He laughed . « I didn’t know how long you would be staying and I kinda got carried away. »
« Yeah .I see you thought of everything. »
« I like to eat. »
« Yeah I know. » I smiled my mind completely in the gutter.
« I heard that. » He laughed
I don’t’t know why but being horny was making me not think rationally I just wanted to feel his touch and take in his scent and screw.
Everything about him seemed to be turning me on at that moment. It was like another woman had taken over her body, and she had no inhibitions. This woman couldn’t resist reaching up guiding his lips down to hers. She couldn’t resist the grown he made as she sucked on his bottom lip as it vibrated through his body and hers while he wrapped his arms around her lifting her on to the kitchen table . She wanted to feel his skin next to hers. Pulling his white tee shirt she released it from his pants pulling over his head. Feeling his warm skin against her lips,she opened her legs and invited him to come closer. His fingers gathered around her nape pulling her closer to meet his demanding needs…pushing her further on table the until his body cover hers he removed her shirt ..his hands branded her every place he touch. Then she reached between them feeling his excitement.. In that moment I saw a change in him. I felt his emotional withdrawl and it surprised me..
« I’m sorry Wynter we can’t do this. »
I felt confusion, hurt and stupid.
« Why ? » I asked.
« Because I’m not going to be your rebound, I want you and just having sex with you isn’t going to work. »
I was shock as hell , the man had lost his mind. Igot up from the table refusing his assistance than put my shirt on. Now I felt ready to handle the situation.. « What the hell are you talking about Tonio. »
« I want a relationship with you. »
« And you discovered this in the last five hours ? Are you crazy ? I don’t want a relationship , I just got dumped by my fiancé. Have you forgotten that…a relationship is the last thing I need or want especially since you dumped me too . » I pointed.
« So all you want from me is sex. ?
« Exactly. » I couldn’t’ believe that he was actually acting upset.
« Look I’m only staying for a little while can’t we just take it for what it is and enjoy ourselves ? »
« I can have sex with any shit load of women..It’s thrown at me all day every day I want something real. »
« Well I’m sorry, I can’t help you I just want the kind of sex like we had last night. With no string attached. »She watched his reaction ..It was priceless ….Oh it was on…She walked away.
« You remember ? »
Ieshia had been following him since last night. She couldn’t enter his house since his property had been gated off and the surveillance system had been set up along with one big German Sheppard. The moment she touched the gate alarms would off. It was bad enough that she had to wear a disguise to keep from being caught on camera since the restraining order required she stay away from him . So she did what any good girlfriend would do, she waited patiently for him to leave and she followed him. She knew he really like it when she stood up outside his house all night protecting him from crazy women who were trying to get to him. So like now she couldn’t resist making sure he was safe as he drove from their home. Keeping a safe distance she followed him as he made a stop at the market where he shopped and signed autographs then loaded his pickup truck and headed back to his friends house. Maybe he planned to have her over for dinner she checked her cell phone several times waiting for his call.
Ieshia turned her black Honda Accord on to the dark deserted suburban street. The quiet little block was full of single family homes. These people had money to burn she thought as she cut the engine off causing the headlights to go out immediately. Getting out of the car she pressed a button on her key locking the doors. Dressed totally in black she walked two blocks to reach her destination a two story home of Jase Layton walking up the dark driveway she stayed to the side near bushes to keep from being seen. This was her fourth time coming to the house she had already cut the wires to the outside sensor lights so they wouldn’t come on alerting her man of her arrival. She had just loved surprising. Placing her night vision goggles on she walked around the property. His truck was usually parked in the back. Walking close to the porch she noticed the shades were open, easing onto the porch she looked in the window …She noticed that someone had been cleaning …It definitely wasn’t Tonio so who ? Stepping around to the patio Ieshia noticed Tonio unpacking the bags. Moving closer she noticed he was talking to someone. Moving so she could get a view of the mystery person she almost toppled over a chair. Quickly she darted behind a bush squatting down she held her breath hoping that they hadn’t heard the chair move…Opening the branches she peeked through to see a tall woman with golden colored skin and long sandy colored hair. She was tall and slim …she looked like she just stepped off the cover of a magazine . She looked so familiar where had she seen this girl…Then recognition…Jase’s sister the one who got dumped by the basketball player and the bitch wanted her man.