“Why is my face plastered on that magazine?” Elsida asks, feeling an inkling of dread coursing through her.
Noticing the tension, the maid scurries past Julien giving them privacy.
“You're asking the wrong question!” “I would like to know what came over you last night that prompted you to behave so childishly” Julien snarls.
Elsida's cheeks turn crimson, she stares at the duvet, not being able to meet Julien’s scalding glare.
Last night was the first time in a while she let herself drink with reckless abandon.
It gave her momentary relief but she couldn't help but feel shame as Julien scolded her.
“I'm sorry” she mutters.
Julien takes a step closer to her, and kneels so they are at eye level.
Elsida’s breath comes out bated as she grips her chin, forcing her to look at him.
“Europe is nothing like America, the press is brutal here and will not hesitate to feed on your weakness.”
“I’ve apologized Julien let it go,” she says her eyes blazing with unshed tears.
Julien lets go of her chin and stalks towards the door.
“We have a photoshoot in six hours. I expect that your hangover will be cured by then,” he says before jamming the door shut.
Elsida releases a heavy sigh and takes note of her surroundings, she realizes she isn’t wearing the dress of last night and she can only hope it was her maid that undressed her.
“Hi Natasha,” Elsida says as she scrambles to pick up the call on the third ring.
She had just come out of the shower and was still feeling disoriented from her conversation with Julien.
She mustered up what she hoped was her best smile and grinned at the camera.
“You look horrible Elsida! Why are your eyes so sunken, did Julien do something to you? I swear if that son of a”
“Relax Nat I'm fine” Elsida hurries to say.
“If you’re fine then explain your sunken eyes” Nat stated, eying her curiously.
“Let’s just say I had a lot to drink last night. Enough about me, how is Dad where are you right now?”
“I’m at the hospital and that's why I called, I have good news Dad has been moved to top priority and the Doctor says he will be getting the bone marrow transplant in three months” Natasaha states excitedly.
“Oh thank God, Where’s Dad now?”
“He’s currently getting some medication injected into him, the doctor says it will strengthen him for the time being.”
Elsida released a breath she hadn’t known she was holding.
Julien was far from being a saint but at least he could keep to his word, she had a nagging feeling that Julien would end up making her regret signing the contract but that feeling was instantly replaced by hope.
“I'm so proud of you Elsida because of you, we’re going to save Dad” Natasha murmurs her voice cracking.
“We did it together Nat it wasn't just me,” Elsida says, as tears stream down her face.
“Okay let’s quit being sappy okay, Dad’s going to be fine and that's all that matters”
“You’re right” Elsida mumbles, wiping her cheeks.
“I have to go now, get some rest El, you look like you need it, “ Natasha says before the line goes dead.
Natasha was right, Elsida needed rest and she wasn't sure her body had recovered emotionally from the turmoil of the past week.
After getting dressed, she wandered the corridors of the apartment, finally having the time to take in the Parisian grandiosity.
She found herself in a corridor that held portraits of what seemed to be generations of Benoit men.
As she gazed at the portraits, she couldn't deny how alluring the Benoit men were with their striking blue eyes.
She stopped in her tracks when she got to Julien’s portrait.
It was eerily uncanny how the portrait captured his sinister smirk.
She shivered slightly and moved away, ridding herself of thoughts of him.
As she moved forward, she found a large balcony that overlooked the view of the Louvre.
Her feet moved on their own accord and she stood on the balcony appreciating the view.
She spotted a little Victorian table set and decided to sit down to appreciate the view.
“Madam Madam,” Elsida’s maid said, tapping her gently.
“The stylists are ready for you Madam.”
The last thing Elsida remembered was sitting down to take in the view of the Louvre, she must have fallen asleep, she mused.
“What stylists?” she asked, feeling disoriented.
“For the photoshoot Madam we have to get you ready!” the maid said hurriedly as though they were out of time.
“Okay okay I’ll be there in a minute,” Elsida said, putting herself together.
She had no clue what the photo shoot was for and she hoped it wouldn't take too long.
“Miss Elsida you have kept me waiting,” a slender lady with bright pink hair says in heavily accented French as she enters her room
“I’m sorry I fell-”
“No time for chit-chats sit down and
let me sparkle you” she says as she pulls Elsida towards a plush chair.
Julien’s gaze snaps up at the sound of Elsida’s footsteps. His eyes trail her languidly from her head to toe, skimming past her legs and zeroing in on the dip of her cleavage and he lets out a ragged breath.
“It took you long enough” Julien mutters, his eyes moving away from her.
Elsida was not sure how to respond, she noted his heated gaze trailing her and she felt a momentary shiver and for some reason, it wasn’t out of repulsion.
The thought of that alone repulsed her.
“What exactly is this photoshoot for?” She asked hoping she didn’t appear flustered.
“Forbes forty under forty, they need a photo where I’m posed with my wife” he muttered dryly.
“Don’t you think a heads up would be fair next time preferably not on the day of the event”
Q“Sorry, you were too busy getting a drink” he quipped with a lazy smirk.
As if on cue, the photographer summoned them.
“Alright you two come together let’s make magic”
The short red-haired man quipped enthusiastically.
What was it with French people and being over-enthusiastic? Elsida mused.
After a few awkward shots, the photographer was agitated.
“Not close enough, come closer!” he bellowed
Elsida desperately wanted to sit down, they had been standing in the same position for over thirty minutes and hadn’t made any progress.
“She is your wife, put your arms around her!” the photographer shrieked at the top of his lungs.
Reluctantly, Julien pulled Elsida so they were facing each other and wrapped his arms around her.
“Too close Julien” Elsida murmured.
“Behave so we can give this man what he wants and be done with it” he rasped in a warning.
“Perfect, now give me a kiss would you?” the photographer mused.
“Don't even dar-” Elsida started but was cut off as Julien gripped her chin, placing a firm kiss on her mouth.