The next morning as I walked along the garden, Greyson confronted me “My Queen, I spoke with William of Schillingburg and he informed me Thomas was there.”
I nodded my head.
“I know, he told me he went to Willshire” I answered.
“He is going to get himself killed” Greyson affirmed.
“I know, I have told him but he is of strong will and laughed. He does not care.” I responded.
“It will end soon enough. I am confining him to the Castle as his punishment. He will not be allowed to leave.” I added.
“Do you think he will obey?” Greyson asked.
“I am hoping so, for his sake, he really does not have a choice.” I concluded.
As I returned to my room, Thomas stood there with flowers in hand.
Smiling he said “Flowers for you my Queen, I know how much you love them.”
I smiled
“Thank you Thomas, they are lovely but why do I deserve such a beautiful gift?” I asked.
“I regret not staying with you last night due to my uncalled-for anger and I ask for your forgiveness with this gift.” He replied.
“You are too sweet, thank you so much and of course, you are always forgiven, my love” I answered as I grabbed the flowers from him and handed them to Shyanne.
Shyanne looked at me strangely. I also felt like Thomas was up to something but I refused to see it.
“I have a day planned for us. If you are not occupied that is.” He said.
“Really?” I said suspiciously.
“Yes, really?” he said mimicking me as he kissed my cheek.
“Come, we’ll be on our way” He said as he grabbed my hand and led me to the carriage.
He suddenly turned to me and said “We will not be leaving the grounds, so do not worry. I will not disobey my Queen”
I smiled and entered the carriage.
“Where are you taking me, Thomas?” I exclaimed.
He laughed and whispered, “It’s a secret.”
He had a picnic planned by the creek. I felt a bit strange, it seemed as if he were up to something. I had lost trust in Thomas but I loved him so I put those feelings aside.We spent the day talking and reminiscing, just like old times. As the sun began to come down, we walked back to the Castle and in hand.
We quickly retreated to our room.
The day had been so romantic but I still had an uneasy feeling in my heart.
The evening was beginning to look even better. As we entered our room, the floor was prepared with pillows in one area. The moon light began to shine directly on it. It was idyllic! Thomas led me to this area.
He kissed me passionately as we lowered ourselves onto the floor.
Thomas knew how to make me feel special. He always made sure I was enjoying our time together.
He kissed the back of my neck as he unzipped my dress.
As my dress fell off, he grabbed me and pulled me onto him.
His arms were so strong and firm.
It seemed as we made love for hours. His stamina was unbeatable.
Suddenly a moment of tenderness turned into savagery.
Thomas held me down tightly.
“I think it is about time I let you know I know your secret.” He whispered in my ear.
“Thomas, you are hurting me, please stop. What secret?” I replied.
“Your precious David is alive, I saw him with my very eyes, and I know you helped him” he snarled.
“What are you talking about?” I whimpered.
He slapped my face and said “How dare you lie to your husband. How dare you betray me?”
I closed my eyes as tears ran down my face.
“Now that I have your attention, we are going to modify your stupid amendment. You will from this moment on give me partial power to Landford or your precious secret will come to light and I as your King will have to put you to death for treason. I really do not want to do that.” He added.
I just looked at him terrified.
“Did you really think you could fool me? You have created a monster in me with your lies. When I realized you betrayed me and helped David, I had to rethink my love for you. Amelia, the moment I saw him, I knew his freedom was all your doing. Now you must live with this monster or suffer the consequences.” He continued.
He let go of his grip and pushed me away.
“Do not worry Amelia, I promised I would not hurt you. Now dethrone you that is a different story, how does it feel to be betrayed, my Queen”. He laughed.
“TELL ME!!!” He yelled.
“How does it feel?” He then whispered.
I said nothing.
“Get dressed, NO, even better it is now time for you to service your King.” He added.
I awoke the next morning to Shyanne looking over me.
She looked disturbed.
“What happened to your arms, my lady?” She asked.
I had some bruises on my arms and marks on my neck.
“Oh do not worry, that is nothing just some rough play” I said as I pulled my sleeves over my shoulders.
“I came to awaken you; Thomas and your Father are waiting for you in the parlor. I have laid out your dress but let me see if I can find another that can cover up those marks.” She added.
I nodded then asked “Would you happen to know what they need?”
She shrugged and replied “Thomas has been with him all morning, I have not heard anything.”
I got dressed and made my way to the parlor.
I arrived at the door when Thomas says “My heart come in, we have been waiting for you.”
He walks over to me and grabs my hand and guides me to the nearest chair.
“Good Morning Father” I said in a soft voice.
He smiled.
Thomas continued with “I was just telling Father about what we spoke about last night. How you want to introduce me as your husband, King of Landford.”
I swallowed hard and looked at Father.
“As I told Thomas, I am not sure if this is a good idea. Let me consult with the elders and I will let you know” Father interjected.
I smiled and nodded.
“Be patient my son, you are King, it is just a matter of time.” Father concluded.
Thomas did not look amused.
Father dismissed himself.
“Thomas, you must not be so anxious, let me handle this.” I said softly.
“Like you have handled everything else, NO!” He responded.
Months had passed and nothing had resolved itself. The fights between Thomas and I were worse. I was truly terrified of him and what he was capable of doing.
Father once again became gravely ill. He was confined to his bed permanently. He would sit up and talk with us but only for short periods of time. Everyday Thomas and I would visit him. It was the only time, we were not fighting. One day I found it very peculiar, Thomas had gone to visit him alone. As I passed Father’s room I decided to leave them alone.
I did not know Father had called Thomas to his room.
“Father, you called?” Thomas said.
“Yes, my son.” He said in a sick weak voice.
“Is all well?” Thomas asked.
“I have made my decision, after speaking to the elders. I cannot grant you the power you desire. Let Amelia reign as Queen and you as her King that is all.” Father commanded.
Thomas remained quiet. This was not the decision he had hoped for.
“I will speak to Amelia of my decision.” Father added.
Thomas looked around frantically.
“Father, she is not even your daughter, how can she reign over your Kingdom.” Thomas proclaimed.
“She is my daughter and now your wife, you must respect her.” Father proposed.
“Amelia must not know about this decision,” Thomas thought to himself.
He then grabbed a pillow. He paced back and forth contemplating. He walked towards the door and looked out to see if anyone was in the corridor. He quietly closed the door and walked slowly back to Fathers bedside.