"WHAT?!" I ANGRILY FLIPPED over to my crimson-red queen-sized bed and faced the person who woke me up.
My room was as big as you can imagine, and you can pretty much tell it was like a presidential suite in a five-star hotel because everything I needed was in the room. My room is crimson red and is complemented with other light and dark red colors. I don’t just like the color red, I love it! Not too obvious, eh?
I glared at the person who was disturbing my precious sleep.
"You know that I don't want people waking me up this early, do you, Kakay!" I shouted at the maid. If you know the Kakay Comedian, she looks a lot like her.
"Uhm, ma'am. It's the President's order. I'm just following his order," she replied.
Kakay was one of the maids who had been serving us for a long time, and she was only my age, so my tantrums with her were a bit ineffective. She’s already immune to them.
"Err! Tell Dad that I'll be there! Tell him to have his breakfast alone. It's too early for me!" I said, irritated. I covered myself again with my blanket.
"Ma'am, again. I'm more afraid of the President than you are. Ma'am, please get up," she pleaded.
Ugh! Her voice is deafening.
"Are you deaf?!" I turned around again to face her. "I said, get the hell out of here!" I shouted. She's been working here for a while, so she already knows me when I act like this. If she doesn't want to be fired, she needs to come out to my room in five seconds.
And I was right. I saw her trembling at my outburst. Kakay looks so nervous. She was walking back and forth, doubting whether to leave or not. I know she is more afraid of my daddy, but she also knows what I can do when I am angry.
"Uhm, ma'am... Please... Ma'am..."
"Kakay!" I threw her my death glare, and I almost laughed at her reaction. She looks like she’s going to pee anytime. But of course, I can't laugh because I was trying to be serious at the time. I need a hell of a lot of sleep.
She did not respond. "I will only count until three, Kakay. If you do not go out in my room after I said "three," I'll cut off your salary. Don't try me, you know I can do that," I threatened her.
She stared at me in amazement. I know she needs a lot of money because her father is sick. Kakay is the only one who works to provide for her family. So, I used her salary as a threat to her. Am I a bad girl? Nahhh, that's just me!
"One..." I started to count. She didn't even let me finish, she already hurried to leave. "Good girl..." I said with an evil smirk and went back to bed.
I tried sleeping again after Kakay left, but I couldn't. I stared blankly at the ceiling. I am so pissed with Kakay!
I don’t have enough sleep because my friends Haruka and Sofia and I went clubbing last night. Those friends of mine are the children of well-known businessmen in the country. They are purely rich girls like me. But of course, I am the best.
Aside from the lack of sleep, I can't help rethinking the face of that beautiful brown-eyed girl I saw at the Chinese restaurant yesterday too. I only glanced once in her direction, but it seemed like strange electricity flowed through my whole being when our eyes met.
I tried to shrug off the thought of it all night. I succeeded for a while, but when I got home, I was still not visited by drowsiness because she was haunting my thoughts.
I still clearly remember her long, curly brown hair, matching her intimidating brown eyes, sharp nose, beautiful face, and red lips. Even her body was god-darn hot.
I was disgusted with myself because I seemed to be dumbfounded at the time and made no moves to acknowledge her.
In case you’re wondering why I was ogling a girl, I am Natalia Aquino, bisexual, and I am confident and proud of myself for being one. I was disgusted with myself because I did nothing to even get to know the name of that girl.
So now I'm suffering because she won't leave my mind. I was not like that. In a snap of my fingers, I get everything I want, including boys or girls. However, at that moment, I don't know why I became so tame.
Regrets, regrets. It's too late for regrets. Now, all I can do is move on. Anyway, as I have said, I can get whoever I want. I shouldn't waste my time thinking about that woman. I’ll just go back to sleep.
I closed my eyes again and went to sleep. Luckily, I fell asleep quickly. Then I dreamt of something scary.
I saw a big wolf, which I never thought existed. It was fighting a fanged creature well known to be called a vampire. I was just standing there, looking at the two creatures as they fought.
I could not do anything. I was stuck there and freaked out internally as I never thought I would see these creatures in real life. I believed that there were vampires because I have a vampire friend, but I'm sure she's harmless. But a wolf? Wow! I don’t know what to think.
They were fiercely fighting each other, and it seemed that they would kill each other. Then the big wolf beat the vampire and beheaded him with his sharp fangs.
Then the wolf faced me with the head of the vampire in its mouth, threw it away on its side, and slowly approached me.
I should be running, right? I saw its fierce fangs and heard its growl, but I just stood there. We were both staring at each other.
When it was near me, I could see that the wolf was cute. It was twice the human size and its color was ash gray, complemented with black, with an eye that’s golden brown.
I was lost in its eyes, and I didn't realize it was so close. It was still looking at me like a predator ready to crush me at any moment. But instead of running away, I touched its head and gently stroked it. To my surprise, I wasn't bitten by it. Instead, it was like a gentle puppy that closed its eyes when it felt my touch. The wolf wimped out and I found it so cute.
I smiled because of what it did. We stayed like that for a moment, then in an instant, the wolf was far away, howling in pain. I was confused and asked myself if I had done something wrong because, to my surprise, I saw blood penetrating all over its body and suddenly it lay on the floor.
I just stood there again and wondered what was happening. Then I saw a vampire holding a knife. I couldn’t see the vampire's face, but when she quickly fled to me, I was shocked to see my friend Haruka, who’d now wanted to stab me.
All I could do was scream while she smirked and stabbed me incessantly.
Then I woke up full of sweat. I thanked God that it was all just a dream. Whew!
I decided to get up and just take a shower to relieve the pain I was feeling from my dream earlier. It was an odd dream. That was the first time I dreamed of something like that.
I stripped and went to the shower room. I was thinking again about the brown-eyed girl. Why can I never stop thinking of her? This is not good. I have to call my friends again so we can have another party tonight or go shopping later. I need more distractions.
I finished showering and got dressed when I heard another knock on my door.
"Come in," I said while facing my mirror cabinet. I was applying a little makeup. I heard my door open.
"Are you leaving again, Nat?" I don’t have to look back to find out who it is.
"Dad, you know, I'm still enjoying my life. Let me..." I replied without looking at him.
It was my dad. The President of the Republic of the Freelipinas, Hon. Jaime Aquino. Yes, I am the son of the President. And I am just the most spoiled and rude child of his. I am his only child, so he has no choice but to follow my wishes if he doesn't want me to be like Mommy and disappear from his life.
I heard him sigh.
"Nat..." he said. He touched one of my shoulders. I stop applying my makeup and look at him through the mirror.
I can see his tired face. Although my dad was still handsome and still elegant, I can say he has gained more wrinkles ever since he became president of the country. They are lucky countrymen because they are benefiting from the service of my father, while he always neglects me.
"Dad, please... Let me be on my own. I can handle myself. Hakuna Matata," I said, smiling sweetly at him, and went back to what I was doing.
I heard him sigh again. I know it’s a sign of defeat. He let me go. I mentally did a victory laugh because I had won against him again.
"Nat, how could I not be worried? You are always out, and it's dawn when you come home. I'm still your Dad. Of course, I'm worried about you…" he said.
"I have bodyguards. What good are they if they can't keep an eye on me properly? Come on, Dad, I'm just having fun. So please, just let me be," I said, still doing my thing.
"Still fun, Nat? You're 21 and a registered architect. When you took the exam, you were at the top of your class and the second highest-rated examinee. You know, if your mom is still here, she will react the same way I do. You're wasting your life on useless things," he calmly said, but everything he said penetrated my heart.
"Eh, she's not here. She left us…" I whispered.
"What did you say?" Dad asked. I didn't bother to answer and just checked myself in the mirror in my closet. Instead, I said something else.
"See, Dad, you mentioned my achievements. Isn't that enough for you? Even if I'm partying hard, you see, I haven't neglected my studies," I told him in a serious tone. What's the problem with him? Does he have a period? He's not usually like this.
"I know that Nat, but you're at a different level now. You're going to the adult level and even though you have a lot of achievements, you're still irresponsible..."
I was shocked at Dad’s boldness today. I look at him with an unbelievable look.
"Yes, Nat, I'm telling you, you're irresponsible. I get enough of it. Since you lost your mom, you've been like that. I raised you well and gave you everything you wanted, but you still do stupid things and stunts. Have you forgotten your father is the president? You're putting our lives in jeopardy," he said in a firm tone.
"What do you mean, Dad?" I asked, confusingly. I don’t understand his point or am I turning a blind eye? I guess the answer is the second statement.
"Did you forget what you did last night?"
I looked at him, frowning. "I don't know what you're talking about," I replied. Instead of answering me, he handed me his phone as a video played on it.
In the video, it was freakin' me with a female enemy. I was in the club that my friends and I like to go to. I was very drunk while I was slapping the poor woman. No-one stopped me because I threatened them all not to come near us. I was gripping the girl's hair hard, and I could see on her face that she was hurt by what I was doing.
"You know what Charles Schwan says? "When a man has put a limit on what he will do, he has put a limit on what he can do." But I don't have effin' limits! Because I'm the hot, beautiful daughter of the president!" I shouted in the woman's face and rubbed her face on the bar counter.
Other people there were cheering, but the rest were just looking. The video immediately went viral on YouTube. Yay! What am I doing? I did not bother reading the comments because I know they are just negative.
With a poker face, I returned Dad's cell phone.
"I don't know that person. Maybe I just look like her, but that was not me..." I denied it. I went back to what I was doing. I don’t remember it earlier, but I was reminded when my father let me see the video.
"Seriously? A look-alike? Come on, Nat. You should muster a reason better than that," Dad said mockingly. I can sense he's pissed off. He rarely does that to me.
I am nervous inside, but I will never show him that I am afraid of him. You can probably say that my father and I don't have a good relationship because I'm like this to him. Yes, you are right. Ever since Mom died, Dad and I haven't gotten along.
"It's not me. It's just edited…" I still denied it.
But in fairness, I'm good at quotations when I'm drunk. I should probably take videos every time I get drunk because the words of wisdom I have stored in my precious brain may still come out. I am laughing internally.
"I checked it with a good technician and it wasn't a fake." There are also a lot of witnesses, and there are a lot of other versions of that video," he sternly said. "And God, she’s not your only victim, Nat. You still have a lot of other videos involving other people. I thought it was all rumors, but it turns out it's not. I don't know what to do with you anymore! "
I was shocked at the anger I saw in my dad’s eyes. Wow, he's really angry.
I couldn't speak, and I was just staring at him with wide eyes. I can't believe he is doing this to me now.
"D-dad, are you yelling at me?" I said, crying.
His expression softened when he heard what I said. I know he can't scold me for too long.
"I-I'm sorry, sweetie. It's just that I get enough of your performances. I love you, sweetie. That's why I'm doing this to you," he calmly said.
"No! You don't love me anymore because you're scolding me. I hate you, Dad! I hate you!" I said, throwing my tantrums. I even cried to let him see that I was upset at what he did to me, but the truth is I was just faking it. And it’s the perfect moment for me to ask him for one of the things I want to do this season.
"Sweetie, it's not like that..." he said, trying to hug me, but I fought back. I'm good at it, guys. Trust me.
"No! You don't! Huhuhu!" I faked crying.
"Sweetie, please forgive me. Don't cry." He never liked that his daughter was crying. My Dad is so kind. Aww. He’s so soft for me. And me too? I'm a bitch!
I continued my fake crying till he said the magic word.
"Okay. Stop crying, please. I'll do anything that you want. Please just forgive me. I'm so sorry."
"All?" I was still crying, but in my heart, I was smirking in victory.
"Yes," he replied. Ahh... I know these fake cries will work. I am so good!
"Promise?" My cry faded instantly. I wiped my fake tears.
"Yes, sweetie. Just forgive me." Poor creature, he didn't know I was just making this all up. But duh... it’s okay, it’s his fault too.
"Okay." I smiled sweetly at him.
"Are you forgiving me?"
"Yes, Dad," I said with a grin. "But in one condition."
"What's that, sweetie?"
I said in a bossy tone, "I'll be spending my time as slowly as I want, touring all over this country."
"But sweetie, it is not safe---"
"Uh-uh, you promised. Remember?"
He sighed. I smirked as he nodded.
"Okay," he said with a sigh. But hell with that sigh, he said okay and it's a freaking confirmation. Yehaa!
I jumped to hug him. Yes! country tour! I am so done with traveling to other countries, and I just realized that I haven’t explored our country. Wow, I’m so excited.
"Thanks, Dad!" I exclaimed. "I'm just going to call my friends." He just sighed as I let go of him in our embrace. I called my friends and I waved at him to get out.
"You'll take your guards with you, Nat, for safety," I heard him say when he was at the door.
"Whatever, Dad. Okay," I said, not looking at him and still dialing.
Then I heard the door close, and I happily announced the next getaway to my friends when they answered my call. They are both excited too.
Lots of places came into my mind. So I searched on the internet and I booked the reservations myself.
I gave the other work to Haruka and Sofia. The work I'm referring to is researching other places we'll visit and making hotel reservations. Yay! Ain't it fun?
Indeed, it will be! I am super excited!