, "Where is my mother's money?"
Andrew opened his eyes slowly and saw Vee in front of him with a killer look, "Are you out of your mind?" I heard him asked his daughter.
"Why did you steal my mother's money!" came the next question from Vee to her father.
I knew this would only lead to trouble, I know what Andrew is capable of doing regardless to his daughter or so called wife so I quickly moved in between them hiding Vee behind me as I said, "Pay no mind Andrew, she's just a little girl."
I saw Andrew stood against me trying to get Vee behind my back while I kept on protecting my little girl.
"Will you let me get that little rat or I pounce on you!?" Andrew roared angrily.
"Don't touch my child, beat me up all you want but don't touch Vee please." I pleaded.
I always beg Andrew when he wants to become violent, he's so good at it and I won't want him to touch Vivian.
After some seconds, he was able to get hold of Vee and he dragged her away from me.
"Say that again you little rat!" He howled at Vee and she started crying.
"This is child abuse, I will report you." Vee said to her father.
I couldn't control the rage in me any longer the moment I saw Andrew's hefty hand decended on Vee's left cheek, my eyes became red with pure anger and hatred.
I didn't know when I pounced on him, freed Vee from his hold and began biting him in any part of his body that was possible.
"Get the hell off me you crazy woman!" He blurted out but I didn't mind his raised voice. how could lay his hand on Vee after stealing my money? I won't take it this time.
"Once I get up, you are in for a good beating Yvvone." I heard him screamed out trying to free himself from the grip of my teeth.
"Why did you steal my money? I won't let it slide anymore." I said still biting him all over his body.
I saw Vee collapsed on the floor crying her lungs out, she must hate seeing her father and I like this. What choice do I have? When her so called father proves to be totally useless.
Looking at Vee with my eyes full of tears of sympathy, I lost balance on Andrew's body and he had the chance to turn the table around.
He pounced on me and began to give me a good beating, slapping and punching me wherever.
I screamed at the top of my voice trying to call for help but he covered my mouth with his hefty hand preventing my voice from been heard as he continued decending blows on me like I was a punching bag.
I saw Vee stood up from where she sat running towards him, she said to him biting his butt really hard, "Let go of my mother!"
I knew Andrew wasn't minding Vee, he only concentrated on giving me a punch-made tattoo on my body while Vee continued biting him.
Suddenly, he faced Vee out of anger and pushed her away from him really hard.
I couldn't believe Vee fell down and I heard the sound of her head hit the ground. She rolled on the ground till her body was stopped by the center table.
Seeing Vee laid on the ground without standing or making a sound, I didn't know where the sudden energy to free myself from Andrew's hold came from, I instantly pushed him off me and ran to where my daughter laid soundless.
Getting to Vee, my daughter was unconcious.