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Tonio realized that he was going to need a plan. If he could lead his team to a championship he should be able to convince one tiny woman that they would be good together. He had to do some strategic thinking and his best thinking was done when he was cooking, Grabbing a pan from the over the head rack he placed it on the stove and gathered what he needed from the refrigerator he began. He had to gain her trust again. And first thing he would have to do was settle the matter of that had been a mistake letting her get between them..He intended to get the past straight so that he could move forward with Wynter ..this time it would not be a secret he would acknowledge it embrace and let the whole world know what she meant to him. Jace was going to kill him.

Ieshia had been following him since last night. She couldn’t enter his house since his property had been gated off and the surveillance system had been set up along with one big German Shepherd. The moment she touched the gate alarms would off. It was bad enough that she had to wear a disguise to keep from being caught on camera since the restraining order required she stay away from him . So she did what any good girlfriend would do, she waited patiently for him to leave and she followed him. She knew he really like it when she stood up outside his house all night protecting him from crazy women who were trying to get to him. So like now she couldn’t resist making sure he was safe as he drove from their home. Keeping a safe distance she followed him as he made a stop at the market where he shopped and signed autographs then loaded his pickup truck and headed back to his friends house. Maybe he planned to have her over for dinner she checked her cell phone several times waiting for his call.

Ieshia turned her black Honda Accord on to the dark deserted suburban street. The quiet little block was full of single family homes. These people had money to burn she thought as she cut the engine off causing the headlights to go out immediately. Getting out of the car she pressed a button on her key locking the doors. Dressed totally in black she walked two blocks to reach her destination a two story home of Jase Layton walking up the dark driveway she stayed to the side near bushes to keep from being seen. This was her fourth time coming to the house she had already cut the wires to the outside sensor lights so they wouldn’t come on alerting her man of her arrival. She had just loved surprising. Placing her night vision goggles on she walked around the property. His truck was usually parked in the back. Walking close to the porch she noticed the shades were open, easing onto the porch she looked in the window …She noticed that someone had been cleaning …It definitely wasn’t Tonio so who ? Stepping around to the patio Ieshia noticed Tonio unpacking the bags. Moving closer she noticed he was talking to someone. Moving so she could get a view of the mystery person she almost toppled over a chair. Quickly she darted behind a bush squatting down she held her breath hoping that they hadn’t heard the chair move…Opening the branches she peeked through to see a tall woman with golden colored skin and long sandy colored hair. She was tall and slim …she looked like she just stepped off the cover of a magazine . She looked so familiar where had she seen this girl…Then recognition…Jase’s sister the one who got dumped by the basketball player and the bitch wanted her man.

He was buying groceries for that tramp. Watching them angrily she noticed how they looked at one another in a familiar way. It was apparent that something had happened between the two the sexual tension was apparent. She watched as they entered the house closing the patio doors she moved closer until she got a view of them. He had her stretched out on the kitchen table. Oh hell no she had to find a brick. Looking around the yard she searched just when she had located the right size one they had stopped. They were arguing . She watched has the girl fix her clothes then walked out the kitchen whatever Tonio had said she didn’t like so she walked away.

She continued to watch as Tonio grabbed pans from a rack. He looked mad. How could he let that bitch touch him. She definitely had to be handled . Tonio needed to be reminded about who was boss, she would leave a token of her affection to set him straight. This would let him know he had a special visit. She placed a kiss in bright red lipstick on his windshield. Afterward she wrote the words I love you on the hood. Walking back to her car she smiled to herself. Tonio was so lucky she could have killed them both.

The Lamp shade shook as I slammed the door to the bedroom. Stretching across the bed face down I grabbed a pillow and screamed. Pissed off and feeling frustrated. How could I have let my guard down and become susceptible to his charms again. Why haven’t I learned her lesson the first time with him ? Now she had to worry about the chance of being pregnant and he had the nerve to reject her. He was a fucking tease how could he even think that she would want to get into another relationship now. It wasn’t happening she needed space and time to explore and maybe just a little fun to bad she didn’t have any girlfriends here in Philly she would go out.

Girl Talk.

The impact of the door slamming resonated through the room making the lamp shades shake like bobble heads. « How could he even think I would want a relationship at this point. » Wynter stopped and asked her reflection in the mirror. Feeling her kiss swollen lips, «  And why am I feeling confused. » Tonio had her mine so fucked up at this point .. It was too much happening at once, first Shannon, now him . She needed to talk to someone. Finding her cell phone she sat down on the edge of the bed and searched through her contacts than tapped the screen. She let it ring three times and was about to hang up when the voice of her best friend Ava came through.

«  I was so worried about you ? » Ava asked.

« I’m okay. » She heard her friend sigh in relief.

« Really ? »

Wynter looked at her reflection she wasn’t ok that was for sure, she felt ready to cry . »I’m all fucked up Ava… »She admitted

«  Aww, Wynter It’s going to be ok..it just takes time. Shannon was an ass he’ll get his. »

« It’s not Shannon who has me all screwed up. »

« Wait, let me sit down. » She could hear her moving around as she sat. « Now, I am confused who are we talking about ? »

«  Tonio,I slept with him last night and he wants to start a relationship again. »

« Stop ! So we’re talking about the first class ass who broke your heart…You slept with him why ? »

« It just happened. » She didn’t feel like going into details with Ava now.

« Things like fucking don’t just happen, and he’s talking about a relationship with you. « Don’t be stupid, the only reason to get with him would be for money and payback. »

« I’m not like that. »Laying back she grabbed a pillow to hug.

« Excuse me, you better learn girl..What did you get from Shannon besides that ring and heartache..don’t play dumb, If Tonio wants you back, make him pay ..he’s rich..What the fuck a hundred million dollar contract. I say yeah take him back and then we can go shopping on him and you can still look around. »

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