William remained silent.
“Trust me; this will end Willshire and Landford for sure. Schillingburg will be triumphant over both but this plan must remain between us, you betray me and I’ll kill you.” King Erich added.
William nodded his head and dismissed himself from the King.
Early the next morning King Erich visited Thomas in his cell. “Wake up!” He yelled as he kicked Thomas who lies on the floor in a corner.
“Today is a special day, my boy” He said.
“You will lead Schillingburg in battle, we will attack Willshire”. He added.
“I will NOT fight for Schillingburg, did you not hear me?” Thomas yelled.
King Erich shook his head in disagreement.
“We spoke about this already Prince Thomas, must I visit your Mother or even better, the beautiful Amelia. I will be sure to let her know you sent me as she screams as I ravage her body.” The King said ominously.
Thomas motioned to attack the King but his guards stopped him.
Shaking his head the King said “No, No, Prince Thomas, not a good idea, save your anger for the battlefield.”
King Erich’s battle went on as planned. Thomas was forcefully sent out to fight. But for Thomas, he was not fighting for Schillingburg, but for himself and his family.
At the same time, King Erich’s plan for King Michael was set forth.
King Michael made his way to Schillingburg for the meeting.
During the ride, his caravan was ambushed by Schillingburg’s army. King Michael was stripped of his royal uniform and placed in the middle of the battle to fend for himself.King Michael was not a soldier.
Like every man he had the basic skills but not enough to battle against any man, especially Thomas.
After fighting against a few soldiers, Michael came face to face with Thomas. Thomas did not know King Michael; this man was just another soldier to him. The fight between them was quick and the death quicker. King Michael did not suffer. Not to Thomas’ knowledge, King Michael’s guards had surrounded him as he threw the finishing blow.
There were too many to fight so Thomas surrendered.
“Do you know who you have just killed?” A soldier said.
“It’s the King, King Michael of Willshire” another responded.
Schillingburg's soldiers had retreated quickly while Willshire's soldiers attended to Thomas.
From a distance William could see that Thomas had killed King Michael and was being led away by Willshire’s Soldiers.
He immediately went and informed King Erich.
“Your Majesty, it has been done, Thomas has slain King Michael but Willshire Soldiers has taken him prisoner, what do we do?” William explained.
King Erich looked content.
“We do nothing!” King Erich replied.
“I must say, Your Highness, your plan succeeded but Thomas is now a prisoner of Willshire, he will blame Schillingburg.” William confirmed.
“It turned out better than I could imagine, now Young Prince Thomas will be killed by Willshire and not us. He will not speak and we have no knowledge of him.” He laughed.
Greyson and William had their weekly meeting to update each other about the battles. To Greyson’s surprise William informed him that Thomas was alive and fighting with Schillingburg. William never mentioned Thomas was taken prisoner by them and forced to fight to save his own life. He also never mentioned Thomas had killed King Michael either.
By this time, the bloodshed was vast.
So many innocent people had lost their lives.
I often thought about when my soldiers would have to fight and it terrified me. They were there to protect me but I was responsible for their lives. I did not look forward to commanding them into battle.
As I sat by the window looking north towards Willshire, My lady in waiting tapped my shoulder.
“Your highness, your Father wishes to speak with you”. Shyanne said quietly.
I got up and slowly walked towards his room.
“Yes, Father, is all well?” I asked.
“Oh yes, I wanted to consult with you on a battle-ending treaty I received from Schillingburg” He disclosed.
“Father, I have no idea. I do not even know what we are fighting for. And from Schillingburg, since when do you trust King Erich?” I interjected.
Suddenly Greyson enters unannounced, “Your Majesty,” he said loudly.
Father and I turned towards him surprised.
“I apologize Your Highness but I have news from Willshire.”
Father motioned for him to enter.
“News from Willshire, Greyson?” I asked.
“King Michael of Willshire has been murdered.” He said.
Greyson knew Michael was my birth brother, so he thought I should be aware of his death.
“Your birth brother Paul wanted you to know the murderer of King Michael had been apprehended and he is being held prisoner at the Willshire Castle.” He added.
I remained unaffected until he left the room.
“Oh Father, my brother has been killed,” I said.
“At least, you have solace to know that who did this despicable crime will be punished accordingly, you must travel to Willshire and grant the punishment personally,” Father advised.
“I cannot Father” I sighed.
“Why is that? You are Queen; you can do anything you desire.” He praised.
“I have no business in Willshire, especially to award punishment to a murderer.” I continued.
“You must go show support for your remaining brother and mourn for Michael.” Father conceded.
“But I am afraid Father. I do not remember them as my family.” I confessed.
“We are all afraid my precious girl, but it is something that has to be done. You are Queen of Landford, you must show strength, power and support for others.” Father proclaimed.
I lowered my head in agreement.
“Greyson and his men will accompany you, he will protect you,” Father reassured me.
“I am not sure that is safe Emmanuel,” said Mother as she entered the room.
“Nothing in this world is safe, Catherine. We must all take risks in life. Amelia is going in peace, to mourn her brother” Father replied.
“Why is she allowed to mourn this brother she did not know and not the brother who protected and guided her?” Mother protested.
“Catherine, must you always speak of him” Father replied.
“It is only true, Emmanuel! Mother added.
“Mother, I mourn David and Thomas every day of my life and I think I will show them pride and honor by doing this. Plus Michael and Paul are my blood and I must honor them too” I proposed.
“I am not content Amelia, you are all I have left” Mother wept.
“I will make you proud, Mother” I assure her.
“I do not need pride like this, I am already proud of you.” She urged.
She turned to Father and said “And you. How dare you condemn me for speaking about my first born? Where has your heart gone Emmanuel? No matter what David was accused of doing, no matter what a monster you think he is or that he betrayed you, which is completely false. He is still your blood, a part of you, you cannot erase him.”
She began to walk away when Father grabbed her arm and replied “Maybe you should go be with YOUR son, if that suits you. You are NOT needed here!”
I turned and shouted, “Father that is unacceptable behavior, Mother does not deserve such treatment and disrespect. How dare you?”
He raised his hand and slapped my face.
“HOW DARE YOU? You are still my daughter under that crown. May it never cross your mind again to address me without respect!” He said as left the room.
Mother ran to me and touched my cheek “He did not mean that Amelia.” She said.
I said nothing.
I dismissed myself from the room and wandered the corridors, as I did as a child. It was my only consolation, all that was left of the happy times in Landford Castle.
In the corners, I could hear the echoes of David and Thomas chanting, playing and running behind me. I could feel David raise me up high and spin me. I could feel Thomas pull me into a corner and kiss me. I could feel their presence all around me. It was so loud in my head, it was driving me mad.
As I reached the end of the hall, I crouched in the dark corner and began to cry. I could not do this. I was not fit to be Queen. I needed my brother. I needed my husband. I tried to hide my broken heart under all this gold, satin and lace but it has become too much to bare.
What should I do? Where should I go?