"Can you tell Damon the food is here?" Clover said.
"Yeah," Raven replied.
"Thank you," Clover yelled and ran upstairs. While Raven headed to the back door.
The old back door groaned in protest when Raven opened it to poke her head outside.
Damon stood behind a smoking grill. He wore an apron that read 'Kiss the Cook,' and from Raven's angle that appeared to be the only thing he wore, though she was sure he had to at least have on shorts. She hoped, too.
"Is Clover back with the veggie burgers and some chicken patties?" He turned, and she could see his shorts--very short cutoffs.
"Yeah, I just unloaded everything. I did not think short shorts were the style for guys?" Raven asked.
Damon grinned proudly. "When you have got legs like mine, tiny cutoffs are always in fashion."
Raven laughed. "Do you need any help?"
"I am fine, but it looks like you should take care of your knees." He then glanced at her legs.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Well, shout if you do need help," she said and went away.
Archie, another of their housemates, came over and smiled at her. "You can help by introducing me to all your friends. If they are half as gorgeous as you, I need to meet them all."
Heat inflamed her cheeks. "I do not have any friends, remember? I just moved here."
"You are no fun. Go away," Archie teased and dug through a cooler, chuckling to himself.
Raven went up to her room, where Clover sat at their shared vanity wearing her dress. She spun around. "How do I look?"
"Stunning." Raven closed the door and pulled off her shorts.
Clover stared at her knees. "You should better wash that dirt out before it gets infected."
Raven grimaced at the thought.
Clover held up a blush palette next to her face. "Which one should I wear? I was thinking this one," she pointed to a light one, about the color of the flower on the dress, "but I am not sure."
"It will be perfect." Raven gave her a thumbs-up and then hurried into the bathroom to fix her wounds. She sat on the counter and scrubbed, trying to ignore the sting. After she had bandaged herself up, she went into the bedroom.
Clover was playing with her braids. "Up or down?" She pulled them back and then let go.
"Up," Raven said and then turned to her closet to figure out what she would wear. Maybe some capris to cover her burning wounds.
"You are right," Clover agreed.
Raven found a cute tank top and got dressed. Her stomach rumbled. Clover laughed. "You should better eat."
"I am hungry as hell," Raven replied.
Clover's phone rang then. She glanced at it and her shoulders slumped. "My mom." She groaned. "She won't leave me alone. I swear, she checks on me every hour. You would think I had gone to college on the other side of the world. Ugh."
"Can't you just ignore her?" Raven asked, nudging her away from the vanity so she could use it.
"Obviously, you have never met her." Clover sighed dramatically. "You are lucky. Your parents have not called once, have they?"
Raven froze, staring at her reflection.
"What?" Clover asked.
Raven's voice was caught in her throat.
"Raven?" Clover called out.
Raven could not remember her parents, or anything before she had arrived at the Springfield Mansion, ready to start college.
"What?" Clover asked. "What is wrong?"
Other than the fact that Raven had no memories before a couple of days earlier? "Nothing. Sorry, I guess I am just hungry."
"You look like you have seen a ghost," Clover said.
Raven forced a smile, meeting her gaze through the mirror. "No ghosts. I just need some food." Conversations drifted up from downstairs. "As soon as I finish my makeup."
Clover tilted her head.
Raven grabbed a tube of eyeliner. "Meet you downstairs?"
"Sure you are okay?" she asked.
Raven leaned toward her reflection and applied the makeup along her eyelash line. "Couldn't be better. Save a hottie for me."
Clover giggled. "I am sure there will be plenty to go around."
"See you in a few minutes." Raven moved to her other eyelid.
"Okay, but if that really tall football player comes, he is mine. What was his name?" She paused. "It does not matter. I claim him," Clover said.
"You have got it." Raven studied her eyes to make sure the liner was even.
Clover left the room, closing the door.
Raven put the lid on and dropped it, finally allowing herself to let her realization sink in. Her hands shook. How could she have no memories? Nothing. And how could she have not realized it sooner? She had pulled into the driveway of the Springfield Mansion and gotten out, knowing exactly what she was doing. But without a single memory from before.
Her Red Toyota Avalon had been packed full of her belongings; everything she would need for a successful year of college. And, clearly, she knew the skills she needed. She was a pro at applying makeup, had great fashion sense, and could text like it was nobody's business.
Did she have a mom and a dad? She had to have, but trying to remember only made her head hurt. She dug into her purse and found, credit and debit cards, a driver's license, and everything else that seemed to prove she was a real person with a past. Except without any clues. The only address listed was for here at the Mansion.
There were no clues to her previous life.
She grabbed her phone and went to her contacts. Only her roommates. There were no apps for social media, either. No photographs. She had not subscribed to any podcasts or put anything in the notes. The only thing that was remotely personal was the downloaded songs, but those did not tell her anything other than the fact that she liked popular music.
Whatever past she'd had was gone, or was at least out of her reach.
How could she not remember anything?
What was going on? What could have possibly happened to make her forget everything?