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9- Beauty Shop Gossip

Of course he was late. Rayan practically jogged from the bus stop to the salon where Michael always had his hair done. It was in a somewhat quiet part of the city, where small shops occupied the bottom floor of buildings with housing above. The bright pink "Omega Safe" sticker was proudly displayed on the door, right under the "Service Animals Welcome" sticker. It meant that the shop stocked both emergency suppressants for omegas and tranquilizers for alphas, just in case anyone went into rut or heat. It also meant that omegas were safe to remove their collars while partaking of the salon's services. Rayan paused a moment to catch his breath before entering.

"Finally! You're here!" Michael exclaimed from his seat in front of the salon's generous window. The chime of the bells hanging from the door signaled his friends arrival. He had a stylist book in one hand, and his phone open to Pinterest on the other. His clothing was vibrant as usual, though since he was off work, his attire was completed with the addition of several beaded and woven bracelets.

"Yeah, sorry Mick. The bus had to load a wheelchair, so it ran a little late." Rayan sat next to his friend, eyeing the haircuts in the book.

"Okay, so I want to hear all about your date with Mr. Dreamy Doctor Man, but FIRST you gotta help me decide what to get because if I don't figure it out soon I'm going to end up forfeiting my appointment and I do NOT want to reschedule this again."

Rayan held up his hands placatingly. "Fair enough. So, any ideas?"

"I'm thinking ombre would be cool this time. Might skip the haircut part. Ombre looks cooler in longer hair." He flipped through pins of different ombre hair styles.

"Why not pink and blue like that one?" Rayan pointed on the screen.

"Yeah, but I did pink like, two dye jobs ago," Mick complained as he continued scrolling.

"What about something like this with the blue and orange?" Rayan had pulled his own phone out to search for ideas. "If you got the orange close to your scalp, it won't be as noticeable when your roots start to show."

"Dude! That's genius!" He went up to the stylist to show her the pic and confirm she could do it. He flashed Rayan a huge thumbs up. "You sure you don't want a haircut, bro? At least get your ends trimmed, they're all frizzed out. My treat?"

"That's okay, you don't have to. I can sit here and wait for you."

"Aww, you know how long dying takes. Consider it payment for your juicy date gossip. An inch or two wouldn't be noticeable at all with your curls." Michael pouted slightly, knitting his brows together. "Please...?"

The stylist mentioned that they had an open slot. Michael pulled this every time he went to get his hair done. Usually, Rayan refused, but considering that he's started dating again, what was the harm in giving in and getting a trim? If it got messed up, it'll grow back anyway. Rayan sighed and pulled his hair free of its tie. It practically bounced as it settled around his shoulders. He started undoing the clasps on his collar.

"Fine... But no colors. Work regulations and all."

Michael rubbed his hands together gleefully. Finally! Some off-work time with his bestie! He removed his own collar and they were led back to the sinks to get their hair washed. Michael's stylist was the female he talked to earlier. Rayan got a male hairdresser. At least his hair was curly too, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. The water was warm, and the fingers massaging his scalp felt heavenly.

"So, when's the last time you got a haircut?" Michael's voice broke his revelry.

"It's been a few years at least. Hasn't been much need to. It's just easier to keep tied back."

"Now that I think about it, you'd probably look weird with short hair."

"Hey, I had short hair as a kid! Though... Yeah... Thinking back, I looked like a pouf-ball... I prefer it long."

The shampooing finished up and they were led back to the stylist’s chairs. Mick gazed in awe at Rayan's hair being brushed out. "Dude! Your hair goes past your shoulder blades?"

"Yeah? What's so odd about that?"

"I had no idea it was that long!"

Rayan laughed at his friend's expression. "That's how curls work. Besides, I thought you wanted to ask me about my date?"

Michael's stylist had started in on the bleaching chemicals. "So... What's he like? This guy you decided to go back on the market for?"

"He seems really nice."

"Just 'nice'?"

"Yeah, it felt like he was touching me a lot though."

"Touching you?" Michael’s voice in curiosity.

"I mean like, he hugged me when we met up, and I swear his foot kept tapping mine under the table, and he held my hand as he drove me home."

"Look at you, being all brave. Letting a man know where you live after only the second date."

"I really don't feel like anything's doing to happen though. He seems sweet enough. Besides, my building has good security..." Rayan’s voice trailed off.

"So do you have a picture of this sweet Mr. Touchy Feely Doctor Man?"


"What's his name, I'mma find him on Facebook."

"Scott Kranston. He works for New Line Fertility on the Eastern side of the city."

Michael started typing it up on his phone as he was led back to wash the first wave of chemicals out. "Oooooh damn!" echoed from the back of the store. "Rayaaaaan you coulda said he was a total hottie!"

The barber working on Rayan's hair snickered a bit as he meticulously worked on getting Rayan's curls cut even, thinking that sometimes, working as a stylist had its perks. Rayan flushed.

Mick came back from the sinks, still scrolling on his phone. "Did you know he's into video games?"

"Yeah, he said he and his sister are kinda competitive about it."

"Minus points.” Michael pouted. “He's going to ignore you every time a new title comes out."

"Can't know for sure. He wants to teach me to play."

"You kissed him yet?"

Rayan resisted the urge to whip his head around. "What? No! We've only gone out like twice!" Both hairdressers snorted in surprise, trying not to laugh. Rayan was exceedingly grateful he and Mick were the only clients at the moment.

"Think you might kiss him?"

"Maybe? Probably? When it feels right?"

"He's a gyno, right? He sees ass all day long. What if he can only get it up to kinky shit?"

"Omfg Mick, stop! You're in public!"

Through the mirror, Rayan could see his hairdresser trying his absolute hardest not to laugh. He risked a peek over to Michael's hairdresser. She was beet red, trying to focus on the task of getting her client's hair into foils. He himself was about as red as his tan skin would let him get, but Michael seemed unfazed.

"I'm just saying," Mick broke the uncomfortable silence, "it would be good to know before you got in too deep."

"Why am I friends with you?" Rayan groaned.

"Because you love me."

They sat in silence for a bit, the only noise being the blow dryer being used on Rayan's hair. Michael had a knack for making things awkward.

"So," Michael was the one to break the silence again, "you've yet to tell me how the actual date went."

"Not much to tell. We had dinner, he taught me how to use chopsticks, called me his boyfriend, and said I was adorable."

"Really? Bringing in the 'B-word' right off the bat? I don't know dude, that seems kinda strong for a second date."

"You're the one who asked if I'd kissed him yet."

"You don't need the 'B-word' to get in on some lip action. Did it creep you out? Him calling you his boyfriend?"

"Not as much as I thought it would. It surprised me at first, but something about him put me at ease. I think it's because I like the way he smells."

"Dude, your heat was like a week ago. What if it's just left-over hormones?"

"I hadn't thought about that... He said he forgot to take his suppressant dose the day we met." He felt a small dread come over him. What if Scott only asked him out because my pheromones messed with his head?

"Just be careful. You never know what will happen once the lovey-dovey stage wears off."

"You know I know."

The barber finished up with Rayan's hair and offered a small hand mirror so he could check the back. Rayan was relieved, the guy managed to do a really good job. His hair was all poofy, but the length was perfect. He thanked the man for his talent.

The barber flounced Rayan's hair, saying, "If you've still got your hair tie from earlier, I'll go ahead and tie it back for you."

"Oh, sure!" Rayan handed over the elastic band he'd stored on his wrist. The hairdresser took it and pulled Rayan's hair into a ponytail.

Off came the smock. "You're welcome to sit here until I get my next appointment," the guy said. "I haven't heard gossip this good in a LONG time!"

"Yeah... Sorry... Sometimes his filter breaks and he forgets what appropriate conversation is." Rayan pretended to stare daggers at Michael in the next chair.

Michael flashed a teasing grin. His stylist was almost done with his foils. "So, lunch after this? Fast food? My treat?"

Rayan fished out his wallet to check the contents. He didn't want to take advantage of his friend's generosity, but the few bills he saw staring back at him were all he had until payday, and rent was due next week.

"Put that away, bro. I told you I got the haircut."

Rayan pulled out a five-dollar bill. "Chill, I'll let you pay, I'm just tipping." He handed the bill over, "Thanks! Fantastic job. And... I'll try and keep out conversation out of the gutter."

"I can here you, you know!" Michael's indignant voice rang through the small shop.

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