"So you will be ready at seven?" Viktor rose and took her empty plate from her.
"Ten minutes early." Raven smiled.
"Perfect." He threw the trash away and then came back. "I am actually looking forward to the party tonight. "Thank you."
"No, thank you. It sounds like quite an opportunity," Raven replied.
"I guarantee all your friends will be jealous. Well, I have to get going. See you tonight."
"Wait," Raven stopped him.
"Don't you want to exchange numbers?" she asked.
He twisted a silver ring on his middle finger and his expression tightened. "Right. Of course." He pulled out his phone from his back pocket. The case appeared to be gold plated. He slid his finger around the screen. "What is your number?"
Feeling stupid, Raven pulled out her mobile and went into her contact list to find her number. She told him, and a few moments later, her phone rang. "Got it."
"Awesome. See you in a few hours," he said.
"A few?" Raven exclaimed.
He glanced at the screen. "Okay, five hours to be precise."
"See you then." She leaned back and sighed. For someone with no past, things were working out pretty well. She had a date with a gorgeous guy at an exclusive club. What more could one ask for?
With nothing remotely close to nice enough to wear.
Clover came and sat in the chair Viktor had been in. "Who was the hottie?" she asked.
"Apparently my date tonight," Raven replied.
Clover screeched. "Where to?"
"Somewhere called 'The Jaguars Den.' I am going to need to get a formal dress," Raven said.
Clover's eyes lit up. "Shopping trip!" She pulled Raven up to standing. They went up to their room to grab their purses and then headed for her car. Clover babbled on about parties and dances coming up.
Raven was not sure how they would fit any studying or sleeping into their schedules with so many social activities. It was nice to focus on other things than her past, or lack thereof.
Raven had a blast trying on dresses. Clover and she snapped pictures of each other in all the ones they liked. Raven ended up choosing a Turquoise colored, floor-length gown with straps that crisscrossed in the back and a shimmery bodice.
"You are sickeningly beautiful," Clover said.
"Uh, thanks."
Clover tapped her and snickered. "That is a compliment."
"Then you are sickeningly stunning," Raven complimented her in return.
Clover beamed. "You are the best. What did you think of that white dress on me?"
"The one with the lace?" Raven asked and went back into her dressing room.
"Yeah. Did it look too much like a wedding dress?" Clover asked for her opinion.
"Not at all."
"I am going to get it. I heard the society for female students in college host formal dances all the time. We can pretend to be potential volunteers," Clover told her.
"Sounds like fun," Raven agreed. "As long as there are not any initiations involved."
"During a dance?" The door closed in the next dressing room. "If that happens, we will move fast out of there," Clover said.
"Okay. I may as well get as much use out of this dress as possible for what it costs," Raven agreed.
When they got back home, the backyard was even more crowded. Damon came in and washed his hands as they passed the kitchen. He glanced at Raven. "I saw you talking to Viktor Jag."
Raven stumbled into Clover, unable to believe what she had just heard. "What did you say?" she asked Damon.
Damon's brows squished together. "I saw you talking with Viktor Jag earlier."
Raven gasped for air. His last name was Jag? Heart thundering, she stared between the two of them. The room was spinning. She took a deep breath to control herself from running out of the room.
"Yeah," Damon said. "His family owns..."
"The Jaguars Den." Raven leaned against the wall for support. What was the deal with jaguars showing up everywhere?
"Right. He and all the super-rich kids always hang out together. I have never seen him at any of my parties. In fact, I cannot say I have even seen him talking to any of my friends," Damon said.
Raven swallowed. "Interesting. He probably does not invite people to parties at 'The Jaguars Den' either, does he?"
Damon's eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "Did he...?"
"He is picking me up at seven," saying that Raven bit her lower lip.
"Really?" Damon stepped closer to her. "Get pictures. Lots of them."
"Okay," Raven replied.
"No, I am serious. There are so many rumors about that place, but I have never seen so much as a picture of the inside. No one else has that I know of, either," Damon said.
Clover stared at her. "How did you manage to get into the most exclusive place on the peninsula?"
"You have got me. Viktor just invited me," Raven replied.
"Find out if he has any brothers," Clover muttered.
Raven closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "He said he is the oldest brother."
Clover grabbed her arm. "Come on. We have got to get you ready."
"Right." Raven opened her eyes and followed Clover upstairs, lost in thought. How could a girl with no past find herself with an invite to 'The Jaguars Den?' Unless it was some universal joke. Either it was, or going there would shed some light on what was going on.
There were too many jaguar references for it to be a coincidence.
Once in their room, Clover pulled out her phone and scrolled around the screen. "There is a makeup tutorial we have got to follow. You are going to be so hot, you will set the place on fire."
Raven shook her head.
"Here it is. What do you think of the look?" She showed Raven the screen. The girl in the video looked like she belonged on the red carpet.
"Gorgeous," Raven whispered.
"Wash your face while I get this video set up on my laptop," Clover told her.
"Okay." Raven trudged into the bathroom, still trying to pull her thoughts together. Nothing made sense.