Lathan grumbled as an angelic figure came out of the blue swirly thing. He didn't seem to be threatened by it so I wasn't scared but I was still very uneasy. So much so that Lathan held me a little tighter.
"Lathan...what is that?" I asked him as it came toward us. Because it was surrounded by so much light and was pretty far away I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. But I could see it had big majestic wings.
"That's your guardian angel, Cyrus." He answered. "Guardian angel?" I questioned quietly as the figure got closer. "Yes, guardian angel." He replied as he put on a fake smile and waved stiffly at the woman.
She wore a white suit with a pearl necklace and a golden halo. Her wings and halo disappeared and her pale blonde hair fell from the bun it was in onto her shoulders gracefully. Her white eyes then darkened to a light blue, similar to mine.
She stopped in front of us and smiled sarcastically at Lathan. "Lathaniel." She said. "Cyrus." He replied irritatedly. She looked at me and smiled sincerely. "Tobias." She greeted. "Um...hi." I said with an awkward little smile. She then frowned and looked back at Lathan.
Lathan shrugged in response and she rolled her eyes. "That's the last time I trust a demon to pass a simple message along." She said making him roll his eyes now. "I got distracted." He responded. "Yea, I'm sure you did." She said in fake empathy.
"Tobias, I apologize for your boyfriend's incompetence. I am Cyrus én Flö, your guardian angel. I'm here because I sensed a strong distress from you but I can see that everything's alright." She explained. "It's nice to meet you." I said putting my hand out.
She stared at it which confused me. "He wants to shake your hand." Lathan said making her deadpan at him. "I know you imbecile, I'm looking at his bracelet's charm. First gem of that type I've ever seen." She responded.
She took my hand and pulled it closer to her face so she could examine the charm on my bracelet. "How appears to be moving." She whispered to herself. "It's a soul." I said excitedly, still very proud to have it.
She looked up at me with her striking blue eyes before letting go of my hand. "I see, well I must be leaving. I shall report your wellbeing to my boss. Farewell Tobias...Lathaniel." She said before snapping her fingers, making another swirly thingy appear.
Her eyes turned white and her hair tied itself in a bun then her wings and halo returned. She turned and went through what I determined was a portal and it closed behind her, closing with the same bang it opened with the first time.
"Let's go inside before someone else decides to visit." Lathan said jokingly before snapping his fingers so we returned inside. "What do I even need a guardian angel for if I have you?" I asked as we went upstairs. "Believe me, you need her for a fuck ton of things. I can only protect you from so many things. She however, she has infinite knowledge on all things that might be a danger to you." He answered.
"If that's true then why wasn't she around for Adam or my family trying to kill me?" I questioned, dissatisfied with my guardian angel I just now found out about. "Well she wasn't there for Adam because I was and as for you family...I don't know about that." He replied.
"Why didn't you tell me about her sooner?" I asked next as we got into our room. He closed the door behind me before pulling me back and pinning me to the door. He looked deep in my eyes and smiled. "I got distracted Kitten." He whispered before kissing me gently.
We pulled away from each other only to gaze into each other's eyes. "Now that all the threats are gone, we can work on us." He said, exited. I smiled before kissing his cheek. "Thank you Lathan." I whispered before cuddling into his chest.
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