After confirming Rayan was done eating, Scott went ahead and put away what little food was left. Rayan started running some water to wash the dishes, but Scott stopped him, pointing out the dishwasher.
"You sure?" Rayan asked. "There's only a few."
Scott made his point by opening the machine to reveal that it already contained some dirty dishes. He leaned over to whisper into Rayan's ear, "You cooked. I'll clean. Go sit on the couch."
"You're sick! You can't expect me to let you clean the kitchen on your own!"
Scott made a shooing motion and finished loading up the few dishes they used. To prove his point, Rayan took a wet paper towel and wiped down the counters, throwing the food scraps away. Scott shook his head. He was smiling behind his mask. He wouldn't have had any issue finishing the cleaning, the only thing wrong with him was his throat, and after the medicinal drink and hot soup that was feeling much better than it had been. Not 100%, but he could swallow without it hurting now.
With them both working on it, the kitchen was tidied up in no time. Now, Scott just needed to initiate what he wanted to do from the beginning. He took Rayan by the hand and pulled him over to the couch.
"Scott, I probably shouldn't stay too much longer. I need to go home and get some sleep. I've been working since before midnight." Rayan punctuated his statement with a yawn.
Scott propped himself up against a corner of the sectional, motioning for Rayan to come closer.
"Are you sure? I probably stink from work."
"Just for a little? Please?" His voice was gravelly, and saying that much hurt more than he thought it would. He winced, rubbing at his throat.
Scott wasn't playing fair. Scott CERTAINLY wasn't playing fair. Rayan relented, allowing himself to get pulled down onto the couch. Scott positioned Rayan to sit between his legs, with his back against his chest. Rayan was stiff, the whole thing felt awkward. He didn't want to lean against Scott too much, and he was very, VERY aware of how close their hips were. He could feel the rise and fall of Scott's breathing, and even the faintness of his heartbeat.
Scott pulled a blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over them before turning on the tv and switching it to Netflix. He tried to hand the remote to Rayan so he could pick something to watch.
"Oh, no. You pick. I can't guarantee I'll be able to stay awake..."
Scott shrugged a little and chose a relatively new-ish romantic comedy. He settled a little further in the couch and wrapped his arms around Rayan contentedly.
Rayan gave in and settled his full weight on Scott's chest. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. The mask was a little hard to breathe in, but he was warm, and felt strangely safe in Scott's arms. He snuggled down, allowing his neck to relax against Scott's shoulder. Now, he could more clearly hear the beating of Scott's heart, and the evenness of his breathing. This was something he wouldn't mind getting used to.
"I'm sorry if I fall asleep," Rayan yawned.
"Don't worry," whispered Scott, "I'll take you home after the movie."
"No... I'll catch the bus..." Rayan could feel himself drifting off. "You're so cuddly... Bit of a cuddle bug huh...?"
Scott gave him a little squeeze. This was exactly as good as he'd hoped it'd be. Rayan didn't even last ten minutes into the movie. Scott pulled the blanket up a little higher, sighing with content. Rayan's body fit perfectly against his. Boyfriend medicine was the best medicine he could ever ask for.
"Scott, let me up."
Rayan tried to wriggle free, but Scott's arms held him tight. Scott himself was fast asleep. The television was back on the main menu, Rayan didn't know what time it was, but the sun had set already. Scott mumbled something in his sleep.
"Hey, Cuddle Bug? Let me up, I gotta pee." Rayan shook Scott's arm trying to wake him up.
"Hmm...?" Scott was half awake. "Let me watch..."
"What? Ack-!" Raising his voice hurt. He let go of Rayan in surprise.
"You okay?"
Scott gave a thumbs up, though his eyes were shut tight and his brows pinched from the sudden pain.
"I'm sorry, I just, um, where's... may I use your bathroom?"
Scott nodded and gestured down the hallway. What time was it? He had to go too, but Rayan could go first. Rayan dashed off, there were only two doors to pick from anyway. What Scott really wanted right now was another one of those medicated drink packets.
He prepped a cup for the microwave and checked the time. It was nearly 9, how late did busses run? Never mind that, he wasn't about to let Rayan go home alone in the dark. He felt bad for falling asleep, but the movie wasn't nearly as entertaining as he thought it was going to be, and being under the blanket with his boyfriend was so warm and cozy...
He definitely felt bad, but he didn't regret it.
Rayan popped out of the bathroom and Scott slipped in behind him. Rayan was impressed. Even the bathroom in Scott's place was huge. The shower even had a bench in it! He heard the microwave go off and went to investigate out of curiosity. He figured because of the packet on the counter and the mug in the microwave, Scott wanted another dose of the medicine. Rayan went ahead and finished preparing it, and the clinking of metal against ceramic is what welcomed Scott when he returned.
"Oh, here!" Rayan handed over the mug when Scott came around the corner. "I hope you don't mind."
Scott accepted the mug with wordless gratitude. If he could kiss his boyfriend right now, he would.
"I checked on my phone," Rayan continued, "the bus that would take me home from here stops running at 9:30, I probably won't make it to the stop on time."
Oh, right... Scott remembered his promise to take Rayan home... A promise is a promise. Unless...?
"Why not sleep here tonight?" Scott croaked. The medicine really was amazing. He made a mental note to keep some stocked. "We'll order pizza. Play some video games?"
"I don't want to impose..."
"We could go for breakfast in the morning, before I have to go to work. I should be doing better by then." Scott took another swig of the drink. "But, if you want to go, I'll take you home."
Rayan was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Even if he ran, there was no guarantee he'd catch the bus, and if he missed the bus, he'd have to call a ride service to get home. After buying the groceries for Scott, plus the medicine, he couldn't really afford that right now. Scott HAD offered to take him home, but Scott was sick, so that wouldn't be very considerate. He could walk if he absolutely had to, but it was over five miles and very dark outside...
"You can use my shower if you want, and I can lend you something to sleep in." Scott's rough voice broke his train of thought.
"Is it... really okay?" Rayan asked. "You sure you don't mind...?"
"Why would I mind? Your 'Cuddle Bug' has a game he's been dying to play with you anyway."
Scott grinned sheepishly as he teased. He liked the pet name, and secretly hoped it would stick. How long had Rayan been thinking about it before he got the confidence to say it?
Rayan relented, agreeing to stay the night. He showered while Scott ordered the pizza, changing into the shirt and pajama bottoms he'd been lent. He was used to sleeping in oversized shirts, but it was a good thing the bottoms had a drawstring, they looked ridiculously baggy on his thin frame. He took a moment to savor the smell of his borrowed outfit. If he could get away with it, he'd probably wear Scott's stuff all the time, if only for how they smelled.
Luckily, Scott had insisted it was safe to go without the masks now, so long as they didn't go swapping spit. Rayan understood the need, but that thing was hard to breathe in! He towel dried his hair as best he could and tied it back with the band he was using before, before stepping out of the bathroom.
Scott smiled at the sight that confronted him. There stood his boyfriend, shower fresh, wearing his clothes. This was, hands down, the best date night ever. Scott set Rayan up with the tutorial level for the two-player puzzle game, and helped him learn the controls and menus. It was a lot to learn, but Rayan was determined to at least give it a try. It was enjoyable once he got a basic feel for it.
It wasn't too long after that that the pizza came. The night was practically magical. They sat side by side on the couch in their PJs, having their own little party. For once, Rayan wasn't tired at all, and Scott had sprung for the whole nine yards, pizza, and bread sticks, AND a dessert! They stuffed themselves as they played the game. Scott was being very patient as Rayan was trying to learn the maps, or forgetting how to jump. All the while, both of them were wondering what they did to be so lucky...
Sadly, all fun must come to an end at some point. Scott had work in the morning, after all. Scott tried to get Rayan to come to bed with him, but he insisted on sleeping on the couch. It was a little disappointing, but Scott chose not to push it. The bedroom was a big step, and when he finally DID get Rayan in his bed, he wanted it to feel right, whether there was sex involved or not.
So instead, Scott set about piling pillows and laying out blankets, making sure there were enough for Rayan to be comfortable. They kissed each other's foreheads goodnight, and settled in for bed.
The next morning, they were up bright and early to have time to eat before Scott went to work. They'd gone to an upscale diner, the kind that served seven different varieties of avocado toast and had fancy pancake and waffle dishes to match.
"What are you doing Sunday?" Scott asked around a mouthful of eggs. His throat was nowhere near as irritated this morning, though he didn't have much of a voice.
"I usually work Sunday." Rayan replied as he stirred his coffee. "Why?"
"I want you to meet my parents."