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Chapter 4: The Allergy


WHAT IS THE DEAL of our housemaid? Why is she refusing to face me?

Does she have a stiff neck? Or is she scared of me?

Instead of confronting the maid, I just ignored her and went back to the room, still happily humming because no one could give me bad vibes today. I'm happy because my super gal friends and I are in travel mode again.

It's nice to be the president's daughter. Woohoo!

I'm in good spirits, so I didn't scold the maid earlier as long as she would just deliver the food I asked for.

With a wide smile, I returned to the room where I found Sofia busy using my laptop while the flirty Haruka was busy calling someone from her cell phone.

"Uhm, tonight? I don't know, baby boy. Of course, you can come ever tonight," she flirtily said to someone she was talking with over the phone. 

As for Sofia, she makes faces, and it looks like the keys to my laptop will be destroyed due to her strong typing.

I just let the flirty Haruka do what she was doing while she was still bouncing around and lying on my bed. My bitchy friend was very comfortable lying down while she was still on the phone with one of her flings.

I approached the frowning Sofia.

"Hey, you're not using a typewriter, Piyaya, so be careful while typing. I just bought that MacBook yesterday. What's your problem, anyway?" I asked her as I sat next to her. 

She did not respond. Instead, her face got worse as Haruka laughed softly in the distance. She seems to have forgotten that we are also in my room.

I just shook my head and looked at Sofia, who was frowning.

I was just watching on the screen while Sofia was still booking the places I said I wanted to go to.

"Err... Nat, why do we need our first stop to be in Mindanao? Isn't it dangerous there?" Sofia asked, turning to me.

"Dangerous? Don’t worry. The rebels were scared of Dad," I said to her, pressing the reserve button. "Besides, we have guards. Those guards are as quick and strong as Flash..." I added confidently.

So far, the guards assigned to me by Daddy haven't disappointed me yet. Even though sometimes I run away from them, they are like Terminators in finding me.

"How many weeks do we need to be there?" She asked again and stepped aside for a moment because I was using the laptop.

"Depending on the circumstances, We'll go first to Iligan and CDO. I want to go to Maria Cristina and Tinago Falls. Then we'll just travel around Bukidnon and then to Enchanted River, Dahican Beaches where you can surf. That’s interesting, especially for Haruka, isn't it, Har?" I asked the flirt who just smiled at me, and she didn't seem to understand what I asked her because she was still on the phone.

"Such a flirt…" I heard Sofia say. I shook my head and just smiled. I know she’s in a rage.

I'm not numb to not noticing Sofia's true feelings for Haruka. But Haruka seems to be dense in Sofia’s feelings for her. I am not sure, though. We are both bisexual, but if you ask Sofia about her sexual orientation, she says she is pansexual.

I just ignored them. I keep on telling them about our plans.

"After Samal, yes there, then let's go to Lake Sebu then..."

"Wait, your itineraries are all near the sea. You know you can’t go there, right?" Sofia interrupted.

My face was still focused on the screen as I browsed where we could still go.

"I'll just take a look at the view there. I'll also make the guard carry me if there are seas to cross. It's the same old routine, Piyaya. Don't worry, my allergies will not be a problem," I said.

Yes, I am allergic to salt water. I don't know why, but I remember when I was a child, my parents wouldn't let me step into the salt water. 

Since I am a rebel, I sneaked out, and then I went to the sea, and I was shocked when my feet turned red and scales came out. I was horrified then, so I swore I wouldn't do that again. I also stayed in my room for a long time because I had a phobia of going out. But it took me a long time to realize that I was only allergic to seawater.

So from then on, I promised myself that my body and feet would no longer touch any seawater. But why is my itinerary now centered around beaches? because the view is also beautiful and I also have waterproof gear for defense if I ever step on seawater. We are hi-tech now. There’s no need to worry too much.

"Besides, we should not miss hiking to Mount Apo, girls. I'm already excited here…" I said to the two. Sofia just nodded.

"Eh? Hiking? It's tiring," Haruka said dramatically as she finished talking.

She is the only choosy among the three of us. Piyaya and I are game on, whether at parties or adventures.

"Stop it, Haruring. You can just get on the back of the guards if it’s too tiring. That’s never a problem," I told her.

Suddenly, she turned around and was excited. Her eyes were still shining.

"Good idea!" she squealed. "I'm going to ask July Baby to carry me…" she said, trembling in excitement.

My eyebrows met with what she said.

Who the hell is July?

"Psh…" Sofia retorted and crossed her arms.

I was about to ask Haruka when someone knocked.

"I’ll do it," Sofia offered and stood up to open the door.

I saw Kakay come in with food. I was surprised by looking at her. I'm looking for the tall maid I saw in the kitchen earlier.

"Here’s your food, ma'am…" Kakay said, placing the food on the empty table.

"You're alone, Kay?" I asked her. My eyebrows meet. I am sure that the maid I saw earlier was tall, and that’s totally not Kakay. Kakay is a small lady. 

"Yes, ma'am…" was her short answer. "Can I leave now? Don't you need anything?"

Okay, wait. What am I expecting?

"Fine. It's okay. You can go..." I said, focusing on the laptop again.

"What? Are we going here?!" Haruka exclaimed, pointing to the screen of the majestic Mount Apo. I decided I wanted to go to that place even though other people here told us that it was dangerous there, but I don't care because I really want to explore that area.

And as the daughter of the president, I must personally take the lead in advertising the beautiful scenery here in Freelipinas. As the country's slogan says, "It’s more fun in the Freelipinas." Indeed, I need to justify it myself, right? *wiggle brows*

"Yes, Haruring. Don't worry, there are guards ready to carry you. We'll go down to this lake so we can recover, won't we?" I also showed her Lake Venado located at the foot of the mountain.

"Ay, winner. The guards? Okay, I'll ask agent July again to carry me. Let's do this!" Haruka excitedly said.

"Agent July?" I wondered. She has mentioned that name a couple of times now. She’s referring to a woman, right?

"Psh..." Sofia hissed. Again.

"Your new lady guard, ma'am Nat," Kakay replied, who was still there. I thought she left already? "Oops, I slipped…" she said when I looked at her. She even covered her mouth after saying those words. Too late, Kakay.

"Lady guard? New guard? Again?" I retorted.

Why don’t I know this? Dad didn't inform me about this. Why did he add my guards again? And the guard was a woman? What can a female guard do? 

"Yes, a woman. So if you don't want Agent July, girl, just give her to me. I'll be willing to accept that sexy guard with arms wide open..." Haruka, the perverted friend of mine said, who’s still biting her lip. She was daydreaming too.

‘Sexy? Oh, interesting.’ I mentally grin. If Haruka says the woman is sexy, then that guard is definitely sexy.

"Flirty," Sofia whispered.

"What did you say?" Haruka turned to face Sofia.

"Nothing…" Sofia said. She ignored Haruka and ate a sandwich.

"Kakay, why didn't Dad tell me about this lady guard?" I cornered the maid.

"Oh what, ma'am Nat… The thing is—Uhm, just ask the President, please. All right, I'm leaving. Goodbye..." she said and quickly left my room.

What a rude maid! I was still asking questions, and then she escaped without giving me a proper answer. Tsk!

"Maybe she’s ugly…" I said, looking at Haruka. I'll ask Dad later why he needs to hire another guard. What’s he even thinking about hiring a lady guard? The hell.

"Oh, Piyaya, tell Natalia that July Baby is not ugly," replied Haruka, who also took food from the table. Sofia didn't speak and just smirked. She pretended to be busy again in front of the laptop.

Haruka ate one rice roll and swallowed it first before speaking again.

"Nat, she's not ugly, I tell you. Trust me when I say she's beautiful; she definitely is," she said. I nodded. I believe her.

Haruka's very particular about the face and body structure of a person. Even though they are the shyest creatures, as long as they are handsome, beautiful, sexy, macho, and physically appetizing, she flirts with them no matter what.

"And she's not only beautiful, Nat…." she added as she poured out the wine in her glass and drank it first before speaking again. "She's hot, as in scorching... HOT!" Haruka sounded excited.

"Okay, that's it. I need to see this girl." I stormed off outside my room. I heard the loud laughter of Haruka as I left.

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