Rated 18+. Behind the facade of a perfect family, there lies a secret passion no one would ever expect. Holly, a devoted...
Pleasure Unleashed:>Ep1
Left behind for the weekend, his mother makes it up to him.
The bright blue of the cloudless sky looked like a vast sapphire reaching endless distances as the golden sun burned hotly down on the glorious jewel of Shorehaven. The gleaming ball mocked the name 'summer' as too tame as it filled the City with a life that only arises on such a gorgeous beginning to a weekend that promised fun in a whole heap of ways. Faint touches of wind drafted to-and-fro, occasionally lifting the relaxing warmth, but only for the merest of moments. The sparkling blue ocean, and the pure sands of the beaches, were already crowding with what promised to be another of the City's famed paradise-like weekends, where all dreams came true and the tales for which Shorehaven was widely known were born.
Even so early on a Friday morning as it was, with the sun still a couple of hours shy of its blistering, noon-day peak, excitement buzzed and the City increasingly pulsed with life in the same way that many of its inhabitants pulsed hotter and hornier with lust in their veins -- their hearts beating faster as erotic situations slowly unfolded intentionally, or most often unintentionally...and the inevitable explosive climaxes that would shake the very knees of those involved so that they could not stand drew ever closer...slowly, and oh-so-enticingly, like a shuddering, hot breath of...anticipation, desperately needing to be satisfied.
The heat of that same merciless sun and buzzing excitement filled the large house in the upper end of Gainborough belonging to Holly and Chris Clarke, just as it did Holly herself as she placed her toothbrush back in the holder and began to tidy her hair as she stood looking into the en-suite bathroom's mirror.
Despite having all of the windows in the house open to help cope with the heat the whole house still felt like an oven, and even the thin layers of her usually cooling silk lingerie-style nightgown and silk robe made Holly feel that she was wrapped up in woollens instead of having just gotten out of bed basically wearing the least amount she possibly could right then. Even with bare feet on the floor tiles and the robe hanging above her knees, Holly barely managed to stop herself from just pulling the robe off and throwing it on the floor to try to cool down.
She even thought of letting the strappy nightgown fall from her shoulders too -- was there going to be no breeze at all today!? -- but instead tried to focus on making her hair at least a little less bed-headed. Hell but she was so looking forward to her nice cool shower! The cooling water running down her burning, hot body would be heaven! She could almost feel the cold, wet drops trailing over her soft skin, showering down on her face, teasing tantalizingly over her soft but oh-so-firm tits, and down her sexy flat stomach...pooling around her feet... Pure bliss! For a moment Holly felt lost in the fantasy, until a warm breeze gusted through the window as if from an open oven carrying the sounds of the world outside and stirring her from her reverie. Before she could enjoy that cool oasis, she had to check on Chris.
Smiling at her reflection as she brushed her long, dark brown hair behind her ears, Holly felt a warm love suffuse her at the thought of her sweet -- and hot -- husband, a feeling that only deepened while being tinged with loving amusement as the sound of Chris and two of their three sons, Kayden and Reilly, drifted through the open bathroom window as they lumbered around outside, each making jokes at the others' expenses as, by the sounds of it, they carried various things from the house to the car.
"...need a hand carrying that, or is it the sun making your face that colour? Too many take outs Kay. We could roll you there if you sit down." Holly heard Chris jokingly call out to their eldest son, to which the 20-year-old let out a good-natured derisive snort.
"I'm bulking out because I work out. Unlike you, dad." Kayden bantered back "And I've got twice as much stamina as you. Sure you don't need to sit down 'old man'?"
Holly laughed softly to herself at that, as did Chris and Reilly.
"You got me there." Chris replied, and Holly stole herself for the quick response she knew was coming. That was one of her husband's many talents. "I haven't got the same stamina as you at all. No way I could keep eating as much as you do without bursting. I never knew that lifting your arm constantly from plate to mouth was classed as a workout. You should be an Olympian by now."
Holly didn't need to see her eldest son to know his cheeks had grown red at that or to hear the silence to know he had no response -- Chris was always playing everyone else up, except her, he knew better than that, and he was good at it. They all were really, all five of them liked to joke around most of the time, but Chris outstripped any of them, and sometimes took a great deal of pleasure in flustering the three of their sons. Holly sometimes had to tell him he was going a little too far -- he was very competitive...but then, all of the four guys were -- but it was all in good fun, even if there was something very 'male' about it. As if the four were constantly trying to come out on top. No, Holly didn't need to see Kayden to know his reaction, nor did she need to hear Reilly laugh -- every day was the same in the Clarke house.
"You can shut up, Reilly." Kayden suddenly said, obviously focusing on his younger 19-year-old brother to avoid trying to reply to his dad. "I've never seen you in the gym. Maybe that's why you only keep picking up the light stuff?"
Reilly was much more like his father in his quickness than Kayden, and so Holly wasn't surprised by the quick, calm response her middle son made almost as if without thought.
"I run -- you know, that thing that your legs are for? No need for me to spend hours ogling other guys in the gym." Reilly quipped amusedly and Holly heard her husband laugh as she rolled her eyes to herself. Even so, when it was a contest to see whose was bigger -- and it always was with Chris -- Holly knew Reilly's upper hand was only momentary.
"That's not what I hear your last girlfriend has said." Holly heard Chris jibe and this time it was Kayden's turn to laugh and Reilly that seemed at a loss for a moment. "I think the exact words were that you ran so much because you're always chasing the guys and trying to run from her."
"Oh, burn!" Kayden yelled out happily and Holly heard what sounded like a high-five.
Shaking her head as she finished straightening her hair into a semblance of order Holly quickly ran a comb through it before she looked over her freshly washed face, and pulling the robe close -- reluctantly, as it still seemed to be trying to swelter her -- headed for the bathroom door. The boys would always be boys, but before things escalated into a round of chest-pounding she would go and make sure everything remained friendly. Oh, they wouldn't go too far, but still, with how the boys in the family were always trying to get one up on each other things could, and did, get out of hand enough that one or another would do something silly to top the others. That didn't always go as planned, and Holly had been looking forward to having the house to herself for the weekend too long to risk the guys cancelling their trip because one of them tried to prove how strong he was and then hurt themselves.