She headed toward the stove poured herself some coffee then stood opposite him.
« So why are you here ? » She asked taking a sip of the hot coffee .
« We’ll honey since you asked, I just bought a house not far from here it need a lot of renovations so I was going to rent an apartment but your brother told me I could stay here since he had a spare room so until they finish my bedroom and bathroom. I am a resident here for now. »
« That’s funny because he never mentioned that when he told me I could stay here for awhile. »
« Believe me your were a surprise to me too anyway sorry about what happened with the wedding .
« Yeah, well no need to be sorry but thanks anyway. » He recognized the hurt look on her face t he should have not mentioned the wedding although he was happy that dude had messed up he wasn’t happy with Wynter getting hurt shit he had told Jason the next time he seen Shannon if he didn’t lay him flat he was, reaching across the table laid his hand over hers. « I think that you are on your way to recovery. »
She snatched her hand away. « You really have a way with words.
« Look , babe I am sorry I didn’t’ t mean to sound insensitive, »
« Didn’t you….funny last thing I remember about our last encounter was your little senorita in her red negligee up in the loft. That was real sensitive of you too. »
She held him captive with her heated gaze. He wanted to jog her memory about last night but now was not a good time when she was all heated up for a fight. It was time for him to retreat.
Wynter watched as he stood picked up his bowl and walked over to the sink where he began washing his bowl. He was being very smug. Wynter wanted to smash him in the head with the cup but that would be assault. Instead she would just kick him out but then she would have to explain to Jason her actions and the whole situation would just get ugly… she would eventually think of some way to get him back… Walking over beside him, he turned reaching for her cup. « Finished. »
« Yes, you are truly… »
« Handsome, irresistible or just amazing. » He said finishing her sentence.
« Not quite the adjectives I was thinking of using. » She smiled despite herself…This man with his sexy smile a beautiful blue eyes was making her crazy. He had tour her heart out two years ago and thrown it away they stood across from each other as if it were nothing.. How many times would she fall for Mr. Wrong. Turning away she headed toward the patio doors opening them she went out. The Olympic size pool was full lounge chairs with plush white cushions surrounded it a grill that was built from the ground up sat off to the side her brother keep telling her about the big cookout he was planning before football camp started .. He wanted their mom and dad to come down …laughing he would say so dad could do the grilling and mom can cook the sides. Knowing he was telling the truth that would be just how it was.
Tonio stepped outside and leaned against the door. « I remember a beautiful girl in a blue bikini who teased me all weekend long about three years ago… « Wynter turned she remembered too she had just graduated from UCLA a Bachelor in Nursing she had come home for a family reunion and Jason already a pro football player had brought his friend and teammate home for the weekend. She could remember teasing him make sure she bump him or leaned across him with her daisy dukes and halters she was having fun and of course all her cousins were on the white boy saying how cute he was and betting on who could get his attention and the first kiss. She had won six hundred bucks…She brought a pair of Jimmy Choo leopard printed wedge sandals with that money.
« So lady what did you do with the money you won. »
« You knew ? »
« Your cousin Zelda told me said she would split the winnings with me if I kissed her… »
« That rat, so you knew the whole time when you kissed me by the pool. »
« I sure did, and I enjoyed myself quite thoroughly with you. »
She couldn’t help but laugh…he was a devil and he knew it…He was know better than Shannon they had both hurt her// . He noticed the change in her mood immediately. « Baby girl he had to be a fool and I’m going to make so that you never think about him again. »
« And how is that ? When you did the same thing. »
« I was a fool too..Wynter. »
« Oh really ? » Laughing she walked past him into the house, reaching for the dish towel she began drying the dishes. She didn’t want him to see the effect his words had on her.
« Tell me Wynter have you thought about him today. » Wynter felt his warm breath on her ear she hadn’t heard him approach he had her pinned in at the sink his body pressed up against her back. She laughed trying to get control of her raging hormones. « You are truly arrogant. »
She turned to face him. He looked down into her eyes.
« Yes, I’m but you still haven’t answered me. » She ducked from under his arms.
« And I’m not, so get over yourself. » She shouted over her shoulder as she headed out of the kitchen. Wynter felt that walking away was the best thing to do she wasn’t ready for Tonio especially with the mixed emotions she was having. The whole thing was a mess. Now she had to question whether she ever really loved Shannon or had he been what her parents wanted for her and she accepted it. Fact was that hot dream of sex with Tonio had been awesome, and had her wanting to sample the real thing again but sex was not enough now she needed to lay back and think about herself…And the fact that she still wanted that tall sexy quarterback that broke her heart.