The next day started as usual.
Thomas competed in the early morning then we prepared ourselves for the disgusting spectacle that was about to occur. The guards prepared the noose and Greyson prepared himself and the prisoner. As Greyson directed, I watched over my Mother and especially over Thomas, who seemed distant.
At the time, we were taken to our thrones on the square to watch.
Father did not attend.
I took a deep breath as Greyson brought the prisoner onto the stage, his hands bounded and face covered in a dark cloth, only his eyes were visible. The prisoner said nothing, he stood stoic and seemed to stare directly at Thomas, as to be giving him a mental message. I could not watch. It was quick and to the point.Thomas seemed unaffected and just walked away. I could not even imagine what he was feeling.
All I knew was that I felt ashamed and extremely sad for that man but I had to save my brother. Mother would never be the same after witnessing David’s death. Greyson made it appear that David was given a proper Prince’s burial.
As planned, the next day, the prisoner who took David’s place was pronounced dead in his cell. Greyson and I never spoke of this event again. Days after, I received word that all was well with David and Elizabeth.
Our plan went on without a hitch.
Now I had to live life as normal as possible. This was one secret no one should ever find out. Also the secret of Thomas and I still remained. Mother was so affected that she did not speak much anymore. Especially after finding out that Father was preparing Thomas to lead in battle.
Father's decision of sending Thomas to war was, in my view, his way of proving his remaining son was honorable. And Thomas did as Father commanded, not because he wanted to but to win his affections. I watched as Thomas trained tirelessly to fight. He was a master with his sword but was his mind in that same state.
He fought so elegantly but was that enough to protect him in battle. One of our last night’s together I decided to ask him directly how he felt about going to battle. He assured me it was what he wanted to do. I was not convinced. I was so worried about him. To fight, he was definitely prepared but battle is not only fighting with your hands but also with your mind.
I remember the day he was to leave for battle. He looked so handsome in his Prince’s battle uniform. I wept as he said his farewell.
Mother and Father looked on proudly.
As he stood before me, my heart became weak.
“Amelia, I will be back, I promise,” he said flashing that beautiful smile that he knew always made me feel better.
I smiled and replied, “I will always await you, my sweet Prince, be safe my heart.”
He looked over towards Father then kissed me fully.
We both whispered I love you as we separated from the kiss.
He got up on his horse and galloped away.
In minutes he was gone, on his way to protect the borders of Landford.
The Castle seemed so desolate. The echoes of silence could drive you to madness. So many days had passed and no word. Father grew anxious and was also looking very ill. I was always shielded about the truth of his health but I was beginning to notice drastic changes in him.
Days turned to weeks then months and still, Father struggled to keep his composure. It was hard for him to awaken in the mornings and tend to his normal routine.
His decision about David was taking a toll on his mind and now thinking he has lost his other son was making it worse. Even though he appears happy to see me every day, I was no consolation on him losing his flesh and blood.
Early Tuesday, we were all summoned to his chambers for news on his health. My father was not well and needed to appoint his successor. His sons were gone, at this point, David was put to death in his eyes and Thomas had been declared dead in Schillingburg since no news was received about him.
Mother looked over towards me and smiled. You could see the worry on her face but she tried to keep Father from noticing. She was a strong woman, I admired her so much.
I slowly approached his bed and grabbed his hand. I tried to keep the tears from streaming down my face but it was impossible. He was not my blood Father but he was the only Father I knew and I did not want to see him suffering as he was. He was not on his death bed but he was ill enough to be immobile.
He turned his head towards me and smiled.
“Don’t cry my child, it is not as bad as it looks” he whispered.
I replied with a smile.
He continued “Catherine and I have come to a decision, from this morning on, you will take my place on the throne as Queen of Landford.”
I was in shock and said, “But Father, I am not prepared to rule a Kingdom”.
He smiled and replied, “You are just as prepared as I was when I became King, my sweet girl.”
Mother added, “You will be a wonderful Queen”.
I could not refuse my parent's wish. I felt I owed them, after all they took me in. I did cause them heartache with all the mischief I gave them in my younger years. This was my time to give them pride.
I sat in silence and tried to gather my thoughts. It seemed like everything was moving around me, like I was in a dream.
Suddenly Mother said “My child, are you well?”
I shook my head and dismissed myself from their room.
My Lady in waiting Shyanne followed me to my room.
As we entered, she smiled and said “Oh my Amelia, you are Queen, Queen of Landford. I never thought I would see another Queen rule over a Kingdom.”
I was still in shock and I really did not want this.
“What am I going to do, Shyanne?” I whispered.
“You will rule this Kingdom with beauty and grace, my lady” She replied.
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as I glanced out the room window at the Kingdom,
My Beautiful Kingdom.
As I prepared myself for bed, I could not help but think about David and Thomas. I missed them so much!
David always remained in my thoughts; he taught me many valuable lessons and always made me laugh. My Thomas, his soft, spellbinding voice and that smile. I longed to hold him. I often envisioned him sitting in my room. I was eager to have news about him, so I can have some type of closure.
The next few days were hectic as everyone prepared for my coronation.
I remained in my room, thinking.
I was terrified of this future. I have never prepared for this. I had no idea what to do. Thomas knew exactly what to do but he was not here. Oh how I wish he was. I know I should be ecstatic, this was a moment of triumph, of happiness, but I felt empty and undeserving. David or Thomas should be King, not I. But this was my Father’s wish and it was to be granted whether I liked it or not.