And so barefoot, the beautiful 38-year-old brunette mother of three padded out of the en-suite and out through her and Chris' large, well-lit bedroom, pausing long enough to run her hand through her long hair again as she passed the large stand mirror near the door -- damn, she couldn't wait for her shower, it was just so damned hot! -- before she gently walked down the stairs and through the wide-open front door that had bags piled up beside it.
This early in the day the front of the house was still relatively hidden in the shade, but even so the moment Holly's bare feet hit the stone slabs outside the heat of the already blistering day hit her like a freshly opened oven. Damn, but it was going to be a scorcher -- and the forecast had been that this was only going to get worse over the weekend! Even with only the thin layer of her nightgown and robe, and those leaving her legs bare enough for a short dress, Holly suddenly couldn't wait to get back inside and out of what she was wearing. Maybe today she would just stay inside the shower all day or walk around in her underwear -- if that wasn't still too hot!
Despite the heat, however, Holly quickly found herself smiling to herself as she leaned against the outside of the doorframe and watched her family continue to load the truck, still joking with each other good-naturedly. Chris was still coming out on top, despite both the 20-year-old Kayden and 19-year-old Reilly doing the best they could. That quick wit and sense of humour had been one of the big things that had attracted Holly to Chris in the first place. Hell, but that man could be more charming than anyone she had ever met when he wanted to be, and all in a purely natural-seeming way. He had certainly charmed her quickly enough -- three sons in rapid succession were perfect proof of that.
Even so, it was how he looked right then that put the curve in Holly's soft lips and the playful twinkle in her succulent brown eyes as he hoisted a large military-style bag onto the bed of the truck while teasing Reilly about his ex-girlfriend again. The sun had already begun to shine on the black truck and Chris was wearing his red plaid shirt half open exposing his toned and glistening chest just as the rolled-up sleeves perfectly displayed his sweat-gleaming, muscular arms. Oh, he wasn't a huge guy by any means, nor defined in a chiselled way, but the way he looked was somehow both strong and sensitive in a way that made Holly's stomach still turn flips -- flips that fluttered deep into her pussy as he turned his gorgeous smile toward her as he finally noticed her standing there.
Damn but that smile made her weak in the knees! It always had. That smile was stunning, cheeky, and charming all at the same time, and perfectly set off his handsome features. Those were what had made Holly fall head-over-heels for Chris from the moment she saw him to now. He had always reminded her of River Phoenix in his looks, if in a slightly more strong way, and what kind of a girl could resist River in his prime!? The thought of her favourite actor set Holly's pussy fluttering again -- fuck but that happened every time: if only she could get Chris to roleplay with her...
Her husband's sudden voice broke the scintillating young mother out of her fantasy and she quickly looked up with a faint glow to her cheeks that had nothing to do with the ever-increasing heat.
"What was that?" She asked as innocently as she could, trying to hide how flustered her thoughts had made her feel.
The smile that Chris flashed at her -- almost as if he knew exactly what she was thinking -- only made Holly's heart, and pussy, beat a little heavier, though she did her best to cover up as much as she could.
"I said to the guys that they had better stop slacking off now the forewoman was here." Her grinning husband replied as he straightened and leaned on the side of the truck, his brown eyes holding hers as his smile became a playful smirk.
"Us slacking off?" Kayden piped in as he pushed a cooler onto the back of the truck "We've done all the heavy lifting. All you've done is stood there and mouthed off."
"Privilege of being a parent, Kayden." Chris replied with a wink to Holly before turning to grin at their son "Besides, someone has to keep an eye on you both, otherwise you'd both be off staring at Mrs Hayworth and nothing would get done."
Kayden opened his mouth to reply to that, however the heat in his cheeks and Reilly's sudden silence gave away how closely Chris had hit the nail on the head. Jennie Hayworth was a neighbour of theirs who lived a few doors down the street, and despite being married for three years at 27 she was still hounded after by all of the neighbourhood's single guys -- including the three of Holly and Chris' sons.
Holly couldn't help but smile to herself, though she tried to keep it hidden as much as she could, at how flustered Kayden and Reilly became so quickly. There was just no one who could play people up quite like her husband. Giving him a 'bad boy' look, which only made Chris grin wider, Holly did her best to wipe her own smile away as she looked to her two sons.
"Actually, I came down here to make sure that you three weren't going to start wrestling each other to prove who was the alpha." She jibed pleasantly as she folded her arms beneath her breasts, which unintentionally pulled the thin silk robe a little tighter around her slender, yet curvaceous body. Bending one leg a little as she rested against the doorframe, Holly added, "I thought it best to step in before you all embarrassed yourself in front of Mrs Hayworth. Including you Chris", she added when her husband started to grin.
"You know I've only got eyes for you babe." Her good-looking husband replied honestly with another wink, and Holly gave him an amused glance -- she knew how true that statement was -- before she looked back to their sons.
The red in both Kayden and Reilly's cheeks had abruptly deepened and the moment that Holly looked to them both quickly turned to look at anything but her and began fidgeting with the last of the bags on the yard. Their obvious embarrassment nearly made Holly burst out laughing -- Chris could play them up like no one else and have them sputtering as they tried to think of what to say, but not even he could fluster the three sons as quickly and completely as she could.
Sometimes all Holly had to do was give them just a small look and all three of them could shame a sunset; cheeks glowing and suddenly they felt ruffled enough that they couldn't stop shifting how they were standing or sitting. Usually one or all would head off to their room when she did that, and Holly found it hard to not laugh -- or do it again. This time, however, she decided to be a little more sympathetic -- she had come down to make sure that the three of them cooled down with each other, after all.
"Are you sure? I thought you were showing yourself off for...Mr Abernathy." Holly replied as she gave Chris' open shirt a significant smirk.