Elsida’s lips move on their own accord, beckoning to Julien’s seeking tongue, and together, they collide in a tangle of hushed breaths, their surroundings momentarily dissipating.
“Perfect oh, you’re both so in love,” the photographer says startling them out of their stupor.
“That’s enough photos now” Julien commands, his gaze turning heady as it takes Elsida.
Elsida doesn't meet Julien’s gaze as her heart thrums wildly, her eyes roaming the room.
She turns her back on him and as her hands languidly trace her lips, shock courses through her veins.
“Come now, look at the masterpiece you both created” the photographer murmurs.
“Excuse me” Elsida mumbles as she sprints past the room.
“What was I thinking?” Elsida murmurs as she shuts the door to her room, leaning against it.
She figured out that at some point, her and Julien will be required to share intimate moments in public but she did not expect it so soon.
She also never anticipated the surge of pleasure that coursed through her when his lips met hers.
“Why was I so willing?” she sighs as she recalls how her lips seemed to delight in the gentle sweep of his warm tongue against hers.
“Get it together!” she bellows as she scurries to her bed, balancing her body weight on the plush duvet.
“Madam,” her maid says, knocking gently on her door.
“Come in” Elsida mutters, putting a hiatus on her breakdown.
“Mr Benoit requests your presence at dinner,” she says.
Elsida’s head snaps up in alarm at the mention of Julien.
“Tha- Thank you for letting me know, I’ll be there” she stutters, biting her lip.
Once the maid shut the door, Elsida let out a heavy sigh.
If Natasha hears of this, she would make a fuss out of it.
Suddenly, Elsida wasn’t so hungry anymore.
“Ahh El, you left in such a rush, the photographer couldn't stop gushing about you” Julien said, his agonizing smirk plastered on his face as Elsida took a seat on the table.
Elsida eyed him warily, he looked like his usual self. Indifferent, all traces of his heavy-lidded gaze and the moment they shared forgotten.
She felt awfully stupid for letting herself get riled up over the stupid kiss.
Clearly, she was the only one who was affected.
“Sorry, I had to take a breath, being so close to you gave me a headache,” she murmured, schooling calm in her voice.
“Believe it or not, being in close confines with you is not usually how I prefer to spend my free time” Julien scoffed, his gaze hardening.
“I'm glad we have a mutual agreement then,” Elsida said before she forked asparagus into her mouth.
She almost sighed with delight, her eyes roamed the various assortment of food on the table and her stomach rumbled.
She filled her mouth with food and avoided Julien’s roaming gaze.
“Tomorrow morning at ten we have brunch with Anne Laurent and her family, this is an important deal, try not to get too carried away with alcohol this time, you’re not a child that I should be constantly cleaning your mess”
Elsida’s cheeks flushed crimson as she glanced up at Julien, his attention zeroed in his glass of wine, almost as if he hadn’t uttered a word.
“You can’t let it go can you?” she scoffed.
“I’ll do my best not to embarrass you tomorrow, after all, I can’t afford to tarnish your image.
Elsida said this with as much ferocity she could muster briskly standing up and retreat.
“I’d appreciate it” Julien muttered dryly to her retreating back.
“Merde” Julien cursed in French as he pulled at his tie, dismantling it from the collar.
He felt awfully suffocated and wasn't sure if the tie was the reason behind it.
He roamed the large expanse of his room, his hands tugging at his brunette strands.
He picked up a glass of bourbon and drained it, anything to drown the thought of how Elsida’s lips felt on his.
The way her mouth beckoned to his, giving his tongue access to roam her pretty mouth.
At this rate, his plans would fail if he kept thinking with his dick.
No, he wouldn't let it.
Some betrayals were too deeply rooted to let go of.
He picked up his phone, calling Elsida’s father’s doctor, he answered on the third ring.
“Good day Mr Benoit”
“When do you plan to start administering the succinylcholine?”
“ I was going with your plan of starting in three-”
“Start tomorrow, I don't care what you have to do, start it” he said abruptly.
Elsida walked to the waiting limo as slowly as she could, not anticipating spending time with Julien.
She hardly slept last night, the kiss rattled her, imploding her with nightmares of the past.
She hated herself for still thinking of that kiss and would do everything in her power to make sure nothing like that happened again.
“You’re awfully tardy this morning” Julien snarked as Elsida entered the limo.
“It's not even up to nine fifteen, ” Elsida murmured.
“What kind of host will I be if I don't show up at least thirty minutes early?” he says as the chauffeur veers into the clustered St German street.
“What I don't understand is why you need me to accompany you with this,” Elsida said, eying him tiredly.
“Need I remind you, you are my wife for the duration of this contract, it is your obligation.”
He stated, glaring at her darkly.
“An obligation? I don't remember seeing that in the contract.”
“How would you El? You were too engrossed in your father’s pain to realize what you were signing” Julien said, he said chuckling.
“You bastard I hate-” she began to say but was interrupted as the limo hit a bump veering to a stop.
“Why aren't we moving?” Julien barked.
“I'm not sure sir, I’ll check on it” the chauffeur mumbled hurriedly exiting the car.
“It's a clear sign that this brunch isn’t supposed to hold” Elsida muttered sarcastically.
“Why? You don't sound so excited to see your friend, I thought you were ready for a cocktail hour”
Elsida’s face flushed, her hands trembling with unmasked anger.
Of course Julien wouldn’t hesitate to bring up her vulnerable moments to belittle her, he thrived at it.
“I can’t do this,” Elsida said, opening the door and stepping into the crowded street.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Julien barked, following after her.
“I need air Julien, away from you!”
Julien caught up to her and took hold of her hand.
“Let me go!” she bellowed.
“Elsida we are in public” Julien said, his voice taking on precarious calm.
“ I don't care, Julien,” she said, turning to face him.
“ I just need a moment gosh you are so-”
“Ow,” she muttered as her foot slipped on the curb.
Time stilled as she dangled on the edge of the curb, fear flashing across her face.
The last thing she saw was a truck hurling towards her.