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Beads of sweat broke out along Raven Knight's hairline. She wiped them away, tightened her ponytail, and ran faster along the dirt trail, jumping over exposed roots, and ducking under low hanging branches. Pine trees, firs, and birches turned her path into more of an obstacle course than a trail.

A twig snapped behind her. She glanced back but did not see anything. It was probably just a raccoon. Her sneaker hit a root and her arms flew in front of her. She landed on her hands and knees and slid down a slope. Rocks and branches dug into her skin until she crashed into a bush.

She stood and dusted herself off. Blood dripped from her legs. She withdrew twigs, dirt, and small rocks from the cuts.

"Nice work, Raven," she muttered to herself.

Clover, her friend had said she should not have gone into the forest for her first jog. But having just moved to the beautiful Port Angeles, a city in Washington, she was not about to join a club when she had the great outdoors. Birds chirped all around and a stream flowed nearby. It was like the woods were telling her that she had made the right choice.

There was a sound of another snap. "Who is there?" She sounded a lot braver than she felt. Her heart thundered against her ribcage and she whipped her head around. Her roommates had said the woods were safe, but she was also trusting people who had been strangers only a couple of days earlier.

Why had she gone into the woods alone? Wasn't that how half of all horror movies started?

Raven thought of Clover running on a treadmill, flirting with cute college guys. Maybe she was the smart one.

Footsteps, once again. "Hello?" she called.

Nothing. The birds had also stopped singing.

"Is anyone there?" Raven called out.

The footsteps came closer. Her pulse drummed in her ears. She fought to be able to breathe normally.

A small gray and black wolf stepped out from behind the tree. He made eye contact with her.

She did not move a muscle, holding its gaze. Instead of feeling the need to run, its presence calmed her. Her heart rate steadied, and she held herself back from rubbing its nuzzle.

"Are you lost, little guy?" Raven asked him.

He stepped closer and sniffed the air.

She should have run but was too intrigued. Would he check her out and then run off? She could not shake the feeling that he wanted her to pay him some attention. Or even to pet him. She was not sure why but petting him felt right, even natural. How could that be? A wolf that wanted a rub down?

The wolf took a step, and another, and then another, continuing to stare into her eyes.

Music sounded from Raven's pocket as her phone rang. The animal skidded back and exposed his teeth.

She reached in and rejected the call.

The wold glanced from side to side and crept closer to her. He was so close enough that she could have reached out and rubbed the fur. She kept her hands near her pocket.

The wolf nudged her leg with his wet nose and sat down.

"D-do you want me to pet you?" she asked.

His nose again grazed her leg.

She hesitated, but then reached between his ears and patted the fur, surprised at how soft it was. He rested his head against her leg. She continued petting.

Her phone rang again. He then jumped up and ran away.

Disappointment washed through her. That had been a once-in-a-lifetime experience. She leaned back against the tree, hoping the creature would return.

After what felt like forever; but a glance at her phone told her was probably only ten minutes; she decided to head back home. If the time did not convince her to leave, the grumbling in her stomach did. It was nearing Lunchtime.

She headed back the same way she came, but this time she paid more attention to exposed roots. Finally, she broke free of the woods.

Was it her imagination, or could she smell lunch cooking? The house was a mile away. She shook her head. The hunger was getting to her. Her nerves were frayed.

She hurried down the concrete trail until the mansion came into view. 'The Springfield Mansion' stood out like a sore thumb as one of the largest homes on the edge of the campus. With thirty bedrooms, it housed over sixty students.

Smoke came from around the backyard. She sniffed the air. Barbecue. Her mouth watered.

"Raven!" Clover, ran over, carrying so many grocery bags that they probably outweighed her.

Raven grabbed several. "What is going on?"

"Damon found some patties in the freezer and he is cooking those up. We decided to throw a party," Clover said.

Raven grimaced. "How long have those been there?" she asked.

Clover shrugged. "No idea. I got some veggie burgers and some chicken patties. There are bound to be a lot of hot, hungry guys."

"And tons of potato chips." Raven shook the bags she had taken from Clover. They weighed next to nothing, although full.

"Yep." As they made their way inside, Clover told her about all the guys she had seen between The Springfield Mansion and the grocery store. She had invited every last one of them. "Put the perishables away in the refrigerator while I get the rest," Clover said.

"Sure." Raven dug through the bags. Clover had bought enough dips and appetizers to feed an army.

Clover came in, carrying a case of drinks in each hand. She stuck them in the fridge and then pulled her braids back into a loose ponytail. "I cannot believe how hot it is. I did not think Washington got this warm. Doesn't it rain and snow all the time?"

"Does not look like it, and I am actually glad. I love this kind of weather," Raven replied.

"Me, too. I just did not pack for it," Clover told her.

Raven put some sandwich toppings in the fridge. "You can borrow something of mine."

Clover's eyes lit up. "Thank you! That cute yellow sundress, may I borrow?"

"Go for it," Raven replied.

Clover gave her a quick hug. "You are the best roommate ever! Can you tell Damon the food is here?"

"Yeah," Raven replied.

"Thank you," Clover yelled and ran upstairs. While Raven headed to the back door.

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