"WHY THE LONG FACE, GIRL?" Haruka asked me as I returned to the room.
They were still in front of the laptop and were still probably booking where we were touring. They were so earnest about this trip because they would also benefit from it.
I frowned and fell onto the bed. I can't understand why I'm so disappointed that I didn't see Agent July.
Yes, I didn't get to meet Agent July because this is what happened...
"Mr. President, you have a visitor," Jessa said, glancing at me. I just winked at her and I saw her blush. She turned my gaze to my father. I smirked at her bearing.
"Who, Jes?" Dad asked.
Jessa was also a beautiful and sexy secretary. Dad’s secretary’s style was nerdy. It's because she's wearing reading glasses instead of contacts, but it's something that makes her look sexier.
The real score between Jessa and me?
S-E-C-R-E-T! *grin*
"Agent Mercado," Jessa said.
Do you know that feeling that your heart skipped a beat because of excitement when you just heard their name? I just felt that! Oh my god... what is happening to me?
"Let them in, Jes…" Daddy commanded.
The secretary nodded and widened the door. On the other hand, I had my eyes glued to the door.
With so much excitement and so much pounding in my chest, I couldn’t understand why I was excitedly waiting for my lady guard to show up.
‘July…’ my mind spontaneously said her name.
The door creaked open and the agent entered.
An elegant man entered. I think he was only about my age. He was handsome too, and a hunk. He gave me a cute smile and I did not hesitate to reciprocate.
‘But where is that Agent July?’ I asked in my mind when no one came in next after the hunk guy. That Agent July was a girl, right? Did Haruka give me the wrong information?
The questions in my mind were answered when the man introduced himself.
"Mr. President, I'm Agent Rizal Mercado. I'm Agent July's substitute for today because she has this urgent mission ordered by the Chief. I believe Chief Emilio has already informed you?" said the man.
Dad smiled and came over to shake his hands.
"Of course, son. It's nice to meet another descendant of Emilio," I heard Dad say. I don’t know who this Emilio is they are referring to, and I don’t care who he is.
The feeling that you saw a handsome man but you were disappointed and you couldn't appreciate the handsomeness in front of you? I don't know why that is. The sex appeal of this guy, Rizal, is strong, but I guess I was too excited to meet that new Lady Guard of mine. I really expected that I would meet her now.
"This is my daughter, Natalia," Dad introduced me. I tried to force my sweetest smile so that this cutie would be impressed by me. Well, this is okay. He's also handsome, so it’s fine.
"Hello, Miss Natalia," he said, bowing a little more while smiling his boyish-cute smile.
"Hello, Agent…" I smiled back. Rizal was oddly looking at me, and I could see in his twinkling eyes that he was falling for me instantly. Boys will always be boys. Hmmm...
I think the agent was shocked at me because he was just staring at my face. Dad was looking at us back and forth. Why? because I was flirting with him through our staring contest.
I mean, I was just looking straight at him and smiling. That's all. Okay, fine, I was biting my lips a little. Just a little. I told you I'm flirtier than Haruka. *smirk*
"Ah Jessa, can you bring us drinks here in the office?" I heard Dad say. I didn't know what Jessa answered but I only heard the door close.
"Ahem... agent, you can sit down first if you want," Dad said, pulling us out of our trance. Dad is such a killjoy.
"Y-yes, Sir," Rizal replied, sitting in an empty seat but not averting his eyes from me.
Uh-huh! I was enjoying this. As in enjoying this. I'm sure the flirty Haruka will be jealous when she finds out what's happening now.
"So you'll stay for the night, Agent?" Dad asked. I also sat in the vacant seat opposite them.
Since Dad had already talked to Rizal, he was no longer looking at me. With that, I pulled my phone from my pocket and stole the man's picture. I'm certain Haruka will drool over this boy.
Because who wouldn't when he looks like Captain Tezuka of Seigaku in the movie The Prince of Tennis? Yay! The no-glasses version. But he is as tall and as handsome as Captain Tezuka. However, Rizal is more macho than the anime character. Yummy!
"I don't know yet, sir. Agent July said she would be back soon though," the man replied.
When I heard July’s name, I got excited.
‘Eh, why are you happy?’ Shut up, brain!
"Okay. I'm glad you're here to assist us. So, you know my daughter Natalia, right? I think I didn't properly introduce both of you…" I heard Dad say.
I smiled sweetly. Rizal turned to me with his boyish smile.
"I already know your daughter, sir. She is very popular with netizens…" When the guy said that, it was as if cold water was pouring into my whole being. Suddenly, my sweet gesture disappeared and was replaced by a not-happy mode.
Did he just remind me of my drunkenness the other night? I don’t like him for this. I didn't notice that the agent was giving me a dog smile and not a boyish, cute smile. The eff!
I heard my Dad laugh because of what the man said. Perhaps, he was seeing my face red with anger because the punk reminded us of the incident and the reason why Dad was angry with me the other day was that I still couldn’t get over it.
That was the first time my Dad got angry at me. That’s why I still can’t get over it. Fortunately, the replacement for those "lectures" was a tour around Freelipinas. But Rizal really changed my mood. I don't want to remember the past, but here he is nonchalantly reminding us about it.
Because I didn't like what Rizal said, I immediately stood up and walked straight out of that room. Such a bummer. Bad trip!
"Where are you going, sweetie?" I heard Dad ask.
"I need fresh hair. The air here is polluted," I said rudely, going out the door without looking back.
I slammed the door before I left. I met Dad's secretary, who was carrying a tray of juice and was shocked at what I did. Jessa gets easily startled. Such a cutie.
I took a glass of juice from the stunned secretary, who was obviously staring at me. I gulped the glass of juice without averting my eyes from her, and when I finished it, I licked my upper lip, which was a bit wet with juice. I saw her swallow her saliva.
I approached her. "Please wash this well," I said, simultaneously placing the glass on the tray as I smirked and walked away from the secretary.
She may have thought that I would do something naughty to her. No, not yet. I don't need her yet. Uh-huh.
My anger has somewhat diminished from the scene earlier in Dad's study, but when I entered my room I was still in a bad mood.
End of Flashback…
"In fairness, he's really handsome…" I ignored Haruka's question earlier and just looked at the stolen picture of Rizal I got.
"Who's handsome?" Haruka asked, and she was by my side in an instant. She snatched my phone and looked closely at the picture.
"Oh, daddy… So yummy…" Haruka said softly.
I told you, Haruring would like the guy instantly.
"Who?" Intrigued, Sofia approached and took my cell phone from Haruka. "Oh yeah, I definitely agree," she added.
I laughed at the reaction of the two. My friends are such flirts.
"Who's this handsome man, Nat? Don’t be selfish. Spill," said Haruka.
Sofia returned my phone and I went to the laptop again to check what they had done so far.
"Rizal," I said without interest.
I am still not happy with what he did earlier. He is such a nosey person for a guy.
I am blaming the beautiful woman I saw at the Chinese restaurant as well. She was the reason I was so wasted that night. I admit that I'm still super affected that I didn't even get to know her or get her name. If I see her again, I'm sure I'll recognize her right away.
Damn, I still can't get her out of my mind. This is bad.
I heard Haruka and Sofia laugh softly.
"OMG! Is he still around? Why does he look tall and handsome now?" Haruka said.
I responded seriously. "Yes. He was resurrected, and then he became handsome and tall." I was still tapping on my MacBook. The places in the Visayas are what I am checking right now.
They were laughing because they thought I was referring to Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, who’s been long dead now.
"Is that a joke?" Sofia asked, standing beside me as well. I just snorted. I did not bother to answer. "Anyway, off topic. Were you able to meet St. Peter's agent?"
"Which St. Peter's agent are you talking about? You are so lame…" I knew she was referring to Agent July.
Saint Peter's is one of the private agencies offering burial services.
She just shrugged while Haruka slapped her on the arm.
"Don't call July Baby a St. Peter's agent. You are just envious because July Baby looks like the younger version of Angelina Jolie..." Haruka muttered and Sofia stroked her arm, which was wincing right now, probably because of Haruka's strong beating earlier.
"Whoa?! Angelina Jolie? Does she look like Angelina Jolie?" I asked.
"Haruring is just exaggerated, Nat. Don't believe that. That girl is ugly," Sofia replied.
"Bitter," Haruka said to Sofia and looked at me. "I'm telling you the truth, Nat. Rizal’s pretty face can’t compete with my July Baby," she said confidently. "Sofia’s just jealous," she added, pinching Sofia's ear.
"Ouch! That hurts!" I heard Sofia shout, and soon the two were fighting over who was telling the truth.
But I believe more in Haruka because I know Sofia is just jealous, so she's completely upset with July.
Wow, does she really look like Angelina Jolie? Wow! I have a big crush on that actress.
Yay! I was even more excited to see her. I zoned out while imagining July and let the two dumb people quarrel with each other.