It was all Holly could do to give him a strained smile rather than look like she was about to be sick. She felt it though.
"Thanks, Pete, but I'll be fine. Looking forward to having some quiet time to myself for a few days. Just me and no one else is exactly what I need" She replied as politely as she could.
As always, though, nothing deterred Pervy Pete. Not even such a thinly-veiled rebuke.
"Well, you know where I am if you need me." He replied with seeming friendliness, before adding as if in concern, "Tell you what, I'll pop by just to make sure you are alright though. See if you need anything."
The insinuation was clear enough to make Holly's stomach twist nauseously and this time the attempt at a pleasant smile she gave him was twisted with a sickly tinge. Chris only stood there trying as hard as he could to hold back his laughter at her. He was such a bastard at times!
"That's what neighbours are for, right?" Pete continued when she didn't reply, and Holly only looked on aghast inside as Chris nodded gently. A month! He would not be getting anything for a whole month, the bastard! "Don't worry, Chris, I'll make sure your wife is alright and happy while you're gone." The disgusting old man added as he noticed Holly's husband nodding agreement.
"Oh thanks Pete, that's a weight off my shoulders." Chris replied with barely suppressed laughter as he looked over at her.
Shifting his oily, lascivious, and clearly pleased grin from her husband to Holly, Pete added seemingly self-deprecatingly as he clearly tried hard to hold himself back from rushing over to her, "You need anything, anything at all, you just call out, I'll be able to hear you and will have my windows open with the heat, so any time -- night or day -- you just call me and I'll be here"
Holly reluctantly nodded her thanks, and this time she was sure her disgust at the old man was plain on her face as Chris suddenly turned around and hid his face from their neighbour, his shoulders shaking slightly before he coughed and cleared his throat. For her part, Holly could only think how much she wanted to get away from the horrible little man's groping eyes and how he had likely said that about being able to hear her easily next door because he was always constantly spying on her and trying to catch her naked through a window or something. That only made the slim brunette feel even more ill and she quickly pulled her eyes away from his and looked anywhere but at him.
"Thanks, Pete, but I'll be fine. Just a quiet weekend for me. You won't hear a peep from me, don't worry." She replied trying to end the conversation as quickly as she could. Fuck, but she wanted to jump back into the house, lock the door, and sit in the shower for the rest of the weekend! Eurgh!!
The older man gave Holly a long, lingering look and looked almost on the verge of saying something else before he turned back to Chris, almost as if he had forgotten Holly's husband was there.
"Have a good weekend, Chris" Pete said in the most suggestive tone Holly had ever heard, almost as if he were in a hurry for Holly's husband to leave, wishing him well so he could enjoy some alone time with his wife.
Holly suppressed a shudder at both the thought and the tone and watched from the corner of her eye as the greasy man gave her husband a smile and then her an insinuating glance before he walked away back into his house. As the door clicked behind him Holly looked at her husband with a mix of 'oh my god' at Pete and a playful threat for how Chris had acted around him. Oh she would totally get him back for that!
Almost wrapping her robe tighter around her, at least until she realised that that would just outline her figure even better, Holly tried her best not to jump further into the house and hold her ground. The heat of the day was slowly growing but the brunette wife had more reason to jump in the shower now! Looking at her with amusement at striking a point with her Chris only leaned against the truck smugly.
"You're so going to pay for that" She warned her husband, who only smirked harder as he watched her struggle to stand or go. Either way he seemed to think he had scored another point.
Before Chris could say anything smug, however, Holly added as nonchalantly as she could, "I'm going to go for my shower. You boys behave."
Both Reilly and Kayden mumbled something that Holly took for agreement as they bashfully stared at the bags, while Chris grinned more broadly. No doubt he knew both the reason she had abruptly decided to leave and why she was so eager to have her shower. Damn him. She really was going to have to think of something to burst his ego. With how competitive he was he would be impossible to live with if she didn't after that.
And so Holly held his eye with a semi-sombre look of her own.
"And make sure you wait for Casey. He won't be long, I'm sure." She said as seriously as she could manage right then.
"I'll give him a fair shake of the stick" Chris replied, holding his hands up in defence.
Eyeing him for a moment and then trying her best not to glance over the fence to see if Pete was around Holly gave her husband a 'make sure you do' kind of smile before she half turned.
"If you're gone before I get out, make sure you have a good time. Don't drink too much guys. And try to be nice to each other." She called out with a more warm smile, before adding as she half turned back and added, "Especially your younger brother", to Kayden and Reilly.
The two young men looked back at her with so much innocence they almost looked outraged but Holly held their eyes a moment until they nodded, cheeks going red as they stared at her and they looked down again, no doubt because they knew what they were like with Casey.
"Especially you" She added with a playful smile toward her husband and this time there was nothing 'almost' about Chris's shocked reaction. But Holly knew he was the worst of all of them for picking on people.
Giving her sweet, loving husband another glance that promised retaliation Holly turned back around and only half-smiled at the wolf-whistle Chris gave her before she padded back into the house and headed towards her and Chris's bedroom. God the weather was hot, but it was the feel of Pete's oily stare that she wanted to wash off her right then. For both reasons she couldn't wait to jump into that shower!