Disclaimer: this is the sequel to "Don't Touch What's His" so you won't really understand this book much if you don't re...
Chapter 1
"Lathaniel!" Tobias screamed desperately, making me panic. I ran upstairs to our room as fast as lightning. He was screaming behind the door which just made me panic even more. I began to battle with the bedroom door after it wouldn't open when I tried. "Lathan please! Help me!" He shouted.
"He won't be able to get to you in time Baby Boy." A familiar voice said sinisterly. It was Fabian. I didn't believe it but it couldn't have been anyone else. "Kitten I'm coming, don't let him get the bracelet!" I shouted as I continued to struggle with the door.
After a minute or so I figured out what the problem was. The door was enchanted and the only way I could counteract it was to curse the door, so I did. Once I did I kicked the door down and got in.
There I saw Fabian with his hands around Tobias's throat. They both looked at me, expressionless at first but that changed when I growled. Tobias smiled with relief where as Fabian frowned with the realization that he was as good as dead.
"Get your fucking hands off of my Kitten." I growled threateningly. Fabian smiled halfheartedly before letting Tobias go. Tobias fell to the ground before scrambling to my side.
"He has the bracelet..." Toby whispered into my ear the second he got to me. My anger began to rise as the words jumped around in my head. I wasn't about to have this fight with Adam, now was my chance to get rid of anyone and anything that wanted to hurt my baby.
I lifted my arm and opened my fist. I gestured for the bracelet to come to me and it did. Fabian gasped before cursing. "Kiss it." I said as I gave it to Tobias. He did so and put it on.
"Since you want to be with that cunt so bad, let me help you out." I snarled before charging toward Fabian. I snapped my fingers just before lunging at him. I made the wall disappear and pushed him out the house letting him fall.
Of course that didn't kill him but it hurt him. I jumped down missing his head by a couple inches to the left side. I looked down at him before making him stand. "You should've stayed away." I said before shoving him across the lawn to the tall brick walls with all my force.
He smashed into the hard wall and fell to the floor, leaving a satisfying dent. He coughed as he laid on the floor. "What, nothing to say?" I asked halfheartedly. All I got was a bloody cough in response.
"This was easier than I expected it to be if I'm being honest Fabian." I announced as I walked towards him. I snapped my fingers and a knife was in my hands. "You caught me off guard but still failed to succeed." I snickered, getting closer.
"And you know what? Since you wanted to ruin my relationship, I'm not going to let you have yours." I said bitterly before launching the sharp knife to his throat. It hit him dead where I wanted and his body began to disintegrate.
I snapped my fingers once more and put him in another charm. I put it on a bracelet before putting the bracelet on. I sighed before letting my body relax. Just as I did Toby came running to me, screaming my name with tears in his eyes.
"Lathan!" He screamed as he jumped into my arms. "Are you okay Baby?" He asked as he squeezed me tightly. "I'm perfect, he didn't lay a single hit on me." I said as I hugged back. "It's over now right?" He asked as we pulled away from each other. "Yes it is Kitten." I answered with a smile on my face.
He smiled back and kissed me passionately. Before I could kiss back a loud bang sounded from where I'd killed Fabian. It was a portal and I didn't believe I'd be happy to see who was coming through it. I looked up from Tobias to see who was coming through and best believe I didn't like it.
And it's here! This is the sequel to "Don't Touch What's His". Hope y’all enjoy!
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