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8- Boyfriend

Rayan paused when he returned with his full plate of food to see Scott sitting down with a small bowl of ice cream and a stack of cookies. Didn’t getting dessert usually mean someone was ready to go? Would Scott be irritated by him getting a second helping and therefore making him obligated to stay longer? It was a buffet, its not like he could just go put the food back and say he changed his mind… And he was still hungry…

"Don't be shy, if you're hungry then eat!" Scott insisted, seemingly reading Rayan’s dilemma with a glance. "I’ve got no problem staying until you eat your fill.”

"Oh… Um… Thanks. Sorry…” Rayan slid back into his seat. He was still embarrassed. He very quickly stuffed a large piece of broccoli in his mouth, unsure how to respond.

“Nothing to apologize for. According to your charts, you’re a little underweight as it is.”

“Really? Rayan stretched his shirt over his belly curiously. It was already protruding slightly from his first plate of food. “I’ve always been skinny like this though.”

"Don't worry too much, everyone's 'normal' is different after all." Scott couldn't get out of his head how cute that action was, though he couldn't believe he just criticized his date's weight, even if it was true from the biometrics that were taken. He felt his ears get warm. "So, ah, your turn. I’ve told you about my hobby, what do you do for fun?"

"Not much. I'm at work most of the time. Usually when I'm off, I watch Netflix if I have nothing else to do."

"Oh? What kind of things do you watch?"

"Documentaries, true crime dramas, stuff like that."

"So you've seen CSI?"

"I'm currently rewatching it!"

"Oh! Remember that one case where..."

The conversation continued along that vein for quite some time. Scott got a few more cookies to nibble once Rayan went after his own dessert. The hostess collected their plates and dropped the bill on the table. With his belly now full, Rayan felt his sleepiness creep back up on him. He leaned back in the chair and rubbed his full belly contentedly, suppressing a yawn.

"Tired?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. A little. I didn't get much sleep before this."

Scott checked the time on his phone. "It is a bit late. Maybe we should call it here tonight."

Rayan panicked a little on the inside. Was Scott cutting it short because of him? Did he mess up by admitting he was tired? What if Scott thought he was ungrateful for the meal?

Scott continued, "I can give you a ride home if you want?"

"We don't have to- I mean you don't have to- I mean, I'm not that tired. If you want to hang out more, I'm game. I'm toootally up for it."

"Except I can toootally see the bags under your eyes." Scott smiled endearingly. "No need to be shy. We'll have more dates, won't we?"

Rayan flushed as pink as his tan skin let him. "Ye-yes... that would be nice."

"Then, let me give you a ride home?"

"It's okay, it's not too far. I can walk. I don't want to trouble you any more than I already have." Rayan hid another yawn behind his hand.

"It's no trouble. Besides," Scott took Rayan's hand from across the table, "what kind of alpha would I be if I didn't ensure my adorably sleepy new boyfriend made it home safe?" Scott had a mischievous grin on his face.


"I'd like to be. Now, do you need a ride home?"

Rayan somehow blushed deeper and turned away but didn't move to take his hand back. "That, ah, that would be, well it would be, I guess that's okay. If, ah, well since, I guess if you insist. I guess there's no real harm in you knowing where I live, I guess. You would have found out eventually, anyway."

In short order, Scott paid the bill and they left the restaurant. Rayan gaped at the vehicle Scott led him to. It was a luxury black sedan, complete with hood ornament and chrome wheels. Scott opened the passenger side door for him and bowed low. "Your chariot awaits, good sir."

"Pfft, thanks." Rayan got in the car and Scott shut the door.

Scott got in the driver's seat and started the car. "So, where to?"

Rayan gave him the address, which he plugged into his phone's GPS. They rode in silence for the most part. Rayan had his head in his hand, lazily looking out the window at nothing in particular, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Scott was focused on driving, but he had his right hand out, palm up. He made a squeezing motion with his fingers. Rayan hesitated a second, unsure, before linking hands with him. Scott's hand was warm. It was nice. They had their own little space. The nighttime city moved past them. The only sound was the phone assistant's occasional route directions. Of course, riding by car takes much less time than walking, and in absolutely no time the phone assistant's monotone voice declared, "You have arrived at your destination."

Scott took his hand back so he could park the car at the building's entrance. "Wow, nice place. Aren't these omega-only apartments difficult to get in to?"

"I don't know about that. I was on a waiting list for a while, and since I'm a guy they needed some additional proof that I really am an omega before they would rent to me. I like it though. Security's tight, it's got an attached laundry, and you can buy heat supplies through the front desk."

"Sounds convenient."

"It’s nice." Rayan undid his seatbelt and cracked the car door open. "Ah, thanks for dinner. And well, the ride home."

"Thanks for the company. Same time next week? I'll could pick you up?"

"Yeah, that... That would be nice. I'll look forward to it." Rayan exited the car and made his way to the building, stopping to wave goodbye when he got to the front door.

Scott waved back, only driving off after Rayan went inside. No doubt about it, he was definitely crushing. His sister wasn't wrong, it had been a while since his last partner, even so, there was no mistaking the butterflies. They'd only been on two dates. They hadn't kissed yet. The relationship might not even work out. But for now, there was a crush, and all the endorphins that came with it, and there was no shame in enjoying that a little, was there?

Rayan made his way back to his unit. His stomach bulged comfortably from his large meal. He could practically hear his bed calling to him. With a contented sigh, he stripped down to his underwear and snuggled in to his blanket. He double checked that he had an alarm set for morning. If he missed Michael's dye appointment again, he'd never live it down. As he drifted off to sleep, various thoughts came to mind. Mostly about Scott. How gentle he seems, how strong his arms are, those beautiful green eyes, how nice he smells... His car smells like him too. Much as he wanted to get swept away, there was still that small voice in the back of his head telling him to proceed with caution. Alphas can be dangerous. He could be hiding something behind that caring exterior. It wouldn't be the first time.

Still, it was a nice date. The food was good, and Scott was a total gentleman. Maybe it would be okay, just for a little, while he was alone, to let the good thoughts outweigh the bad. There couldn't be much harm in that, right? The next thing he knew, his alarm was going off and sunlight was peeking through the curtains.

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